Main Students Student Clubs

Student club

"ICT in fact"

Club leader

Bektemisov A.T., Demeubaeva L.K., Aliaskar M.

+7 707 538 8835
  Раз в месяц

General provisions

The “ICT in Business” club of the Kazakhstan Engineering and Technology University (hereinafter referred to as the club) is activity- oriented and is aimed at systematizing knowledge and skills in the course of computer science and ICT, which gives students the opportunity to get acquainted with interesting, non-standard tasks in the field of IT technologies. The club's program is based on project activities, which include: setting the task; search for solutions and design of algorithms; script development and programming; testing and debugging; defense of the project in the form of its public discussion. The club gives students the opportunity to think creatively, find independent individual solutions, and apply the acquired practical skills in life.

The club carries out its activities for the development of individual interests of students and for instilling skills and abilities to create multilateral extracurricular activities. In the club's classes, students learn to independently select and analyze material, use reference literature, communicate with each other, and participate in project activities.

The mission of the Club is to "immerse" students in the world of information technology, for the intellectual and spiritual education of the student's personality, socio-cultural and professional self-determination, the development of cognitive activity and creative self-realization.

The club is not a legal entity.

The full name of the Club in Russian is "ICT in business" of the Kazakhstan Engineering and Technology University. The abbreviated name in Russian is “ICT in business”. Full name in English - " ICT in action » of Kazakhstan Engineering Technological University ". The abbreviated name in English is “ ICT in action ”.

The purpose and objectives of the Club

Club Goals:

  • of students' scientific approach to solving scientific and technical problems by enhancing the independent research activities of students using modern information and communication technologies;
  • formation of skills for creating multimedia products;
  • stimulation of cognitive, scientific and creative activity of students.

The main tasks of the Club:

  • identify the creative potential and abilities of students;
  • increase students' interest in the subject "Information and Communication Technologies" through joint activities;
  • stimulate search and cognitive activity;
  • expand knowledge of the theoretical foundations of informatics and programming;
  • to instill in students practical skills in working with a computer and software, interest in research work;
  • be able to perceive, analyze, process and use information, create models of processes and objects for analysis;

In accordance with the tasks assigned to it, the Club:

  • has a different focus in accordance with the various capabilities of a computer: computer graphics, programming, computer modeling, web application development, etc. The club offers different types of classes. These can be reports, work on projects, excursions, making visual aids and equipment for classrooms, laboratory classes, a round table, meetings with interesting people, virtual travel, etc.

Rights and obligations of Club members

Club members have the right:

  • gain practical skills in accordance with the educational program of the club;
  • free use of information resources, reading room, computer classes and library;
  • work individually or in a group;

Members of the Club are obliged:

  • observe academic honesty (not allow the use of someone else's text published in paper or electronic form in written work without indicating the source of borrowing);
  • take care of the equipment and equipment of classrooms and premises;
  • comply with the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection.

Structure and management of the Club

The organizational structure of the Club includes:

  • Scientific Supervisors of the Club (Scientific Supervisor of the Club);
  • Chairman of the Club;
  • Club Secretary.
  • The Scientific Supervisors of the Club (Scientific Supervisor of the Club) are elected (elected) from among the faculty of the University.

The competence of the Scientific Supervisors of the Club (Scientific Supervisor of the Club) includes:

  • development of program documents of the Club;
  • making a decision to admit a new member to the Club or to expel a member of the Club;
  • making proposals to change these Regulations;
  • coordination of the calendar plan of the Club for the academic year and (or) month;
  • implementation of strategic management of the Club's activities;
  • determination of the topics of meetings of the Club members;
  • holding meetings of members of the Club.
  • The Chairman of the Club is the highest official of the Club and carries out general, including operational, management of the Club's activities.
  • The Chairman of the Club is elected by a relative majority of votes of the permanent members of the Club from among the permanent members of the Club. University students who participated in at least 4 meetings of the Club in a row before the actual elections are considered permanent members of the Club.
  • Elections of the Chairman of the Club are held at least once a year. The date of the elections is appointed (appointed) by the Scientific Supervisors of the Club (Scientific Supervisor of the Club).
  • All permanent members of the Club are notified about the election of the Chairman of the Club in an open and accessible way, including through social networks, at least three weeks before the election.
  • The format of the election of the Chairman of the Club is determined (determined) by the Scientific Supervisors of the Club (Scientific Supervisor of the Club).
  • Candidates for the position of the Chairman of the Club, at least a week before the date of the elections, submit plans for the development of the Club in free form for their publication and communication to all permanent members of the Club.
  • The results of the election of the Chairman of the Club are communicated to all members of the Club in an open and accessible way on the day after the election.
  • One person can hold the position of the Chairman of the Club for an unlimited number of terms.

The competence of the Chairman of the Club includes the functions of coordination and organization of the activities of the Club, including:

  • convening regular and extraordinary meetings of the Club;
  • development of a plan and procedure for holding events organized by the Club and its coordination with scientific supervisors;
  • providing information support for the activities of the Club and events held by the Club (preparation of announcements, post-releases, reports on the event, maintenance of current information headings, preparation of various advertising and information materials) and coordination of its content with the Scientific Supervisors of the Club (Scientific Supervisor of the Club);
  • providing technical organization and direct organization of events held by the Club (choosing the date, time and place of the event, booking an audience, meeting invited speakers, etc.).
  • representation of the interests of the Club and interaction on the basis of these Regulations on behalf of the Club in relations with the University;
  • formation and submission to the Scientific Supervisors of the Club (Scientific Supervisor of the Club) of an annual report on the activities of the Club.
  • If necessary, in agreement with the Scientific Supervisors of the Club (Scientific Supervisor of the Club), for the implementation of the current work on the management of the Club, the executive bodies of the Club (including departments, directions) can be formed, the functionality, heads and personal composition of which are determined by the Chairman of the Club.
  • The Secretary of the Club is appointed by the Chairman of the Club from among the members of the Club. The competence of the Secretary of the Club includes maintaining all the internal documentation of the Club.

Club Membership

  • Mukhamedzhanova Gulnara Sailaubaevna - secretary of the club;
  • Demeubaeva Laura Kurmangazievna - member of the club;
  • Ibekeev Serikbek Yelemesovich - a member of the club;

Membership in the club is terminated due to:

  • voluntary exit;
  • exclusion by the decision of the Scientific Supervisors of the Club (Scientific Supervisor of the Club) for actions that are incompatible with this provision, or for violation of local regulations of the University.

Final provisions

The first Chairman of the Club is appointed by the decision of the Scientific Supervisors of the Club (Scientific Supervisor of the Club).

The plan of the club "ICT in business" for (I, II semester) 2021-22 academic year


Club meeting topics

The form holding

Venue and time


Completion mark


Artificial intelligence

big data

Creating a chat bot for messenger

Competition of student projects based on the results of studying the discipline "Information and Communication Technologies"

Main building, room 45

Mukhamedzhanova G.S., Skakova A.Zh.

Minutes №1 dated 27.09.2021


cyber security

Competition of student projects based on the results of studying the discipline "Information and Communication Technologies"

Main building, room 45

Demeubaeva L . K. _

Minutes №3 dated 11.10.2021


Programming Technology Data Visualization in Python .

Student Portfolio Development

Competition of student projects based on the results of studying the discipline "Information and Communication Technologies"

Main building, room 45

Mukhamedzhanova G.S., Skakova A.Zh.

Minutes №4 of 11/15/2021


WEB application development

Website development for business

Competition of student projects based on the results of studying the discipline "Information and Communication Technologies"

Main building, room 45

Mukhamedzhanova G.S., Skakova A.Zh.

Minutes №5 dated 12/22/2021


Mobile app development Android mobile game development

Competition of student projects based on the results of studying the discipline "Information and Communication Technologies"

Main building, room 45

Mukhamedzhanova G.S., Skakova A.Zh.

Minutes №9 dated 11/17/2021


Design and 3D - modeling Creation of computer games based on Unity 3D.

Competition of student projects based on the results of studying the discipline "Information and Communication Technologies"

Main building, room 45

Mukhamedzhanova G.S., Skakova A.Zh.

Minutes №9 dated 10.12.2021


1C: Programming

Competition of student projects based on the results of studying the discipline "Information and Communication Technologies"

Main building, room 45

Ibekeev S . E .

Protocol №8 dated 03/29/2022


Multimedia technologies Creation and design of infographics for presentations and videos. Creation of the video "Sights of Kazakhstan"

Competition of student projects based on the results of studying the discipline "Information and Communication Technologies"

Main building, room 45

Mukhamedzhanova G.S., Skakova A.Zh.

Minutes №9 of 04/22/2022






Surname, name, student




Shaposhnikov Nikita, Savchuk Roman


Software engineering


Karimazhanova Amina




Myakushin Vladislav


"Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications"


Chengeldi Artur


Software engineering


Karimdzhanov Radmir


Software engineering


Asetildaev Arsen


Software engineering


Anebek Zhanbolat


Software engineering

Kozhakhmetova Amina, Noermanova Amina




Gurdiev Talifa, Zhaushybek Asem

