Main Teachers Tastemirova Baktygul

Tastemirova Baktygul

The Department of «Biochemical engineering»

Master of agricultural sciences


Professional experience

Tastemirova Baktygul Eldenovna in 1988 entered the Kazakh Agricultural Institute, in 1994 she graduated from this institute with a degree in Vocational Training in Special and Technical Disciplines. Qualification-engineer-teacher. After graduating from the university in December 1994, she was accepted as a teacher at the department of "Civil Defense" of the Kazakh Agricultural Institute.

From 2012 to 2014, he studied and graduated from the Faculty of Engineering of the Kazakh National Agrarian University with a master's degree in the specialty 6M080600-"Agricultural machinery and technology". After completing his master's degree, he continued to work as a senior lecturer in the Department of "agricultural machinery and technology".

He worked as a mentor-adviser to students of 1-4 courses studying in the specialty  "Environmental Protection and life safety".

In the 2014-2015 academic year, the levels of education of the Kazakh National Agrarian University were responsible for preparing an independent report on the specialty 5b073100, 6m073100-"Environmental Protection and life safety" in order to prepare and conduct national specialized accreditation of educational programs in 6 clusters.

In 2017, on a contractual basis, the RSE" National Testing Center "prepared tests in the amount of 200 questions for the assessment of PPE in the specialty 5D073100-" Environmental Protection and life safety "and became an expert on the test questions prepared in the specialty 5b080600 -" agricultural machinery and technology".

Since 2014, he has been a member of the committee on working curricula and programs in the specialty 5В073100, 6M073100 - "Environmental Protection and life safety". Technical secretary of the state Attestation Commission in the specialty 5D073100, 6M073100 - "Environmental Protection and life safety". He has prepared a training program for the comprehensive state exam in the specialty 5В073100 - "Environmental Protection and life safety", a training program for admission to the specialty 6М073100 - "Environmental Protection and life safety". 

From 2018 to 2021, she graduated from the Kazakh National Agrarian University at the Faculty of "Hydraulic Engineering, Land Reclamation and Business" with a PhD degree in the specialty 6D080500 – "Water resources and water use".

Scientific papers published in international scientific publications included in the Ssris 1 database, publications in Kazakhstani publications, articles included in the RSCI-5 database, has 42 published scientific articles: the author of 5methodological guidelines, 1 textbook and 1 patent. 

On 17.10.2019, she was accepted to the Department of "Natural Science Disciplines" of the Kazakhstan University of Engineering and Technology as a senior lecturer.В Since 2020, I have been working as a mentor –adviser with students of the БЖ-20-1 k/р group studying in the specialty "Environmental protection and life safety" of KazITU

Currently, research studies are being conducted on the topic of the doctoral dissertation "Geoecological substantiation of the allowable-technogenic load of the catchment of the Tobyl river basin".

Mastering active and interactive forms of conducting classes with extracurricular activities for the formation and development of general and professional competence of students in the educational process.

Increasing qualifications

 - Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie 12.05-05.06.2019

- 08.17.-09.05.2022 - Almaty, "DIGIS AV" LLP - Modern information and educational technologies in teaching technical disciplines at the university: Interactive learning

- 17.10-10.11.2022 - Almaty, KazNAIU -Transdisciplinary research methods for sustainable agriculture


1988 - 1994 Kazakh Agricultural Institute. Professional training in special and technical disciplines.

2012 - 2014 Kazakh National Agrarian University. 6M080600-"Agricultural machinery and technology".

2018 - 2021 Kazakh National Agrarian Research University. 6D080500-Water resources and water use.

2019 - 2019 Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. scientific internship .


1. Козыкеева А.Т., Мустафаев Ж.С., Тастемирова Б.Е. Особенности формирования гидрологического режима водосбора бассейна реки Тобол // МЕЛИОРАЦИЯ И ВОДНОЕ ХОЗЯЙСТВО / Материалы Всероссийской научно-практической конференции  с международным участием (Шумаковские чтения) « Инновационные технологии мелиорации,  водного и лесного хозяйства Юга России». – Новочеркасск: Издательство Лик, 2018.-Выпуск 16. - Часть 1. -  С.173-178.

2. Козыкеева А.Т., Мустафаев Ж.С., Тастемирова Б.Е. Гидрологическая оценка водных ресурсов водосбора бассейна реки Тобол //Материалы международной  научно-практической конференции «Мелиорация земель – неотъемлемая часть восстановления и развития АПК нечерноземной зоны Российской Федерации». –Москва, 2019.- С. 454-459.

3. Козыкеева А.Т., Мустафаев Ж.С., Тастемирова Б.Е. Оценка гидрохимического режима  стока   водосбора бассейна реки Тобол //Сборник научных трудов по материалам Международной научной экологической конференции  «Отходы, причины, их образования и перспективы использования».- Краснодар: КубГАУ, 2019.-С. 396-399.

4. Тастемирова Б.Е, Козыкеева А.Т., Мустафаев Ж.С. Формирования гидрологического режима водосбора бассейна реки Тобол // Сборник материалов XXIІI международной научно-практической конференции  молодых ученых и студентов «Научная молодежь в аграрной науке: достижения и перспективы» в рамках проведения года Молодежи Республики Казахстан. –Алматы, 2019.-С.188-194.

5. Козыкеева А.Т., Jozef Mosiej, Тастемирова Б.Е. Комплексная  оценка гидрохимического режима стока водосбора бассейна реки Тобыл// Исследования, результаты, 2019.-№1.- С. 97-103.

6. Рузиева А.М., Қалым Қ., Тастемирова Б.Е. Пестицидтермен ластанған ағынды суды тазартудың әдістерін негіздеу//Қазақстан жоғары мектебі. - 12.05.2017. - Б. 215-219. - ISSN 1560-1749.

7. Кулманов  Н.Б., Қалым Қ., Тастемирова Б.Е. Алматы қаласын литосфералық табиғи құбылыстардың салдарынан қорғау сенімділігін арттыру шараларын негіздеу//Қазақстан жоғары мектебі. - 12.05.2017. - Б. 210-215. - ISSN 1560-1749.

8. Мустафаев Ж.С., Козыкеева А.Т., Арвидас Повилайтис, Альдиярова А.К., Калмашова А.Н. Геоэкологическая оценка водосбора бассейна реки Есиль в условиях Антропогенной деятельности // Исследования, результаты, 2018.-№3(79).-С.101-112.

9. Kozykeyeva A.T., Mustafayev Zh.S., Tastemirova B.E., Jozef Mosiej specific features of flow formation and water use in the catchment areas in the Tobol river basin // News of the national Academy of sciences of the republic of Kazakhstan series of geology and technical sciences, Volume 3, Number 447 (2021) –Р. 89-94.

10. Тастемирова Б.Е., Ф.У., Турсбекова Г.Ж., Байзакова Ж.С., Утегалиева Ф.У. Ірі қара малды сою технологиясын жетілдіру әдістері //Труды Международной научно-практической  конференции: «Новый Казахстан – изменение парадигмы развития страны: высокая культура и образование». – Алматы: КазИТУ, 2022. – С.288-295.

11. Tastemirova B.E Measuring instruments and control of measuring equipment in food products //Materiały XVII Międzynarodowej naukowi-praktycznej konferencji , «Wykształcenie i nauka bez granic - 2022» , Volume 3 Przemyśl: Nauka i studia – 2022.-Р. 33-36.

12. Тастемирова Б.Е., Сансызбаева А.Өлшеу құралдары және тамақ өнімдеріндегі өлшеу жабдықтарын бақылау //Труды Международной научно-практической конференции «Духовное возрождение культуры, образования, науки в период глобализации»- Алматы: КазИТУ, 2023. -С. 150-156.

13. Жасталапова А.Т., Сатыбалды Е. С., Қалым Қ., Тастемирова Б.Е. Алматы қаласының азаматтық қорғау органдарына өртке қарсы жұмысты жақсарту бойынша халықтың арасында үгіт-профилактикалық жұмыс жөніндегі ұсыныстар// Материалы Международного научно-методического журнала 
«GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATIONS 2023: CENTRAL ASIA». Глобальная наука и инновация 2023: Центральная Азия» № 1(19). Астана, 2023.-С.60-65.



Disciplines taught

Quality management in the field of life safety and environmental protection

The purpose of mastering the discipline is to form students' ideas about ensuring national security, the quality of products, services, safety requirements and features of the development, adoption and implementation of quality control caused by emergencies.

Methods and controls and measuring

The purpose of the discipline is the formation of scientific knowledge in the field of metrology, standardization and measurement methods. Study of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On ensuring the unity of measurement", MVI, schemes. The study of physical quantities and measuring instruments, basic and additional units, etc., methods and measuring instruments. Devices of control and measuring instruments and devices that make up the measurement errors. methods for determining measurement errors, etc. signals, measurement information. Methods and means of measuring electrical quantities, types and means of control. As a result of studying the discipline, the student will be able to analyze the general characteristics of methods and measuring instruments, apply practical skills to obtain a trial analysis by measuring and control means.

Analysis of professional diseases and industrial accidents

The purpose of studying the discipline is to study industrial sanitation and occupational hygiene in industry, the basics of fire prevention, the basics of labor protection legislation, the basics of safety, fire safety and safety issues in the mining, metallurgical, chemical, petrochemical and energy industries. As a result of the training, the student will be able to study occupational hazards and occupational hazards and develop methods to prevent or mitigate them with the elimination of occupational accidents, occupational diseases of workers, accidents and fires.

Ecological analytical control of environment

The purpose of the discipline is to master the theoretical foundations of this scientific discipline, to master modern methods of analysis necessary for conducting eco-analytical monitoring. The subject of the discipline is the study of the properties of the main chemical pollutants, their behavior in the environment and methods of chemical, physico-chemical and biological control of them in industrial emissions, environmental objects, food products.

Bases of chemical and biological safety

The purpose of the discipline is to form students' thinking on safety priorities in solving engineering problems; to study the main aspects of ensuring chemical and biological human safety in settlements and work areas.

Rational use of natural resources

The purpose of mastering the discipline is the formation of students' knowledge and skills on nature management in the system of interaction between society and nature, ecological and geographical foundations of nature management, the natural environment of human society and its natural potential. The discipline focuses on the study of environmental management in the main branches of economic activity, anthropogenic impact and indicators of environmental intensity, environmental intensity and environmental friendliness of production.

Fire safety

The discipline forms an idea of fire safety, the theoretical foundations of the gorenje process and modern methods of fire extinguishing, assessment of the state of the fire, category of fires, extinguishing agents, fire equipment, calculation of the time of extinguishing the fire. As a result, the student has an idea of personal protective equipment, their proper use and the ability to make the right decisions in case of fire.

Occupational Safety and Health

Organizational and legal framework of labor protection. Main provisions Of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of labor protection. Labor codex. Principles of state policy in the field of labor protection. Supervision and labor protection controls. Labor protection regulations. Standards System Standards occupational safety. Sanitary rules, regulations, hygiene regulations. Rules and instructions for labor protection industry and intersectoral value.

Industrial ecology

The purpose of mastering the discipline is to study the sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air-thermal regime of the room, an idea of the hazard class of harmful substances, the maximum permissible concentrations in the working area, the general ventilation scheme, the basic scheme of localized ventilation and its advantages.

Occupational health and safety of life

The discipline "Occupational health and safety" consists of two sections: Occupational safety; Life safety. The labor protection section affects the following aspects: full responsibility of the employer for the state of labor protection at the enterprise, widespread use of the achievements of modern science and technology, compliance with labor protection and safety standards, providing employees with personal protective equipment, investigating and recording each accident and occupational disease, social protecting the interests of employees.Life safety section: balancing solutions for the preservation of the environment from man-made impacts and technical development of industry, ensuring environmental safety and restoring natural resources, ensuring the preservation of biological diversity and environmental objects, international cooperation in the field of environmental protection.

Productive sanitation

Basic concepts and definitions for industrial sanitation. Man and production environment. Labor physiology and comfortable working conditions. The impact of negative factors on the person and the working environment. Sanitary-Epidemiological Legislation and regulatory documents regarding industrial hygiene. Harmful production factors. Principles of regulation and protection. Identification of traumatic and harmful factors, hazardous areas. Industrial toxicology. Occupational diseases.

Industrial ecology

The purpose of mastering the discipline is to study the sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air-thermal regime of the room, an idea of the hazard class of harmful substances, the maximum permissible concentrations in the working area, the general ventilation scheme, the basic scheme of localized ventilation and its advantages.

Safety of technique and technology

The discipline forms the student's understanding of the safety of technological processes during the processing of structural materials , the safety of technological processes during the production and processing of coal, gas, oil and petroleum products, methods of assessing the safety of technological equipment, the study of protective equipment used during the operation of production equipment.

Endless Situation of Natural and Technogenic Characteristics and Proposed Characteristics

The purpose of the discipline is to teach the student in advance the preparation of measures to protect the population from emergencies, their maintenance in readiness, preparation for evacuation and placement, the complexity of the preparation of measures to protect the population from emergencies and the basic methods of protecting the population from emergencies.

Fire safety

The discipline forms an idea of fire safety, the theoretical foundations of the gorenje process and modern methods of fire extinguishing, assessment of the state of the fire, category of fires, extinguishing agents, fire equipment, calculation of the time of extinguishing the fire. As a result, the student has an idea of personal protective equipment, their proper use and the ability to make the right decisions in case of fire.

Engineering geoecology

The purpose of the discipline is to teach students the basics of geoecology, modern methods of solving geoecological problems and tasks of an environmental engineer at enterprises, methods of rational management of natural resources. And also masters the processing and interpretation of geoecological information.

The design of the system "Man machine-environment"

The purpose of discipline – the ability to process engineering to achieve harmonization of environment, ecological balance industrial society with environment; the acquisition of theoretical and practical skills of art and design plastic design and colours RES; the study of fundamental principles of ergonomics, which is fundamental for the improvement of working conditions, industrial and public relations, and improve the reliability of the system "man-machine".

Timetable of classes

Opening lessons