Main Teachers Shyndaly Salamat

Shyndaly Salamat

The Department of «Software Engineering»

Master of science


Professional experience

September 2021 - now



International Engineering Technological University

Director of the Department of Information Technologies

April 2021 - August 2021



International Education Corporation

Backend developer

March 2018 - August 2021



Kazakhstan University of Engineering and Technology

Web developer

March 2019 - July 2021



University of Foreign Languages and Business Career


September 2018 - December 2020





August 2017 - March 2018



"Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan" JSC

Chief specialist of the Information Technology Departmen

August 2016 - August 2017



Kazakhstan Engineering and Technology University

Web developer

September 2014 - February 2016



Kazakh National Research Technical University

Web developer

November 2013 - September 2014



Kazakh National Research Technical University

IT department specialist


2012 - 2016 Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K. I. Satpayev. Bachelor`s degree in 6B060200 - Computer science.

2016 - 2018 Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay. Master in specialty "6M060200 - Informatics".

Scientific interests

  • Software development
  • Data and Analytics
  • Cloud technologies
  • Intelligent control systems


  • WEB-технологияның заманауи мүмкіндіктері негізінде адаптивті білім беру жүйесін жобалау, //Халықаралық ғылыми-педагогикалық басылым. «Қазақстан жоғары мектебі». №2. – Алматы, 2018ж. – С. 320-323.
  • Automation of the training process, //Материалы XII Международной научно-практической конференции «Инновационная деятельность в образовании», часть I. – Москва-Пушкино, 2018г. – С. 436-444.
Disciplines taught

Programming languages and technologies

The purpose of the discipline is to form students' knowledge in the field of modern programming technologies, acquire practical skills in algorithm development, programming in a high-level language, study the basics of algorithmization of tasks and programming technologies in a basic procedural-oriented algorithmic language, classification of programming languages, the basics of structural, visual and object-oriented programming, methods of development, debugging and testing programs. As a result of the training, the student, applying knowledge on the theoretical foundations of algorithmization and program design, the basic principles and structure of programming (C++), will be able to use methods and software tools to solve technical problems, characterize the initial and output data of the solved problems, analyze the solved problems and clearly formulate their condition.

Object oriented programming

The purpose of the discipline is the formation of the student's practical skills in modern object-oriented programming technology. Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to program and debug object-oriented programs, as well as evaluate the effectiveness and choose the most appropriate technological approaches to development and analyze software development management processes.

Modern Database Technologies

The purpose of the discipline is the formation of students'' knowledge on the composition and principles of database construction, the development of practical skills in the development and implementation of the logical structure of the database (DB), the characteristics of modern database management systems (DBMS), modern technologies of database organization, database design. As a result of the training, the student can use the terminology of the discipline, choose the type of database and the method of its construction, design a relational database, work in one of the database management systems, use the SQL language to programmatically extract information from databases.

Web programming

The purpose of this discipline is to teach client and server programming, including analysis methods, the study of modern web technologies and web development languages. After completing the course, the student will be able to apply the methodology of project management for the development of Web-oriented information systems, program in HTML, CSS, Java Script, PHP, CMS, program algorithms for solving problems in the field of programming for the Internet, debug programs for working on the Internet, create and publish their own websites on the Internet.

BIG-DATA (Big Data Analytics)

The purpose of the discipline is to form students' practical skills of "mining", processing, analyzing large arrays of structured and unstructured data using statistical analysis and mathematical modeling methods, finding patterns and making forecasts for making effective management and business decisions, as well as conducting scientific research. As a result of the training, students will be able to work with rapidly incoming data in very large volumes, understand the basic concepts of big data.

Modern data management technologies

The purpose of the discipline is to study by masters the principles of building modern enterprise-level information systems (enterprise information system) based on database technologies. As a result of the training, the master's student will be able to accurately represent the place and role of modern database management systems (DBMS) in the overall IT structure of the enterprise and the features of design, implementation, implementation, apply practical skills of working with appropriate tools and programs for the end user.

Timetable of classes

Opening lessons