Main Teachers Nikulin Valery

Nikulin Valery

Associate professor
The Department of «Biochemical engineering»

Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences

Professional experience

– International Engineering Technological University; department biochemical engineering; associate professor (2022 – 2023)

– Al-Farabi Kazakh National University; Faculty of Physics and Technology; Department of Solid State Physics and Nonlinear Physics; senior lecturer (2011 – 2022).

– Al-Farabi Kazakh National University; Faculty of Physics; Laboratory of Semiconductor Instrumentation, Senior Researcher (1992 – 2011).

– S.M. Kirov KazSU; linear accelerator Laboratory; engineer of the research sector (1990 – 1992).

– KazPI named after Abai; linear accelerator laboratory; engineer of the research sector (1987 – 1990).


1979 - 1987 S.M. Kirov Kazakh State University. Physicist. Teacher.

2001 - 2004 al-Farabi Kazakh National University, full-time postgraduate study. 01.04.07 – condensed matter physics.

Scientific interests

3822/GF4 "Development of the internal structure of metamaterials and the study of their electrophysical and quasi-optical properties" under the Grant funding program for scientific research in 2015, project manager (2015 – 2017).

The participants are also co-executors of a large number of scientific projects.


Абдибаттаева М.М., Никулин В.Э., Сайдағали Ж.С., Дінісламов Е.Д. Применение блокчейн технологии в обеспечении цели устойчивого развития // Труды Международной научно-практической конференции: «Перспективы блокчейн-технологий в образовании, бизнесе и государственном секторе». – Алматы: МИТУ, 2023.

Никулин В.Э., Нұрбақыт Г. Сайдағали Ж.С., Салықжан Д.Н. Роль блокчейн технологий в обеспечении устойчивого развития и экологической безопасности // Международная научно-практическая конференция «Современные достижения в биомедицине и экологии», КазНУ им. аль-Фараби, 20 апр. 2023 г.

Mikhailov L.V., Mikhailova S.L., Ismailova G.A., Yersaiyn R., Kenes N., Lavrishev O., Nikulin V.E. Using solar energy by a smart window for the needs of urban residents // Materials Today: Proceedings, 2020. – Vol. 25. – Part 1. – pp. 64-66.

Assilbayeva R.B., Turmukhamedov A.Zh., Sekerbayev K.S., Taurbayev E.T., Nikulin V.E., Taurbayev T.I., Rodichkina S.P., Timoshenko V.Yu. Silicon Nanostructures for Visible and Infrared Photonic Devices // VI Международный симпозиум по когерентному оптическому излучению полупроводниковых соединений и структур. – Сборник тезисов докладов. – М.: НИЯУ МИФИ, 2017. - с. 51-52.

Sekerbayev K.S., Taurbayev E.T., Nikulin V.E., Taurbayev T.I., Baranov A.N., Timoshenko V.Yu. Enhanced Photoluminescent Properties of Organometal Perovskites Deposited on Nanostructured Semiconductor Substrates // VI Международный симпозиум по когерентному оптическому излучению полупроводниковых соединений и структур. – Сборник тезисов докладов. – М.: НИЯУ МИФИ, 2017. - с. 57.

Timoshenko V.Y., Gonchar K.A., Mirgorodskiy I.V., Maslova N.E., Nikulin V.E., Mussabek G.K., Taurbaev Y.T., Svanbayev E.A., Taurbaev T.I. Efficient visible luminescence of nanocrystalline silicon prepared from amorphous silicon films by thermal annealing and stain etching // Nanoscale Research Letters, 2011. – Vol. 6. – Article number 349. pp. 1-5.

Mamichev D.A., Gonchar K.A., Timoshenko V.Yu., Mussabek G.K., Nikulin V.E., Taurbaev, T.I. Enhanced Raman scattering in multilayer structures of porous silicon // Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2011. – Vol. 42. – Iss 6. – pp. 1392-1395.

Taurbayev Y.T., Gonchar K.A., Zoteev A.V., Timoshenko Victor, Zhanabayev Z.Zh., Nikulin V.E., Taurbayev T.I. Electrochemical Nanostructuring of Semiconductors by Capillary-Cell Method // Key Engineering Materials, 2010. – Vol. 442. – pp. 1-6.

Disciplines taught

Physics II

The purpose of the discipline is to form students' knowledge of mechanics, electricity and magnetism, vibrations and waves, quantum and nuclear physics, statistical physics and thermodynamics. The study of the basics of thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, electrostatics, direct current, magnetic field, magnetic properties of matter, the basics of Maxwell's theory, optical devices and their use in technological production, atomic and nuclear physics. When studying the discipline, the emphasis is on the most universal methods, laws and models of modern physics, the specificity of the rational method of cognition of the surrounding world is demonstrated, efforts are focused on the formation of students' key and subject competencies, as well as a general physical worldview and the development of physical thinking.

Electrial Safety

The discipline aims to acquire knowledge of the basics of electrical safety, the study of the influence of electric current on the human body, methods and means of protection against it, as well as safety rules during their installation and operation. As a result of studying the discipline, the student has the skills to provide first aid to victims of electric shock; to measure the insulation resistance and analyze the insulation condition of current-carrying parts of electrical installations. The student can use the acquired knowledge in the future when providing first aid in case of electric shock, measuring the insulation resistance and analyzing the insulation condition of current-carrying parts of electrical installations.

Radiation situation, assessment, methods of its detection and protection from radition

The purpose of the discipline is to form a student's understanding of the phenomenon of radiation, methods of measuring radiation, teaching methods of measuring radiation in domestic and industrial conditions; teaching basic principles of protection from radiation, providing primary care to victims of radiation exposure, possession of preventive measures in case of radiation contamination.


The purpose of the discipline is to study physical phenomena, external signs of the phenomenon and the conditions of its occurrence, quantities and laws. As a result of the training, the student will be able to apply the acquired theoretical and practical skills in the basic laws and theories, principles of physics, physical research methods, as well as the ability to conduct physical experiments, work with measuring instruments, calculate and process the results obtained.

Physics I

The purpose of the discipline is to apply the acquired theoretical and practical skills in the basic laws and theories, principles of physics, physical research methods, as well as the ability to conduct experiments, work with measuring instruments, process the results obtained.

Occupational Safety and Health

Organizational and legal framework of labor protection. Main provisions Of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of labor protection. Labor codex. Principles of state policy in the field of labor protection. Supervision and labor protection controls. Labor protection regulations. Standards System Standards occupational safety. Sanitary rules, regulations, hygiene regulations. Rules and instructions for labor protection industry and intersectoral value.

Occupational health and safety of life

The discipline "Occupational health and safety" consists of two sections: Occupational safety; Life safety. The labor protection section affects the following aspects: full responsibility of the employer for the state of labor protection at the enterprise, widespread use of the achievements of modern science and technology, compliance with labor protection and safety standards, providing employees with personal protective equipment, investigating and recording each accident and occupational disease, social protecting the interests of employees.Life safety section: balancing solutions for the preservation of the environment from man-made impacts and technical development of industry, ensuring environmental safety and restoring natural resources, ensuring the preservation of biological diversity and environmental objects, international cooperation in the field of environmental protection.

Timetable of classes

Понедельник Вторник Среда Четверг Пятница Суббота
Производственный травматизм и средства индивидуальной защиты, Лекции
(онлайн занятие)
Информационные системы по безопасности труда и жизнедеятельности, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 414 (Т))
Оценка надежности и безопасности технических систем, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 406 (Т))
Основы химической и биологической безопасности, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 312 (Б))
Производственный травматизм и средства индивидуальной защиты, Лекции
(онлайн занятие)
Информационные системы по безопасности труда и жизнедеятельности, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 414 (Т))
Оценка надежности и безопасности технических систем, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 406 (Т))
Основы химической и биологической безопасности, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 312 (Б))
Производственный травматизм и средства индивидуальной защиты, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 113 (Б))
Анализ профессиональных заболеваний и несчастных случаев на производстве, Лекции
(онлайн занятие)
Инженерная геоэкология, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 302 (И))
Физика II, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №1, 43 (Б))
Анализ профессиональных заболеваний и несчастных случаев на производстве, Лекции
(онлайн занятие)
Технологические системы очистки и использования отходящих газов, Практики
(онлайн занятие)
Инженерная геоэкология, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 312 (Б))
Физика II, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №1, 43 (Б))
Технологические системы очистки и использования отходящих газов, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №1, 73 (С))
Физика II, Практики
(Учебный корпус №1, 43 (Б))
Технологические системы очистки и использования отходящих газов, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №1, 73 (С))
Технологические системы очистки и использования отходящих газов, Практики
(Учебный корпус №1, 73 (С))
Opening lessons