Главная Новости Evening of poetry on the theme: "The Day of Remembrance and Blessing of the Ancestors
16 march 2021                  319032
Evening of poetry on the theme: "The Day of Remembrance and Blessing of the Ancestors

Since this year it was proposed to celebrate Nauryz for ten days in Kazakhstan. A project to approve the concept of the Nauryz holiday appeared on the website of open NAPs. In this connection on March 16 "Day of memory and blessings of ancestors" is celebrated.

To celebrate the Ancestors' Day, the teacher of Kazakh language and literature of KazETU College Isatai A.M. held the online event.

During the event, students told and recited poems by our poets, such as Abay Kunanbaiuly, Zhambyl Zhabaev, Mukagali Makataev. Teachers and students of the college took part in the online event.