Главная Статьи Distance education in Almaty - how to get?
Distance education in Almaty - how to get?

Kazakhstan Engineering and Technology University is pleased to invite everyone to distance education in Almaty. Upon completion of training, a diploma is issued, with which new career opportunities will open.


This type of training is understood as a way of gaining experience, the formation of professional skills through the interactive interaction of a student with a PC. The process is fully automated. The student interacts with teachers and mentors through different communication channels without personal (physical) contact.

The new technique opens up many possibilities:

  • taking courses in any educational organization, regardless of location;
  • information transfer anywhere in the world;
  • convenience of returning to educational material - information at hand around the clock.

The characteristic features and advantages of the direction include:

  • effective dissemination of standardized knowledge;
  • accumulation of quality information;
  • flexibility - a person chooses a convenient time in accordance with his schedule, work;
  • modularity - the study of various disciplines in blocks, which guarantees the effectiveness of classes and the memorization of new topics;
  • economic efficiency - to study remotely is much cheaper (there is no cost for the road, rental housing and other needs);
  • active involvement in the educational process, awareness of student responsibility;
  • individuality - everyone studies the topic personally, not in a group, which minimizes the risks of poor digestibility due to distraction by others.

The pupil learns independently using specially designed computer software. Upon completion of the course, appropriate tests, tests, tests and exams are also taken.

To master the course you need:

  1. To enter a university (fill out an application, fill out a questionnaire and pass an oral interview by phone or online).
  2. Choose a specialty.
  3. Have access to the Internet through a modem or Wi-Fi..

You can view and listen to lessons from all devices, regardless of the type of operating system.

The following types of classes are distinguished:

  • web - implies a synchronous and asynchronous data transfer model;
  • chat - teachers and student groups are connected to the process (most students need online access; the time of lessons is determined in advance);
  • telepresence - the user enters a virtual office simulating a stay in the classroom of the educational building;
  • teleconference - interaction via e-mail.


The advantages of distance learning include:

  • access anywhere in the world;
  • the student independently chooses the pace of obtaining information;
  • mobility and efficiency of interaction between teacher and student;
  • development of computer technology, communications;
  • increased self-discipline;
  • quick access to educational courses;
  • saving time, money.

The following directions are presented in KazETU:

  • Accounting and Auditing;
  • economics;
  • marketing;
  • finance;
  • computer hardware and software;
  • computer science;
  • biotechnology;
  • tourism and others.

You can apply for full-time or part time.

Remote courses are suitable for:

  • graduates of colleges and higher educational institutions;
  • employees of government agencies and private companies;
  • persons with disabilities.

Many years of experience of teachers and professors, specially developed teaching aids, proven professional literature, the same attitude to each student - this guarantees the acquisition of knowledge that will be useful both in the profession and in life.