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Distance learning Institutes

Distance learning Institutes

Today, it is no longer necessary to spend 5 years studying at the Institute in order to get a job later. Combine career growth and study at the Kazakhstan University of engineering and technology in Almaty.

For the first time, the University opened its doors to students in 2001, and in 2020 it is already one of the leading institutions in Kazakhstan. Sign a contract and study remotely from anywhere in the country.

what is the special feature of distance learning institutes

In 2019, at the legislative level, there was a ban on enrolling graduates of grades 11 in correspondence faculties. But many people simply cannot study at a hospital, for example, people with disabilities or young people who are forced to work. Kazakh universities have adapted a new format of education and offer to enroll in a College or bachelor's degree in Economics, Humanities, and technical specialties and study remotely. Students are expected to:

  • KazETU in Almaty;
  • Pavlograd GPU;
  • Karaganda economic University;
  • Named after Serikbaev EKSTU;
  • University of international business;
  • «Turan»;
  • Amanzholov East Kazakhstan state University;
  • KNU named after Satpayev;
  • Kazakh state pedagogical University;
  • Kazakh University of technology and business;
  • QUALMT and others.

Plan your studies on your own and get a diploma on the job! Be sure that in the list of specialties you will find the direction of interest.

what is the difference between distance learning at the Institute of Kazakhstan

Students do not attend lectures, but study at home using special platforms on the Internet, which can be accessed via a laptop, gadgets or phone. At the same time, the student remotely:

  • asks questions to the teacher and communicates with classmates in real time;
  • attends lectures and practical classes;
  • participates in teleconferences;
  • passes exams, tests, and passes tests.

Remote format is your option if you:

  • often travel for work;
  • restricted movement due to health reasons;
  • you are on leave to care for a child or children

The remote format is not suitable for those who:

  • undisciplined;
  • not focused on results;
  • can't organize a work schedule on their own.

KazETU provides a level of educational services that meets international standards. Our graduates are in demand on the labor market in Kazakhstan and other countries.

how is the DO process organized in Almaty institutes

1. The applicant shall be submit an application on the site and is interviewed.

2. After enrolling a student:

  • gets access to the platform with training materials.
  • attends lectures, workshops and seminars online;
  • remotely passes a session or passes testing for each module passed.

Do you want to study at KazETU remotely? You can dial the number +7 (727) 3-000-777 and ask questions. The cost of training depends on the specialty and the number of modules completed by the student. We are waiting for applications from future students on the University's website.