Главная Новости "My English Presentation-2021"
27 may 2021                  319002
"My English Presentation-2021"

The competition "My English Presentation-2021" was held among the 2nd year students of KazETU College, organized by the English language teacher Nurkasym Zh. N.

During the competition the students scored points by defending the presentations they had prepared. The maximum score was evaluated on 10-point system. The students of different specialities presented the prepared works in their fields, presented in English and demonstrated the level of their language skills.

The 2nd year student of "TaOPFE" specialty Mukhametzhanova J. gathered 10/7 points and took the 1st place. 2nd place was taken by A. Tokhtarbay, 2nd year "TaOPFE" specialty student, with the result 10/6 points. 3rd place with 10/5 points went to J. Amantaev and R. Aitova, 2nd year students of the specialty "TaOPFE".

We thank to our students who participated and were active!