Advantages of the Department


Educational programs



The degree

of the teaching staff



of our graduates

Dildebaeva Zhuldyz Tursynovna
Candidate of economic Sciences, Associate Professor
Head of the Department
About the Department

The Department "Economy and business" was established in 2001 with the aim of preparing specialists with higher education corresponding to international standards in the following five educational programs: "Information and innovative technologies in the economy", "Accounting and audit", "Finance", "Marketing" and "Tourism". The main task of the Department in modern conditions will be the preparing of highly qualified, competitive specialists in the field of market economy using the latest methods and means of training. In light of the credit technology is introduced into educational process of modern innovative and informative forms of learning, at lectures, practical classes, interactive boards, multimedia projector allows you to show a teaching material on screens. Material and technical support of the educational process at the Department is maintained at a high level. Classrooms are equipped with the necessary list of technical means of training.

Teachers during practical training use progressive methods of training (case study method, trainings, interactive training, thematic games, etc.). For of passage studying practices guidelines and guidance, containing goals and objectives, responsibility of students and supervisors, a list of issues to explore in their places of passing, the schedule of examination and study of the planned topics and issues. For students of distance learning due to their workload in the workplace, additional individual consultations are provided in the mode of remote educational technologies (DET). Teachers of the Department regularly participate in all international scientific conferences, forums, as well as seminars of leading consulting and financial companies. Along with this, teachers are constantly working to improve their skills by participating in refresher courses, self-education, mutual attendance of classes, followed by their discussion at educational seminars of the Department, study the issues of individual topics in the disciplines, work on their improvement, which subsequently publish articles in scientific publications.

The goals of the Department

Preparation of highly qualified specialists in the field of economics, finance, accounting and auditing, marketing of knowledgeable market functioning laws that possess the methods of analytical thinking, competencies and skills for active participation in solving problems of socio-economic and industrial-innovative development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Objectives of the Department

  • organization of training sessions on the disciplines assigned to the department and the passage of undergraduate students in accordance with the basic educational programs;
  • control the quality of content and teaching of disciplines and their teaching and methodological support for all educational programs;
  • studying, summarizing and disseminating the experience of the best teachers, assisting young teachers in mastering pedagogical skills;
  • advanced training of scientific and pedagogical staff of the department;
  • organization and implementation of scientific research by the Department staff in an initiative manner, as well as in accordance with grant support, budgetary and extra budgetary contracts;
  • organization of research work of students, teachers, conduct of scientific research on topical problems of the economy and introduction of new teaching technologies;
  • implementation of educational work with students on the basis of the educational potential of KazETU.

Educational Programs of the Department

Bachelor's program

Траектория обучение:
  • Очное 4 года
  • Сокращенная образовательная программа 3 года
  • Сокращенная образовательная программа 2 года

Master's program