General provisions
The English Club of the Kazakh Engineering and Technological University (hereinafter referred to as the Club) is a permanent creative association of initiative, interested and striving for self-improvement of students and teachers based on voluntary membership.
The Club carries out its activities on the principles of tolerance, humanity, priority of universal values and interests of higher education, cooperation of students and teaching staff, voluntariness, equality, self-government and legality. The Club is free to define its internal structure, goals, forms and methods of its activities.
The Club's mission is to promote the development of English language skills of university students, the disclosure of their creative potential, the improvement of communication skills and leadership qualities;
The club is not a legal entity.
The full name of the Club in Russian is "English Club of the Kazakh Engineering and Technological University". The abbreviated name in Russian is "English Club". The full name in English is "English Club of Kazakhstan Engineering Technological University". The abbreviated name in English is "English Club".
The purpose and objectives of the Club's activities
Club Goals:
The main tasks of the Club:
In accordance with the tasks assigned to him , the Club:
Rights and obligations of Club members
Club members have the right to:
Club members are required to:
Club structure and management
The organizational structure of the Club includes:
The competence of the Scientific leaders of the Club (the Scientific director of the Club) includes:
The competence of the Chairman of the Club includes the functions of coordinating and organizing the activities of the Club, including:
Club Membership
A member of the Club can be a student, a graduate student or a University graduate who systematically participates in Club meetings (at least two meetings in a row).
In cases established by the Scientific Directors of the Club (the Scientific Director of the Club), persons who are not students, undergraduates or graduates of the University can be accepted as members of the Club.
An honorary member of the club may be a representative of the teaching staff who contributes to the development of the Club.
Membership in the club is terminated due to:
Final provisions
This Regulation comes into force after its approval at a meeting of the Academic Council and is valid until the approval of the following regulation.
The First Chairman of the Club is appointed by the decision of the Scientific Leaders of the Club (the Scientific director of the Club).
The plan of the English club for the second semester of the 2021-22 academic year
№ |
Name of topics |
Form of holding |
1 |
Welcome to the Wonderful World of English |
Conversation with students |
2 |
What is Love? (Что такое любовь?) |
Viewing a presentation, a conversation |
3 |
Student’s life (Студенческая жизнь) |
A conversation |
4 |
Nanotechnology, modern technology (Нанотехнологии, cовременные технологии) |
View presentation and discussion |
5 |
Social networks (Социальные сети) |
View presentation / discussion |
6 |
About my dream (О моей мечте)
Conversation / Projects |
7 |
If I were President of my country …. (Если бы я был президентом своей страны) |
Discussion |
8 |
My best movie (Mой лучший фильм) |
Movie Preview Discussion |
9 |
Bad habits (Вредные привычки) |
Project work and protection |
10 |
My idol (Mой кумир) |
Project work |
11 |
Shopping (Покупки) |
Viewing the presentation / discussion |
12 |
Time management (Тайм менеджмент) |
Discussion |
13 |
Travelling (Путешествие) |
Project work and protection |
14 |
My best book (Mоя лучшая книга) |
Reading texts, discussion |
15 |
If I were a teacher … (Если бы я был учителем) |
Discussion |
List of participants
1 |
ПИ-21-1к |
Алдабеков Дінмұхамед Ермекұлы |
2 |
ПИ-21-1к |
Алданазаров Муса Аманкелди улы |
3 |
ПИ-21-1к |
Алдангаров Дарын Досболұлы |
4 |
ПИ-21-1к |
Аппазбек Алтынай Саматқызы |
5 |
ПИ-21-1к |
Бижигит Жасұлан Мейрбекұлы |
6 |
ПИ-21-1к |
Ергешваев Даврон Бабиржанұлы |
7 |
ПИ-21-1к |
Жолдасбаев Жақсылық Сисенғалиұлы |
8 |
ПИ-21-1к |
Кеңесқұл Дәулет Ерлікұлы |
9 |
ПИ-21-1к |
Мусабеков Ильяс Алмасович |
10 |
ПИ-21-1к |
Нұрлыбек Ернұр Нұрғалиұлы |
11 |
ПИ-21-1к |
Нұрғали Мирас Еркінбекұлы |
12 |
ПИ-21-1к |
Сағымбек Илияс Болатбекұлы |
13 |
ПИ-21-1к |
Сейсенбай Диана Таубайқызы |
14 |
ПИ-21-1к |
Тулекбек Әділет Даулетулы |
15 |
ПИ-21-1к |
Уришанов Нұржан Тәджіғалиұлы |
16 |
ПИ-21-1к |
Қыдырбаев Адилбай Мухаммедали улы |
17 |
экон-20-1к |
Жарболова Зарина |
18 |
экон-20-1к |
Азизқызы Төребек |
19 |
экон-20-1к |
Ақбота Даниярқызы
20 |
Тур-20-1к |
Нариков Әлішер Айбекұлы |
21 |
Тур-20-1к |
Кеңес Алина Бахитбекқызы |