2021 - to the present day. Professor of the Department of Economics and Business of the International University of Engineering and Technology
2012 – 2021 - Professor of the Department of "Economics" of the Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade, Head. Laboratory of Public-private Partnership
2008 - 2012 - Vice-President of JSC "Institute of Economic Research", Chairman of the Executive Body of the Association "Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists"
2007 - 2008 - Director of the Macroeconomics Department of JSC "Institute of Economic Research"
2003 - 2007 - Professor of the Department of Management and Marketing of the Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade
1996 - 2003 - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Kokshetau Institute of Economics and Management, Head of the Master's Degree program
1992 - 1996 - Head of the Department of Economics and Production Management of the Kokshetau branch of the Karaganda Polytechnic Institute
1987 - 1992 Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Organization and Production Management of the Rudnensky Industrial Institute
1978 - 1983 Sergo Ordzhonikidze Moscow Institute of Management. diploma with honors of an engineer-economist in the organization of management in construction (Moscow).
1984 - 1987 Sergo Ordzhonikidze Moscow Institute of Management (Moscow). Defense of a dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences.
1998 - 2000 L.N. Gumilyov ENU. Defense of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Economics.
Образовательный проект «Внедрение системы обеспечения качества в высшем образовании через сотрудничество вузов, бизнеса и государства» («EDUQUS»). Срок реализации проекта 2018-2021 годы.
Научный руководитель проектов в рамках грантового финансирования по линии МОН РК, 2015-2017 годы по следующим темам:
1) Развитие механизмов государственно-частного партнерства в приоритетных отраслях форсированного индустриально-инновационного развития
2) Развитие механизмов государственной поддержки инновационного предпринимательства
Научная стажировка в Baylor University (США, Техас) по программе Фулбрайта (1997-1998), (2006)
2006 г.; 2016 - Дважды «Самый лучший учитель»
290 scientific papers and publications, including 6 in the Scopus database:
1.Development of Public-Private Partnership in the Republic of Kazakhstan // IEJME — Mathematic Education, 2016, VOL. 11, NO. 5, 1113-1126 // http://iejme.com/makale/540
2.Government Support of Innovative Business in the Republic of Kazakhstan // IEJME — Mathematic Education, 2016, VOL. 11, NO. 5, 1033-1049, http://iejme.com/arsiv/136
3. Innovative Entrepreneurship Financing in the Republic of Kazakhstan // Journal of Applied Economic Science, Volume, Issue, 2017 (Romania) Volume XII Issue 3 (49) Summer 2017, pp. 875-892
4. Public-Private Partnership Development Specifities in the Republic of Kazakhstan // Journal of Applied Economic Science, Volume, Issue, 2017 (Romania) Volume XII Issue 4 (50) Summer 2017, pp. 1048-1063
5.“Evaluating of the Effectiveness of Public-Private Partnership Projects in the Republic of Kazakhstan with the Analytic Hierarchy Process” // Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, Volume XIII, Issue 6(60), Fall 2018
6. Development of Innovation Infrastructure of Energy Complex Enterprises //Industrial Engineering & Management Systems, Vol 19, No 1, March 2020, pp.120-132
21 publications in KKSON journals:
1. Priority directions of state support of innovative entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan // "Economics: strategy and practice", No. 2, 2017, pp. 23-30
2. Strategic issues of manufacturing industry development in the Republic of Kazakhstan // KarSU Bulletin, No. 1, 2019
3. Indirect measures of state support for innovative entrepreneurship // Economics and Statistics No. 1, 2019. - pp.109-114
4. Kazakhstan Republikasyndagy memlekettik – zheke aryptestikti damytudyn keleshegi // Statistics, accounting and audit, No. 4 (71), 2018 - pp.112-116
5. Cluster approach in modernization of textile industry of Kazakhstan // Bulletin of Turan University, No. 4 (80) 2018 Almaty – pp.41-46.
6. Methodology for evaluating the quality of the predictions of consumer demand and volumes of mineral-raw material resources production // Izvestiya NAS RK, No. 1, 2019.
7. Development of public-private partnership in the textile industry Kazakhstan // Statistics, accounting and auditing. – Almaty: Rosa Publishing and Printing Center. No. 1 (72). 2019. – pp. 191-195
8. Management of financial and industrial corporate structures: foreign experience and Kazakhstan // Statistics, accounting and auditing. Almaty: №2(73), 2019. - Pp.208-213
9. The governmental support of the light industry in modern integration condition // Bulletin of Karaganda University. – Karaganda: Publishing house "KarSU im.Buketova", №2(94). 2019. - Pp.240-246.
10. Organizational and Economic Mechanism of Support and Development of the Financial –Industrial Groups in the Mineral and Raw Materials Sector of Kazakhstan // Reports of NAS RK, No.2, 2019. – C.93-98
11. System analysis of the goals of integration of corporate structures // Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, No. 6, 2019.
12. Entrepreneurship Development Concept // Izvestiya NAS RK, No. 5(327), September –October, 2019, pp. 213-217
13. Analysis of the effectiveness of innovation activity in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union//Bulletin of KazNU named after al-Farabi. Economic Series, 2018 - №4(126). – Pp. 35-51.
14. Mechanisms of Formation and Management of Financial-Industrial Groups in Kazakhstan Izvestiya NAS RK, No. 1(323), 2019, pp.106-112
15. Factors influencing the innovative development of the enterprise. Bulletin of KazUEFMT, No.2 (39), 2020, pp.41-50
16. Methods of calculating temporary differences and problems of their recognition // Statistics, accounting and auditing. Almaty, 3(78)2020.- pp.45-50
17. Development of accounting and tax policy: models of valuation and accounting of fixed assets. Bulletin of the University of Turan No. 4(88) 2020 .
18. Development of mechanisms for financing innovative entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan // Bulletin of ENU, No. 3, 2020, pp. 68-80
19. Structural shifts in the manufacturing industry of Kazakhstan // Central Asian Economic Review NARXOZ University, No.4 (133), 2020, pp. 54-66
20. Evaluation of Innovation Infrastructure in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Assessment of innovation infrastructure. KazUEFMT Bulletin, No. 1 (42), 2021, pp.14-21
21. Development of public-private partnership in the transport infrastructure of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of ENU, Economic Series, No.1,2022, pp. 19-31