Главная Новости METU university students took part in the presentation of the book" Karlygash (monument of love)
1 june 2023                  1275
METU university students took part in the presentation of the book" Karlygash (monument of love)

On June 2 , students of the international engineering and Technological University took part in the presentation of the book "Karlygash (monument of Love)" by the young writer Zhamilya Baktiyarovna, which was held in Almaty, in the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
At the presentation, the hero of Labor of Kazakhstan, writer Dulat Isabekov, writer, ethnographer Zeynep Akhmetova, hero of Labor of the Republic of Kazakhstan, owner of the "Golden Star", teacher Ayagul Mirazova, member of the Writers ' Union of the Republic of Kazakhstan Marat Tokonbayev, member of the assembly of people of Kazakhstan, public figure, til zhanashyry Asyli Osman, writer Maral Iskakbay cut the ribbon of the work "Karlygash (monument of love)" and expressed warm words of congratulations.
At the same time, the rector of the International Engineering and Technology University Gulnar Alibekovna supported the initiative of students and noted that "society values the spiritual value of a person, such qualities as humanity, honesty, humility, culture, hard work. I consider the person in whom this quality is found to be a spiritually rich person. At the same time, the most sacred task of the teacher is to form a spiritually rich, comprehensively developed individual, talented person. It is known that spiritual wealth lies primarily in the national customs, culture, art and origin of each nation. It is necessary to connect these national values with the advanced principles of education in the education of all mankind, to reveal the abilities, talents of each student, strengthen their self-confidence and motivate them to open up for themselves." The University's management, who laid the foundation for the formation of a person through the involvement of students and the assimilation of human values, specifically invited Zhamilya Bakhtiyarovna to hold a meeting with students at the International University of engineering and technology.
At the end of the event, videos and poetic compositions dedicated to the work of Zhamilya Bakhtiarovna were also shown. The author read poems from his work "do not forget", "Mother's dream", "creator", "bird of happiness" and "uly Dala tolgauy" and thanked the guests.