Main Departments Department of Administrative Chores
Department of Administrative Chores

The Department of Administration is one of the most important structural units of the University, providing guidance and organization of current and future planning of administrative and economic activities. Further modernization, improvement and prosperity of each sector of the infrastructure of the complex for the successful implementation of the tasks facing the University.

The maintenance of the educational and material base in good and trouble-free condition, the adoption of measures to expand economic independence, the rational use of financial resources and materials, the safety and efficient use of university property, and the improvement of the use of vehicles.

Participates in the development of innovative and investment activities related to the further development of the enterprise.

It ensures timely execution of tasks on construction, maintenance, compliance with legislation on labor protection, safety standards and fire protection, uninterrupted operation of the University's heat-electric-water supply. The infrastructure of the complex is large-scale and requires increased attention.

The University has two buildings: the Academic Building - Al-Farabi Ave., 93A and the Main Building - Al-Farabi Ave., 93G, there are two dormitories for students, an observatory, there are classrooms, lecture halls for practical classes, laboratories, workshops for specific qualifications , to specialties, assembly and gymnasiums, a seasonal sports and fitness site, a first-aid post, a canteen and other social and other facilities.


+7 (727) 3-000-779, 102
Building №2, Room 210