Main Teachers Zholamanov Erlan

Zholamanov Erlan

Associate professor
The Department of «Economics and business»

Candidate of economics sciences

Professional experience

02.2019 - up to now Time Kazakhstan Engineering and Technology University,  Position: Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Finance

10.2017 - 10.2018 KNK im. Kurmangazy, Position: Associate Professor, Art Management Department

09.2016 – 10.2017  NARKHOZ University  Position: Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economics

02.2015 – 08.2017  Eurasian Law Academy  named after D.A. Kunaeva,  Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economic and General Educational Disciplines



1993 - 1997 KazSAM. International Economist.

1998 - 2001 KazEU named after T. Ryskulova. PhD.

Scientific interests

Scientific interests:

1. Stock market

2. Entrepreneurship




Name of works Name of the journal publishing house, number Number of prints sheets






Socialization of business in the regions:

need, problems, solutions. (co-authored)

Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference: "Political-legal, international and socio-economic aspects of the development of a sovereign state: problems and priorities". 

School "Law and Public Administration" (April 17, 2017)



"Green economy" and quality of life. Monograph. (co-authored)

Алматы, ТОО «Гира трэйд»,2019



Lifespan: economic and environmental factors. (co-authored)


KazITU. Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference "Integration of Education, Science and Production: Topical Issues, Achievements and Innovations". Almaty, April 26, 2021



Models of corporate social responsibility: world experience and Kazakhstan practice. 


KazITU. Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference

"Mental spiritual birth: education, science and culture during the years of independence of Kazakhstan (1991-2021)". Almaty, December, 2021



Disciplines taught


The purpose of studying the discipline is to form a system of knowledge among students about the role of entrepreneurship, taking into account leadership qualities in a certain market of the business environment, based on the study of the theoretical and practical foundations of entrepreneurship. As a result of the training, the student will master the theory and practice of doing business, the basics of state regulation of entrepreneurial activity and its objects.


The main problems that macroeconomics studies are: economic growth and its rates; economic cycle and its causes; employment rate and unemployment problem; general price level and the problem of inflation; level of interest rates and problems of money circulation; the state of the state budget, the problem of financing the budget deficit and the problem of public debt; balance of payments and exchange rate problems; macroeconomic policy issues.

Marketing services

The course is aimed at studying the theoretical foundations of marketing, the main trends and directions of development of marketing research, features of marketing in the tourism industry As a result of studying the discipline, students will evaluate sales markets, consumers, customers, competitors in the tourism industry, apply management tools and quality control of products and services of tourism activities


The course "Microeconomics" explains the behavior of consumers, enterprises, governments, owners of various resources, as well as the relationships between them in the economic environment. The methodology of analysis, evaluation and forecasting of market environment events at the microeconomic level is studied. Knowledge of microeconomic analysis methods helps to make a choice, make the most correct management decisions. Lays down the basic competencies of microeconomic analysis. Combining theoretical methods of analysis with practical examples and situations allows you to acquire a special way of thinking and develop economic intuition. As a result of mastering the discipline, the student must: know: the laws of the development of nature, society and thinking and the ability to operate with this knowledge in professional activity, the basic methods of quantitative analysis and modeling, theoretical and experimental research be able to: analyze and evaluate economic events and processes, analyze the economic consequences of state regulation measures; determine the effectiveness of market structures; apply quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis in assessing the state of the economic, social, political environment, the activities of public authorities of the Russian Federation, public authorities of the subjects of the Republic of Kazakhstan; local self-government bodies, state organizations, political parties, non-profit organizations to possess: to master the basic provisions of the methodology of analysis, assessment and forecasting of market environment events at the microeconomic level; various ways of describing economic models; the ability to assess the ratio of the planned result and the resources spent. ability to identify social, political, economic patterns and trends

The state sector of the economy

The course is aimed at studying the public sector of the economy and the mechanisms of managing socio-economic relations. As a result of studying the discipline, students will master the basic principles of ensuring the economic development of the country and state regulation of the economy, find out the strategic directions of the development of the national economy and institutional structure, determine the main directions of interaction of the public sector with other economic agents in order to increase the efficiency of the functioning of the economy

Economic theory

The discipline "Economic Theory" is a fundamental forming the basic knowledge for the study of training courses in applied economics, including world economics, economics of international relations, economic security, economics of customs, etc. The acquired knowledge of economic theory allows students to understand the basic patterns of short-term and long-term economic development, to assess the impact of various macroeconomic changes on the current state of the national economy. To know: the main micro- and macroeconomic categories and indicators, methods of their calculation; methods and methods of solving research problems in the field of economic theory; regulatory and technical requirements for the use of information resources in the field of economic theory. be able to: -conduct an information search for the solution of research tasks; - use information resources to formulate the results obtained in the solution of research tasks to seize skills: the collection and processing of scientific and technical information necessary for solving problems in the field of economic theory, research, experiments, observations, measurements under the supervision of a more qualified worker; the formulation of the findings of research in economic theory.

Timetable of classes

Opening lessons