Main Students Student Clubs

Student club

Club of "Young Marketers"

Club leader

Maksatovna A

+7 707 705 2440

General provisions

The Club of Young Marketers of the Department of Economics and business of METU (hereinafter referred to as the Club) is a permanent discussion club based on voluntary membership and uniting students, undergraduates, graduates and teachers of the institution of higher Professional Education "International Engineering and Technological University" (hereinafter referred to as the University)

The Club is guided in its activities by the principles of self-government, voluntariness, equality and legality. The Club's activities are public. The Club is free to define its internal structure, goals, forms and methods of its activities.

The Club is guided in its activities by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Charter of the University, as well as local regulations of the University and this Regulation.

The Club's mission is to ensure the exchange of experience between university graduates, representatives of science, public administration, business and students to solve problems that are important for the socio-economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

The club is not a legal entity.


The purpose and objectives of the Club's activities

The purpose of the Club is to improve the practical skills of students in the professional field.


The main tasks of the Club:

  • Organization and holding of round tables, presentations, briefings, discussion seminars, master classes and other forms of practice-oriented events;
  • Organization and holding of case championships with the involvement of potential employers, as well as practical training in preparation for them;
  • Organization of speeches by government and public figures, leading scientists and entrepreneurs, representatives of employers;
  • Establishing and expanding contacts with University graduates, inviting them to meetings with students, organizing interviews and their further publication in University electronic resources;
  • Establishing links with educational and scientific departments, departments of the University to strengthen the participation of students in the events organized by them;
  • Establishing active interaction between students of different study profiles and faculties of the University;
  • Generalization of professional requests of University students and provision of opportunities for their implementation;
  • Establishment and expansion of relations with employers, scientists, students and graduates of other educational organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, countries of the near and far abroad;
  • Dissemination of knowledge in the field of finance among the electronic resources of the population of the country, increasing its educational and cultural level.


Rights and obligations of Club members

Club members have the right to:

  • participate in the activities of the Club;
  • initiate discussions at the meetings of the Club on topical issues that are important for the socio-economic development of the Republic;
  • to develop proposals at the meetings of the Club on the development of the financial system of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the interests of improving the welfare of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • get complete and reliable information about the work of the Club;
  • participate in the development of the Club's program documents;
  • initiate changes in the Club's activities in order to increase its effectiveness;
  • to elect the Chairman of the Club and to be elected Chairman of the Club;
  • participate in the admission of new members to the Club in accordance with the procedure established by the Club;
  • voluntarily leave the Club.


Club members are required to:

  • comply with the norms of the acts regulating the activities of the Club and the University;
  • to contribute to the fulfillment of the goals and objectives of the Club;
  • execute decisions of the Club;
  • be participants of at least 2/3 of the Club meetings in the six months preceding the next meeting of the Club;
  • annually fill out and send to the address of the Club the questionnaire of a member of the Club no later than the day set by the Club;
  • not to commit actions (inaction) that damage the reputation of the Club.

Club structure and management

The organizational structure of the Club includes:

  • Scientific director of the Club (from the faculty of the Department of Economics and business)
  • Chairman of the Club
  • The highest governing body of the Club is the meeting of the Club.
  • Decisions of the Club meeting are made by an absolute majority of votes with a quorum of at least 2/3 of the total number of Club members.
  • Club meetings are held at least once a month.

The competence of the Club meeting includes:

  • development of the Club's program documents;
  • election of the Chairman of the Club;
  • making a decision on the admission of a new member to the Club on the proposal of the Chairman of the Club or on the proposal of at least two members of the Club;
  • making a decision to expel a member of the Club on the proposal of the Chairman of the Club;
  • introduction of amendments and additions to these Regulations on the proposal of the Chairman of the Club or an initiative group of Club members numbering at least five people.


The Chairman of the Club is the highest official of the Club and carries out the general management of the Club's activities.

The Chairman of the Club is elected by the members of the Club by an absolute majority of votes.

The competence of the Chairman of the Club includes the functions of coordinating and organizing the activities of the Club, including:

  • convocation of regular and extraordinary meetings of the Club;
  • development of a plan and procedure for events organized by the Club and its coordination with the supervisor;
  • provision of information support for the Club's activities and events held by the Club (preparation of post-releases, reports on the event, maintenance of current information headings, preparation of various information materials) and coordination of its content with the supervisor;
  • providing technical organization of events held by the Club (choosing the date, time and venue of the event, booking an audience, ordering passes for external participants, meeting invited speakers, etc.).
  • representation of the Club's interests and interaction on the basis of these Regulations on behalf of the Club in relations with the University, state authorities, local self-government bodies, organizations and citizens in the country together with the scientific director of the Club or independently by prior agreement with him;
  • submission of submissions on the admission of a new member to the Club for consideration by the Club meeting;
  • submission of submissions to the Club meeting on the need to exclude a member of the Club;
  • suspension of club membership to a member of the Club, the idea of exclusion, which was submitted to the Club meeting before its consideration;
  • withdrawal of a Club member from its membership on the basis of a written application of a Club member for voluntary withdrawal from the Club;
  • submission of submissions on the need to amend this Regulation to the Club meeting for consideration;
  • formation and submission to the scientific director of the annual report on the activities of the Club.
  • The Chairman of the Club has the right to delegate the tasks of organizing the activities of the Club and the members of the Club, reserving the function of preliminary control over the implementation of these tasks. 
  • organization of regular meetings of the Club in accordance with the developed annual plan;
  • holding meetings, round tables, presentations, briefings, discussion seminars, master classes, press conferences and other forms of club activities;
  • organization of speeches by Russian and foreign state and public figures, leading scientists and entrepreneurs for Club members and invited guests;
  • preparation of working documentation related to club events, including programs, scripts, guest lists and invitations to events;
  • preparation of information reports to the structural divisions of the University on the results of the Club's activities;
  • conducting work by the media in the interests of the Club and the University as a whole;
  • implementation of activities to attract University students, as well as government and public figures, leading scientists and entrepreneurs to participate in the work of the Club;
  • correspondence, admission to the Club, registration of the necessary documents for this;
  • interaction with the University, educational and other organizations, as well as with state and local government bodies in the interests of the Club's development.


Club Membership

A member of the Club can be a student, a master's student of the University.

In cases established by the Club, persons who are not students, a master's student of the University can be accepted as members of the Club.

The decision on the issue of accepting a candidate for membership of the Club is made by the meeting of the Club on the proposal of the Chairman of the Club or at least two members of the Club.

In case of voluntary withdrawal from the Club, the Club member sends a written application to the Chairman of the Club. The decision to withdraw a member from the Club is made by the Chairman of the Club on the basis of the application of the Club member.

A member of the Club may be excluded from it by the decision of the meeting of the Club on the proposal of the Chairman of the Club.

A member of the Club may be excluded from it in the following cases:

  • non-compliance with the norms of the acts regulating the activities of the Club;
  • non-fulfillment of the Club's decisions;
  • absence without a valid reason at 1/3 meetings of the Club in the six months preceding the next meeting of the Club;
  • committing actions (inaction) that damage the reputation of the Club.


Final provisions

This Regulation comes into force after its approval by the authorized University body.

The first Chairman of the Club is appointed to the scientific leaders of the club. The First Chairman of the Club, on the basis of these Regulations, receives the first members of the Club in a special order before the first meeting of the Club is convened.

Amendments to this Regulation are made on the basis of a submission by the Chairman of the Club by a decision of the Club meeting


The plan of the club "Young marketer", Department of Economics and business for 2024-2025.

Content of the event


Purpose of the event

Final document

Team structure


Form a team mission

Photo report

Competitors between other clubs


Identify direct competitors, list the names of their applications

Photo report

METU advertising


Describe the promotions through social networks, including Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, etc.

Photo report

Club Promotion


Specify specific techniques ("word of mouth", social networks and advertising on the Internet)

Photo report

SWOT analysis of the team


optimize marketing activities and spend limited marketing funds wisely

Photo report