Главная Новости An open lesson in English was held by Owoyinka Banji Richard
26 September 2022                  319858
An open lesson in English was held by Owoyinka Banji Richard
On the 26th of September 2022, An Associate professor of the Department of "Social and Humanitarian Disciplines and World Languages" Owoyinka Banji Richard held an open lesson on the discipline "English", on the topic "Present Simple with Verb". The teacher Owoyinka Banji Richard used a presentation on the topic of the lesson, actively used the speech practice of students throughout the lesson. All students were involved, perceived the educational material with interest, conducted dialogues, developed oral speech in English. The open lesson was attended by the head of the department Tukebayeva Zh.A., professor of the department Kotosheva K.K., associate professor Tsyrenzhapova G.G., specialist Ashirbekov B.A.