Главная Кафедры Social and humanitarian disciplines and world languages Новости кафедры Professor MЕTU made a presentation at a conference organized by the Committee on National Policy
1 june 2023                  1214
Professor MЕTU made a presentation at a conference organized by the Committee on National Policy

Russian Russian Language Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Tukebayeva Zhanyl Aubakirovna spoke at the scientific and practical international conference "Actual problems of preservation and study of the Russian language in the border territories" dedicated to the Day of the Russian Language, which took place on June 1, 2023. The main topic of the conference was the comprehension of the changes taking place in the post-Soviet countries in the conditions of the new world order. In this regard, the conference participants appealed to the ministries and departments of youth policy and education of the Altai Republic, the Altai Territory, the regions of East Kazakhstan and Western Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan with a request to organize youth exchanges (international camps, internships, subject international Olympiads, sports competitions, creative contests, scholarships for training) and to the governments of Russia, Mongolia and Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan with a request to support regional cross-border youth exchanges to create the basis for long-term good neighborliness. 42 reports and more than 130 listeners from Russia, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan were announced for the conference. The event was held in two formats: plenary sessions and the work of sections.
Associate Professor Zhanyl Aubakirovna Tukebayeva shared her many years of experience in teaching Russian in educational institutions in China and Kazakhstan. She drew attention to the following problems: outdated teaching methods and teaching materials, insufficient intercultural awareness, students are not motivated to study and suggested revising the system of teaching Russian as a foreign language and speeding up the pace of reforming this system.