Main Departments Department for International Cooperation
Department for International Cooperation

Almenova Aknar

Director of the Department of International Cooperation

According to the Regulation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by MЕTU Academic Council, Department for International Cooperation is guided by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Law "On Science", in accordance with the current Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Mission is to achieve competitiveness on international level and internationalization of scientific and educational work of METU.

Overarching goal of the department for international cooperation is organization of the university international activity in accordance with the Plans, Programs and other organizational and regulatory documents approved by the Rector of METU.

Main objectives of Department for International Cooperation are:

  • organization of activities and events for the development of international cooperation;
  • implementation of activities in the field of professional development of teaching staff, development of joint programs on teaching methods, joint educational and research programs, publishing and other forms of cooperation with foreign partners and representative offices;
  • management of internships abroad for of teaching staff, undergraduate and graduate students;
  • implementation of double-degree education programs;
  • organization and participation in international conferences, symposiums, exhibitions and meetings;
  • informational support on international programs for expanding scientific and educational links through the activities of international organizations and foundations funding science and education, involvement of scientists and professionals in academic exchange programs, internships and academic visits, providing administrative assistance for the development of joint research projects and programs;
  • organization of interaction with regulatory authorities in the field of international activities;
  • management of academic mobility programs, implementation of international scientific, educational grants and scholarship programs of the university;
  • international students drive and increase the number of undergraduate and graduate students;
  • expansion of the university's interaction with international ranking agencies;
  • coordination of activities of the university structural units on international cooperation issues.
