Main Departments Department of Scientific and Innovative Activities
Department of Scientific and Innovative Activities

Tatibekov Baurzhan

Director of the Department for Research and International Cooperation

Department of Scientific Work and International Cooperation was established on June 7, 2016 in accordance with the order of KazЕTU rector. According to the Regulation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by the Academic Council of the KazЕTU Research Council, the Department of Scientific Work and International Cooperation is guided by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, "Science of Science", August 30, 2016 in accordance with the current Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Mission is to achieve competitiveness and involve the research balance and innovation activities, systematize the teaching staff and students in scientific work and education integration; Ensuring growth of educational activity of KazЕTU.

The purpose of the department of scientific work and international cooperation is the scientific organization of the University, approved by the rector of the university in accordance with plans, programs and other organizational and normative documents.

The main objectives of the Department of Scientific and International Cooperation are:
  • On October 31, 2018, № 603 on approving the standard curricula for organizations of the cycle of higher and (or) postgraduate general education disciplines;
  • Increase the quality and relevance of scientific research;
  • Introduction of research results in the learning process;
  • indicators of impact-factor in rating journals for increase of scientific activity of the faculty and staff of the University;
  • Involvement of faculty and young scientists of the university to the involvement of students in structural divisions, students in research programs;
  • Organizational activities and events for the development of international cooperation;
  • unification of educational and methodical and research programs, professional development of teaching staff, foreign partners and missions, publishing and other forms of cooperation;
  • Implementation of teaching staff, internships for undergraduate and graduate students abroad;
  • Organization of international and republican conferences, symposia and exhibitions, meetings on scientific research;
  • Involvement of scientific and educational links on international programs through the activities of international organizations, training of scientists and specialists, academic exchange, internships and scientific missions, methodical assistance, involvement of joint research projects and programs into the educational and scientific support funds;
  • Organization and coordination of students in research work of the University;
  • Ensure the implementation of academic mobility programs of the university with international scientific, educational grants and scholarship programs;
  • Attraction of foreign undergraduates and students in the university;
  • coordination of structural subdivisions of the university on international cooperation;
Regulatory and legal functions of the Department of Scientific and International Cooperation:
  • coordination of university structural subdivisions on international cooperation issues;
  • development of regulations, regulations governing university activities (in accordance with the tasks of the department);
  • long-term and current planning of university activities (in accordance with the tasks of the department);
  • Assistance in obtaining official documentation, which is part of competitive applications for research projects, programs, grants;
  • Examination of scientific articles, other scientific products and registration of other documentation.
  • organization of activities of structural subdivisions for the implementation of research and scientific-methodological work;
  • Carrying out of organizational work of the university due to timely passing the accreditation procedure for the scientific activity;
  • Carrying out organizational work in the preparation and implementation of scientific events involving the University;
  • development and implementation of new forms of participation of students, undergraduates and young scientists in the research activities of the chairs of the university;
  • development and implementation of new forms of participation of scientists;
  • Analysis of scientific activities of the University departments;
  • consulting on the design of the current and reporting documentation forms for research and scientific-methodical projects and responsible executors of economic contracts;
  • Development of cooperation with scientific departments of higher education institutions and research institutes, with cooperation with Russia and other scientific organizations abroad to exchange experiences and joint research and other scientific events.

timely provision of university teachers, staff and students with scientific events in Kazakhstan and abroad.


Control over the implementation of the orders, instructions, decisions of the Academic Council, the Academic Council, the Chair, teachers, undergraduates and students of the University;

the results and products of research activities of the University, intellectual property accounting;

quality control of documents submitted to the Department on all issues of research activity of the University.

Журнал с импакт-фактором
Реестр публикации ППС и научных сотрудников
Понимание процесса публикаций в научных журналах
Web of science
Taylor and Francis Online
Taylor and Francis Book
Научно-исследовательская работа студента


+7 (727) 3-000-752
Building №1, Room 52