Главная Новости A solemn event dedicated to the "day of knowledge" was held at METU
1 september 2023                  1086
A solemn event dedicated to the "day of knowledge" was held at METU

In honor of the beginning of the new academic year, a number of events were held at the International University of engineering and technology. Solemn events were organized for students who have just crossed the threshold of the University, and the rector of the University Sarsenbekova Gulnar Alibekovna congratulated them on the "day of knowledge" and introduced them to the plans for the 2023-2024 academic year. 
The festive event for students of the 1st year was solemnly celebrated at the educational institution.  The event was attended by the rector of the University G. A. Sarsenbekova, President D. B. Zhakebayev, vice - rector for academic activities and industrial practice D. B. Akpanbetov, vice-rector for Strategic Development and international cooperation O. L. Karuna, heads of departments, teaching staff, students and parents.
The rector of the University G. Sarsenbekova congratulated teachers and students on the beginning of the new academic year, and also conveyed warm words to the parents of students. He stressed that the university administration creates all the necessary conditions for obtaining high-quality education, training and good education of specialists who are competitive in the process of globalization, educated and qualified, highly professional, quick-witted, with their own scientific views and views is the main goal of the university staff and teachers. In addition , in the 2023-2024 academic year, students who became holders of a state grant and entered the International University of engineering and technology were presented with a modern laptop of the latest model on behalf of the university management. He noted that today the number of students is full of winners of the Republican Olympiad "Zerde-Mitu", winners of "Altyn belgi", excellent students and prize-winners of various creative and sports competitions.
Next, the community of Vice-rectors introduced the students to the life of the University, the educational process, the main mission of the University and wished them success in their steps towards a new life.
After a large-scale event, students got acquainted with the teaching staff of the department and reviewed the buildings of the University.    The staff of the University greeted the students who gained new momentum and strength for the upcoming academic year with a good mood.