Main About METU Anti-Corruption activities
Methods of combating corruption

  1. Development of transparency:
    • Publication of criteria and procedures for recruitment, student assessment and grading.
    • Improving the availability of information, maximum digitization of processes.
  2. Creation of ethical codes:
    • Development and implementation of ethical standards for staff, students and administration.
    • Training employees and students in the basics of ethics and the consequences of corrupt behavior.
  3. Control and audit:
    • Regular internal and external audits, reconciliation of all university data and processes.
    • Establishing independent committees to monitor ethical behavior.
  4. Protection of applicants:
    • Establishment of mechanisms for anonymous reporting of corruption and complaints.
    • Guaranteeing the safety and protection of applicants from possible negative consequences.
  5. Training and coverage:
    • Conducting courses and seminars on corruption, its consequences and methods of combating it.
    • Regular information campaigns among students and staff.
  6. Public involvement:
    • Involvement of public representatives in monitoring and control of university processes.
    • Collaboration with non-governmental organizations and other interested parties.
  7. Strict measures against corruption:
    • Establishing strict penalties for those involved in acts of corruption, including dismissal and prosecution.
    • Transparency regarding the results of investigations and actions taken.
  8. Creating a culture of honesty:
    • Promote the values of honesty and fair learning among students and staff.
    • Organizing events aimed at building trust and solidarity in the university community.


Compliance officer: Джексембаев Бахытжан Маратович

Contact information: Phone: 8 (701) 739 69 82


Educational building No. 1, office 52