Главная Статьи List of universities in Almaty
List of universities in Almaty

Almaty Universities meet modern educational standards. They train personnel in various fields of science:

  • humanitarian and socio-humanitarian;
  • natural;
  • technical and accurate;
  • fundamental;
  • applied.

One of the popular educational institutions is KazITU, which offers distance learning in a variety of modern specialties (management, finance, accounting, auditing and others).

All universities in Almaty

Alma-Ata(Almaty) is one of the largest cities in Kazakhstan. It houses well-known educational Kazakh national institutions:

  • Academy of Arts;
  • Conservatory, founded in the mid-40s of the last century;
  • Al-Farabi University;
  • Pedagogical University, which prepares teachers of preschool, secondary and higher education in 12 specialties;
  • Technical university, consisting of departments of basic education, with a technical bias, distance education, military affairs;
  • Agrarian University graduating specialists for agricultural (bachelor's, master's, doctoral);
  • Medical University and others.

Universities of law enforcement agencies are located in the city:

  • Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • Military Engineering Institute of Radio Electronics and Communications;
  • Military Institute of the Ground Forces;
  • Border Academy of the National Security Committee.

Various private educational organizations operate in the region.:

  • Aspandau Academy;
  • Academy of Design and Technology "Symbat";
  • Academy of Economics and Statistics;
  • University of Continuing Education;
  • Humanitarian and Technical University;
  • Eurasian Market Institute;
  • Academy of Labor and Social Relations;
  • Automobile and Road Institute;
  • Alatau and others.

Where can I study Distance?

Distance learning with full-time and part-time studies is gaining popularity. The main advantage is that you can learn from anywhere in the world. No need to attend classes daily. You study the course in a place convenient for you, choosing the time and pace yourself. You can view and listen to lessons from a computer, smartphone or other device.

Kazakhstan Engineering and Technology University invites you to have a wide range of professional areas. It offers undergraduate, graduate and college degrees. Each course has its own programs, after graduation a diploma is issued.

Distance education in KazETU is suitable for many:

  • graduates of universities, colleges, technical schools and schools, improving knowledge;
  • employee of state institutions and private companies;
  • people living in a remote area;
  • persons with disabilities.

On the site you can find professional areas. Among them are relevant and popular specialties:

  • economics;
  • finance;
  • Accounting and Auditing;
  • marketing;
  • computer hardware and software;
  • radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications
  • automation and control;
  • computer science;
  • tourism;
  • agrochemistry and soil science;
  • horticulture.

Online admission required:

  1. Choose a specialty.
  2. Fill out a form with valid data.
  3. Take an interview by phone or online.

Learning remotely involves using the Internet, so you need to have access to it through a modem or Wi-Fi.

KazETU guarantees:

  • quality education;
  • issuance of state diplomas;
  • participation in student conferences, contests, forums and other events;
  • practice in specialized companies;
  • participation in startups.

The training is conducted by experienced teachers and professors. They use specially designed teaching aids, professional educational literature of a modern type, effective ways to control and verify the experience gained. Tests, tests and exams are taken remotely.

Advantages of KazETU:

  • popular professions that are well paid;
  • various types of training (full-time, part-time, distance);
  • affordable cost;
  • compliance with international programs;
  • modern forms of teaching and control;
  • cash and cashless payments.

You can find out details about admission by phone +7 (777) 3-000-772 or by e-mail: kazetu2001@gmail.com.