Main Teachers Shaimukhanova Saule

Shaimukhanova Saule

Associate professor
The Department of «Social and humanitarian disciplines and world languages»

Candidate of historical sciences

Professional experience

2015-2020 Associate Professor of the Department "History of Kazakhstan" of the L.N.Gumelev Eurasian National University, (ENU) Astana
2015 – Professor of the Department "History of Kazakhstan" of Karaganda State Technical University (KarSTU);
2013 – Academician of the International Academy of Informatization (MAIN);
2010 – academic title of professor of KarSTU;
2003 – Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission
2003-2008 – head.the cycle of the History of Kazakhstan of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines;
1997 – Associate Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines (SRS) of KarSTU;
1993 – Senior Lecturer of the SRS Department;
1991 – Candidate of Historical Sciences;
1978 – Lecturer at the Department of History of the CPSU of the Karaganda Polytechnic Institute (KarPTI);
1976-1978 – internship at the Kokshetau Pedagogical Institute named after Sh.Sh.Valikhanov;
1975 – 1976 – head. Cabinet of History of the CPSU and Political Economy of the Karaganda Pedagogical Institute of Physical


1970 - 1975 Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov. qualification – Historian. Teacher of history and social studies;.

Scientific interests

Political repression in Kazakhstan (30-40s - early 50s). Deportation of peoples in Kazakhstan.


About 130 publications in 6 journals with a high impact factor: "modern problems of Science and education", № 1 ,2011, № 3, 2012, Academy of Natural Sciences, Moscow, Russia;" achievements of modern natural science " No. 4, 2013, No. 5 Part 1, 2014, Academy of Natural Sciences, Russia; "Young Scientist" No. 5, Part IV, 2015 (co-authored);" Young Scientist " No. 8 Part VIII, 2015 (co-authored); in Russian scientific collections "history: from the past to the future", Moscow, 2012, "military educational institutions: history, modernity, contribution to science and culture". Military-Historical Journal, Omsk, 2013 and at Republican conferences in the works of KSTU, Kazntu, Karsu."Yes," He Said.
5 monographs: "Karlag "in Russian and Kazakh, (co-authored), Karaganda, 1997;" political repression in Kazakhstan (30-40 – early 50s) Karaganda. 2000;" academician A. S. Saginov: facets of talent", Karaganda, 2010 (in co-authorship); the current state and ways of development of the education system, Odessa monograph (in co-authorship), 2012.

Disciplines taught

Modern history of Kazakhstan

Studying of discipline will allow the student to reach deep and complete perception of history of the Fatherland, ability to distinguish a true story, factual and proofs, written, archaeological sources and the scientific analysis from fictions and formation of myths, formation of harmonious historical consciousness and the world outlook principles according to national priorities, calls and realities of time; historical bases and the periods of formation of independent Kazakhstan statehood in the context of the global and Eurasian historical process; objectively and comprehensively to comprehend immanent advantages, features and value of the Kazakhstan model of development; to correlate the separate phenomena and events of the historical past to the general paradigm of world-wide and historical development of human society.


The sociology studies human society and behavior of people in social circumstances. It allows to see and explain more clearly those social forces which influence our life, to be guided in its internal problems, to define conflict situations in the social sphere and to find ways of their decision. Forms at students of skills of independent analytical thinking in the sphere of humanitarian knowledge, mastering the principles of rational approach to processes and trends of the changing society.

Political science

The role and value of policy especially increases during the critical historical periods when world outlook installations, ideals and values of citizens are exposed to radical transformation. The political science promotes formation of political thinking, development of a civic stand, she learns to be guided independently in complex problems of modern society and state, to accurately formulate and advocate the social and political interests.


"Cultural science" considers the common problems of the theory of culture keeping Cultural science concepts, universal regularities and mechanisms of formation and cultural development, the main historical stages of formation and development of world and Kazakhstan culture, their major achievements. Forms ideas of scientific contents and the analysis of Cultural science problems; development by students of the basic methodological theoretical provisions of modern cultural science.


The course "Psychology" forms idea of theoretical and methodological fundamentals of the general psychology, the current state of development of scientific psychology, its main categories, the principles. Area of the studied psychology phenomena, purpose of psychology and its interrelation with other scientific directions. Object, psychology subject, integrative psychology as methodological basis of psychological theories. Main historical stages of development of psychological science, direction of scientific psychology the XX cent. principles of psychology.

Timetable of classes

Понедельник Вторник Среда Четверг Пятница Суббота
Социология, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 409 (Б))
Социология, Практики
(Учебный корпус №2, 409 (Б))
Социология, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 410 (Т))
Социология, Практики
(Учебный корпус №1, 21 (С))
Политология, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №1, Актовый зал)
Социология, Практики
(Учебный корпус №1, Актовый зал)
Политология, Практики
(Учебный корпус №2, 409 (Б))
Opening lessons