Main Teachers Kadyrakunov Kubanych Baygazievich

Kadyrakunov Kubanych Baygazievich

Associate professor
The Department of «Smart technologies in engineering»

Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences


Professional experience

Work experience

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,
Faculty of Physics and Technology

September 2002 - September 2020 Senior Lecturer

  • Research work in the field of microwave electronics, antenna-feeder devices, wireless communication systems,
  • Physics course, 
  • Antenna-feeder devices,
  • Theory Of Electrical Circuits-1, 2,
  • Microwave electronics and appliances,
  • Radioelectric measurements,
  • Management of diploma projects,
  • Microelectronics,
  • Physics of polymer and mineral composites,
  • Electrical engineering.

Academy of Civil Aviation, Senior lecturer (part-time-5 years)

  • Airborne aircraft and airfield radio-electronic systems;
  • Aviation and airfield radio communication;
  • Aircraft radar;
  • Radio engineering measuring devices;
  • Management of theses.

Military Institute of Radio Electronics and Communications Engineers, senior lecturer (part-time-5 years)

  • physics,
  • management of theses.

Head of the Department of "Electric Power Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Standardization" (2002-2007) at Almaty University of Humanities and Technology (part-time-5 years)

  • Electric drive and electric machines,
  • Electrical networks,
  • Power supply of industrial enterprises,
  • Management of theses.

Kazakh-American University, Associate Professor (part-time-2 years)

  • Antenna-feeder devices,
  • Microwave electronics,
  • Management of theses

Parasat University, Senior Lecturer (part-time-2 years)

  • Construction physics,
  • Architectural lighting.
  • Management of theses

Kazakh Research Institute of Energy named after Sh. Chokin
October 1994 - September 2002 Head of the Renewable Energy Sector.
Scientific Secretary of the Doctoral Council of the Institute

  • Research work in the field of renewable hydro, solar and wind energy.
  • Calculation, design, manufacture, installation, repair of a cooling tower on a tire (Shymkent), CHP-2 (Almaty), Navoinskaya GRES (Republic of Uzbekistan), Maslodel LLP. 

Institute of Nuclear Research of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow
April 1977-September 1983 Researcher

  • research work in the field of radiation physics of solids and semiconductors using a proton accelerator, radioactive gamma radiation during a resonant nuclear reaction on a lithium isotope. Scientific Research Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Novosibirsk, Akademgorodok (5 years)
  • research and experimental work on the study of physical processes in ion-implanted semiconductors and dielectrics under pulsed nanosecond exposure using ruby and neodymium lasers and millisecond mode on a special infrared installation.

He worked as a co-executor as a senior researcher in the scientific project "Development of a monitoring system for city utility networks (housing and communal services), buildings, structures and natural objects for predicting and preventing emergencies."- "Institute of Information and Computing Technologies" KN MES RK.


1969 - 1974 Kazakh State University.Named after S. M. Kirov. physics, physics teacher.

1979 - 1973 Novosibirsk State University named after M.A. Lavrentiev. Solid state physics. Postgraduate study (full-time).

Scientific interests

1 Co-executive in the position of senior researcher, in the scientific project "Development of a system for monitoring city utility networks (housing and communal services), buildings, structures and natural objects for predicting and preventing emergencies".- "Institute of Information and Computing Technologies" KN MES RK. 2013-2016.

2 Senior Researcher On the project topic: Project no. 3822/GF4 "Development of the internal structure of metamaterials and the study of their electrophysical and quasi-optical properties". 2016.


  1. Перспективы использования солнечных коллекторов Международный семинар "Механизмы финансирования проектов в области возобновляемых источников энергии", Экономической комиссии ООН. Алматы, 30 сентября 1998, 204-207 с. Доскемпиров Б. Кадыракунов К. Б.
  2. Свободные и свободно-вынужденные падения в энергетических сооружениях Вестник КазГНУ им. аль-Фараби, серия "Физическая" № 6, Материалы Международной научной конференции "Современные достижения физики и фундаментальное физическое образование", Алматы, 1999, с.98 Доскемпиров Б., Кадыракунов К. Б. Баеков Е.
  3. Аэрогидродинамика энергетических устройств, подвергающихся влиянию метеорологических факторов Труды Международного семинара "Хаос и структуры в нелинейных системах", Караганда, 19 сентября 1999, с.64 Доскемпиров Б. Кадыракунов К. Б.
  4. Солнечный коллектор Патент РК № 8547 от 15.02.2000 г. Доскемпиров Б., Кадыракунов К. Б.Мерзадинова Г.
  5. Аэродинамика энергетических объектов, подвергающихся метеорологическому воздействию Вестник КарГУ, №1 (17), 2000, с.174. Доскемпиров Б.М., Кадыракунов К. Б.Мерзадинова Л., Тютебаева Г.
  6. Экспериментальное получение и исследование сложных сигналов с упорядоченной структурой Вестник КазНУ, серия физическая, 2005, №1 (19), с.147-151. Жанабаев З.Ж., Тарасов С.Б., Кадыракунов К. Б.Алмасбеков Н.Е.
  7. Исследование режимов автоколебаний в генераторе с флуктуирующими параметрами Журнал проблем эволюции открытых систем. № 7, 2006 г. Жанабаев З.Ж., Тарасов С.Т., Кадыракунов К. Б.Алмасбеков Н.Е., Елдесбай А.Т.
  8. Экспериментальное исследование структуры колебаний генератора хаоса в режиме малой инерциальной нелинейности. Журнал проблем эволюции открытых систем. № 2, 2006 г. Тарасов С.Т., Кадыракунов К. Б.Алмасбеков Н.Е.
  9. Импульсный отжиг кремния, имплантированного ионами аргона Известия АН Каз ССР Серия «физико-математическая» №2, 1984 г. Кадыракунов К. Б. Нидаев Е.В., Чормонов Т.Х., Вельсков М, Клабес Р.
  10. Особенности формирования проводящего слоя при импульсном отжиге Si, имплантированном большими дозами мышьяка Известия АН Каз ССР Серия «физико-математическая». №4, 1984 г. Кадыракунов К. Б. Нидаев Е.В., Чормонов Т.Х., Смирнов Л.С., Тысченко И.Е.
  11. Diffusion of Iron and Gold in silicon annealing with millisecond pulses Phys. Stat. Sol. №76 1983 Antonova I.V., Kadyrakunov K. B. Nidaev E.V., Smirnov L.S.
  12. Flash lamp annealing of ion-implanted polycrystalline silicon Phys. Stat. Sol. №75 1983 Kadyrakunov K. B. Nidaev E.V., Smirnov L.S., Plotnikova E., Melnik I.O., Makeev M.V.
  13. Behavior of built-in charge in a dielectric at pulsed annealing of Si – SiO2 structures Phys. Stat. Sol. №70, 1982. Kadyrakunov K. B. Nidaev E.V., Smirnov L.S.
  14. Decompossion of supersaturated antimony solutions in silicon created by pulsed of annealing ion-doped layers Phys. Stat. Sol. №75 1983. Kadyrakunov K. B. Nidaev E.V., Smirnov L.S., Tyshenko I.E.
  15. Перераспределение имплантированных ионов лития в кремнии под действием наносекундных импульсов лазерного излучения - краткие сообщения по физике. Физический институт имени П.Н. Лебедева. N 10- 1985 г.-17-21 с. К. Б.Кадыракунов, Л.Н. Кацауров, В.В. Краснопевцев, Е.В. Нидаев, К. Нургалиев, Л.С. Смирнов.
  16. Генератор сверхширокополосных хаотических сигналов с регулируемой базой Доклад на ХIII Международной научно-технической конференции – РАДИОЛОКАЦИЯ, НАВИГАЦИЯ, СВЯЗЬ-17-19 апреля 2007 год. Г. Воронеж, РОССИЯ, Том 3, стр. 1954-58. З.Ж. Жанабаев С.Б. Тарасов, Н.Е Кадыракунов К. Б. Алмасбеков, М.Т. Кызгарина, А.Б. Манапбаева.
  17. Использование метода электронно-индуцированной проводимости для исследования С-имплантированных слоев кремния Статья в журнале «Вестник Казну им. аль-Фараби-Серия Физическая, 2007 год, №1(23), стр. 35-38. А.А. Жакеева, Х.Р. Каздаев Кадыракунов К. Б.
  18. Исследование поверхности полупроводников методом послойной электронно-индуцированной проводимости Статья в журнале “Вестник КазНТУ им.К.Сатпаева”, Раздел “физико-математические науки”, 2006 г, №1 (51) , стр.142-147. Каздаев X.Р., Кадыракунов К. Б. Жакеева А.А., Базарбай У.
  19. Генератор широкополосного динамического хаоса Патент на изобретение. 2010 года. З.Ж.Жанабаев, С.Б.Тарасов, Кадыракунов К. Б. Н.Е.Алмасбеков
  20. Разработка акустического блока для измерения параметров снега Труды конференция КазНТУ им. К.А. Сатпаева. Роль и место молодых ученых в реализации новой экономической политики Казахстана МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫХ САТПАЕВСКИХ ЧТЕНИЙ. Том III, Алматы 2015, Almaty, Стр. 551-554. М. Мырзахметов Кадыракунов К. Б. Е. Садвакасов, Т. Искакова
  21. Опытно-экспериментальные исследования разработанной технологии и техники мониторинга водопроводных сетей. ВЕСТНИК Казахской Головная академии строительства и архитектуры, № 4(58), 2015 год, 164-169 Стр. М. Мырзахметов Кадыракунов К. Б.  Е. Садвакасов
  22. Диагностика и мониторинг снежного покрова ВЕСТНИК Казахской Головной академии строительства и архитектуры, № 1(55), 2015 год, 191 -194 Стр. М. Мырзахметов Кадыракунов К. Б. Е. Садвакасов
  23. Научные основы организации дистанционного мониторинга селевой опасности в Иле Алатау ВЕСТНИК Казахской Головной академии строительства и архитектуры, № 4(58), 2015 год, 171-174 Стр. М. Мырзахметов Кадыракунов К. Б. Е. Садвакасов С. Алимбетова
  24. Проект специальной автоматизированной телекоммуникационной метеостанции по мониторингу снежных лавин ВЕСТНИК Казахской Головной академии строительства и архитектуры, № 1(55), 2015 год, 187-190 Стр. М. Мырзахметов Кадыракунов К. Б. Е. Садвакасов
  25. DESTRUCTION OF PMMA AFTER THE IRRADIATION WITH HIGH-ENERGY ELECTRONS AND A MECHANICAL POINT IMPACT MECHANICS OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS. — 2020. — Vol. 56, No. 6. — P.1179—1188. Швейцария, издательство -Шпрингер B. Kozhamkulov , Kadyrakunov K. B. K. Jumadillayev, Zh. Primkulova*, H.Altenbach
  26. REVIEW OF MICROWAVE ABSORBING CHARACTERISTICS OF FERRITES AND THEIR COMPOSITES Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, —20, February 2021, (Volume 529 no.167839) P.1—17. Нидерланды, издательство -Elsevier Zharmenov.A. Aldashevich, PhD; Yomen Atassi; Bagasharova Zhenisgul Kadyrakunov K. B. Telmanovna, PhD; Mirzalieva Saule, PhD;
  27. ИНФОРМАТИКА Учебник для колледжей. Издательство "Китап"-2020 г. Архипова А.Н. Кадыракунов К. Б.
Disciplines taught

Theory of electrical communication

The discipline studies the basic laws of information transmission in telecommunication systems, signal conversion in typical functional units of communication systems, the basic laws and methods for analyzing potential noise immunity and throughput of communication channels, basic information theory and non-redundant message coding, basic models of telecommunication channels, principles of multi-channel communication and distribution information, issues of evaluating the effectiveness of communication systems and the fundamentals of noise-resistant coding and its application in communication systems.

Theory of transmission of electromagnetic waves

Formation of knowledge on the basic principles of electromagnetic wave propagation in various media, the main types of waveguides designed to transmit electromagnetic waves, an overview of the main elements of waveguide paths, as well as the issues of coordination of waveguide path elements are considered.

Digital Communications Technologies

The purpose of the discipline is the formation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the transmission of digital signals. The discipline studies the scientific foundations and the current state of digital communication technology, gives an idea of the possibilities and natural boundaries of the implementation of digital transmission and processing systems, explains the patterns that determine the properties of data transmission devices and the tasks of their functioning. As a result of the training, the student will be able to apply elements of digital communication systems, communication channels and analyze their characteristics, apply synchronization methods in digital communication systems, methods and devices of noise-resistant coding.

Radio Circuits

The purpose of the discipline is to form students' basic understanding of the essence of physical processes in linear, nonlinear and parametric circuits. The discipline forms the student's theoretical knowledge of the basic methods of analysis of typical radio signals and methods of their description. As a result of the training, the student will be able to apply the basic methods of studying signal transformations in linear, nonlinear and parametric circuits, investigate the characteristics of deterministic and random signals, analyze methods of converting analog and discrete signals.

Radio relay and satellite communication systems

The purpose of the discipline is the formation of students' theoretical knowledge and practical skills on how to build radio relay and satellite information transmission systems for various purposes. The discipline focuses on the study of the range, frequency range of radio relay and satellite transmission systems. As a result of the training, the student will be able to use design techniques, evaluate the quality indicators of radio relay and satellite transmission systems.

Antenna device and the propagation of electromagnetic waves

The purpose of the discipline is to study the transmission of electromagnetic waves for solving problems of radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications; types of antennas when used in radio relay systems, space communications and other radio communication systems over a given frequency range and terrain, taking into account the propagation of radio waves on the radio path. As a result of the training, the student will be able to perform calculations and carry out measurements of the main characteristics of the antennas, adjust and adjust the antenna-feeder path during the operation of the system.

Creation of networks of subscriber access

The purpose of the discipline is to form students' basic knowledge about the general principles of building communication networks. The discipline contains important sections on modern communication networks, access of users and subscribers to communication nodes of transport networks for the provision of telecommunication services. As a result of studying the disciplines, the student will be able to provide services and use different technologies, such as xDSL, HDSL, ADSL, VDSL.

Radio transmitters

theory and design of circuits of amplifiers of radio transmitting devices, stability of operation of amplifiers, power addition schemes. Fundamentals of the theory of autogenerators, schemes of autogenerators, methods of frequency stabilization. Analog and digital frequency synthesizers. The causative agents of radio transmitters and the construction of the latter with amplitude, single-band and angular modulation. Digital methods of generating, amplifying and controlling high-frequency vibrations. Multi-modulation methods. Transmitters of television signals and sound signals; radio relay, satellite and mobile radio communications.

Fundamentals of Radio Engineering and telekommunitsy

The study of this discipline is to teach students the methods and basics of building information systems and devices for generating, transmitting, receiving and processing signals. In addition, students should be introduced to the basic concepts, models and principles of building telecommunication systems and networks, current trends in their development and standards in the field of telecommunications.Be able to analyze the structure of construction and characteristics (indicators) of devices and systems of analog and digital information processing; apply methods of analysis and synthesis, technical solutions used in radio engineering devices and telecommunication systems for transmitting, receiving and processing information.

Receiving and transmitting radio devices

The purpose of the discipline is to form knowledge about the principles of operation of radio receivers and transmitting devices for various purposes, their blocks and nodes. As a result of the training, the student acquires practical skills in developing structural schemes of radio receiving and transmitting devices, will be able to carry out calculations of individual nodes, use methods for monitoring the parameters of the radio receiving and transmitting device.

Theoretical Foundations of Electrical Engineering

The purpose of the discipline is the study of stable processes in linear electrical circuits and the development of methods for analyzing DC, sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal current circuits, the formation of fundamental knowledge in the theory of linear and nonlinear electric and magnetic circuits, as well as electromagnetic field theory, practical skills in the application of methods of analysis and modeling of electromagnetic circuits and fields. As a result of studying the discipline, the student will be able to model linear and nonlinear DC and AC circuits, calculate the parameters of transients in DC and AC electrical circuits, experimentally determine voltages, currents, and capacities in sections of an electrical circuit.

Electronics and circuitry analog devices Part 2

Providing knowledge related to the circuitry of analog elements, nodes and devices; structures and principles of construction of corresponding microcircuits on the basis of standard elements, typical functional units and microcircuits, which are the basis for the implementation of various information processing tools.

Electronics and circuitry analog devices Part 1

The formation of knowledge related to the circuitry of elements, components and electronic devices; structures and principles for constructing appropriate microcircuits based on standard elements, typical functional units and microcircuits, which are the basis for the implementation of various processing tools for receiving and transmitting data.

Fundamentals of electronics and measurement technology

The formation of knowledge about the principles of operation, parameters and characteristics of the main classes of modern semiconductor devices and integrated circuits; methods of their analysis, as well as the acquisition of skills in the selection and construction of nodes of electronic devices. The study of measuring technologies, combining a set of methods, approaches, software and logic to the organization of measurements in modern radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications

Elements of Automation

The purpose of the discipline is to study the devices and the principle of operation of automation devices, the principles of regulation, the formation of practical skills for the automation of technological processes and production. The discipline contains important sections on primary converters of physical quantities, amplifiers and converting devices, automation elements and devices, reliability of elements of automatic control systems, the main provisions of the theory and calculation of reliability of elements of automatic control systems, achievements in the field of production automation, structures and circuit technological solutions based on automation elements and devices used in automation of technological processes, their principle of operation and operating conditions.

Linear automatic control systems

The purpose of the discipline is to train specialists in the field of automation of technological processes with in-depth knowledge of the theory of automatic control. The discipline studies the fundamentals of the theory of linear automatic control systems, methods of mathematical description, basic principles and schemes of automatic control systems; typical links of ATS; time and frequency characteristics of links and systems; direct and indirect methods of assessing the quality of linear ATS; methods and means of improving the properties of linear ATS; synthesis of linear automatic control systems. As a result of studying the discipline, students will gain practical skills in manual and computer-aided design using modern automation system design tools.As a result of studying the discipline, students will gain practical skills in manual and computer-aided design using modern automation system design tools.

Nonlinear automatic control system

The purpose of the discipline is to train specialists in the field of automation of technological processes with in-depth knowledge of the theory of automatic control. The discipline studies the basics of the theory of nonlinear systems, methods of mathematical description and modeling, types of nonlinear systems, methods for studying the stability of periodic regimes and transients. As a result of studying this discipline, students have an idea of the main features of nonlinear systems, distinguish them from linear automatic control systems, will be able to apply mathematical methods to analyze the general properties of nonlinear systems, possess methods of analysis and synthesis of nonlinear automatic control systems, perform computational work on the analysis of stability and quality of discrete systems, calculate and design non-linear automatic control systems and select automation equipment when developing non-linear automatic control systems.

The reliability of control systems

The concept of reliability and efficiency of the element and system. Characteristics of reliability of technical elements. The determination of estimates of reliability indicators based on the experimental data. A method of increasing the reliability of systems with group reserves. Reliability and efficiency of ACS. Structural methods of reliability evaluation in automatic control systems.

Introduction to Specialty

The purpose of the discipline is to form students' basic understanding of the development of engineering and technology, scientific achievements in accordance with the chosen educational program. The discipline gives students a systematic understanding of the current state and trends in the development of the food, processing, industry, agricultural and industrial complex, including the possibilities of new information and communication technologies. The study of the basic concept in the field of standardization and certification, the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan on technical regulation, standardization, management systems, new methods and practices of the QMS. As a result of studying the discipline, the student will receive theoretical and practical skills in the organization of the task, as well as the formulation and solution of highly motivated non-standard professional tasks, problems and compliance with the ethics of professional activity.

Automatization of standard technological processes and productions

The purpose of mastering the discipline is the formation of students' knowledge and skills on nature management in the system of interaction between society and nature, ecological and geographical foundations of nature management, the natural environment of human society and its natural potential. The discipline focuses on the study of environmental management in the main branches of economic activity, anthropogenic impact and indicators of environmental intensity and environmental friendliness of production.

Automation of technological processes

Creation and application of algorithmic, hardware and software systems for automation, management and control of technological processes and production, ensuring the production of high-quality, safe, competitive products freeing a person completely or partially from direct participation in the processes of obtaining, transforming, transmitting, using and managing production.

Robotics and robotic systems

The purpose of the discipline is to design robotic systems using artificial intelligence and neural networks. As a result of the training, the student will be able to design models of mobile mechanisms for robotic systems using artificial intelligence and neural networks, to carry out their assembly and operation.

Automation of techological processes and production

The purpose of mastering the discipline is to form the basics of knowledge and skills of students in the automation of technological processes and production, mastering the methods of building functional devices and control systems, regulation and management of technological objects and systems, acquisition by students of skills in engineering methods of object research, control algorithms and programs, checking their operability on a computer. As a result of studying the discipline, students will gain skills in the practical application of a complex of technical means of integrated and distributed systems by technological processes.

Introduction to Finance

The discipline "Introduction to Finance" is aimed at studying the basic conceptual apparatus, as well as mastering the special terminology used in the study of special disciplines. As a result of studying the discipline , the student must: To know: the basic concepts of finance and credit, their interrelationships in social reproduction; modern legislation, regulatory and methodological documents regulating financial, monetary and credit relations in the Russian market economy; Be able to: use the acquired knowledge in their practical activities; summarize and systematize legislative and regulatory documents regulating financial and credit relations, statistical data and reference materials on the state and development of financial markets; Possess: the skills of independent and consistent application of analytical tools studied in this course.

Optimal control systems

The purpose of the discipline is to form students '''' knowledge on the physical essence of optimal and adaptive automatic control, on the mathematical theory of optimal automatic control. As a result of studying the discipline, the student will receive theoretical and practical skills to apply in practice the solution of problems in the field of control theory with specified optimal parameters, to model in software packages, to determine the criteria and methods of optimal control. The obtained knowledge can be used by the student in the future in the research, design and operation of automated control systems.

Design and development of user interfaces

The purpose of the discipline is to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities to create digital products, develop the appearance of websites and mobile applications, design user experience and analyze the target audience. As a result of studying the discipline, students analyze existing interfaces or conduct research for products designed from scratch, research user experience, assess the quality and convenience of interfaces, develop a graphical user interface for industrial information systems.

Digital communication technologies in the economy

The course is aimed at developing students' theoretical knowledge about digital communication in the economy and the practical application of platforms for their use in government and commercial organizations. As a result of studying the discipline, students will master the skills of using modern information and communication technologies that form the basis of digital economics, gain knowledge and practical experience in the field of managerial decision-making in digital transformation

Computer simulation (MatLab)

The goal and objectives of the discipline are an in-depth study of modern means of computer mathematics for solving applied problems using methods of mathematical modeling, studying methods of analysis and conducting a computational experiment, acquainting with modern software modeling tools, acquainting with modern methods of computer modeling of processes and systems, developing a mathematical model of this process and performing calculations with this model using the mathematical packages Simulink and MatLab, to study the possibilities of calculating mathematical models of problems using the Matlab environment. Learning outcomes: after completing the course, the student must know: general principles and foundations of computer modeling of infocommunication systems; key stages of creating a computer model of various processes; basics of computer modeling of processes using specialized computer programs; correctly formulate and present the results of creating a computer model; be able to: simulate different levels of radio communication systems in the MATLAB system and the Simulink simulation environment associated with it; own: skills and practical techniques for computer modeling of processes using specialized computer programs; the skills of analyzing and describing the results of computer modeling; basic knowledge of design in various areas of computer modeling.

Timetable of classes

Понедельник Вторник Среда Четверг Пятница Суббота
Контрольно-измерительные приборы, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 308 (И))
Контрольно-измерительные приборы, Практики
(Учебный корпус №2, 308 (И))
Приемо-передающие радиоустройство, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 308 (И))
Контрольно-измерительные приборы, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 308 (И))
Приемо-передающие радиоустройство, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 308 (И))
Приемо-передающие радиоустройство, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 308 (И))
Радиотехнические цепи, Практики
(Учебный корпус №2, 308 (И))
Радиотехнические цепи, Практики
(Учебный корпус №2, 308 (И))
Контрольно-измерительные приборы, Лекции
(онлайн занятие)
Приемо-передающие радиоустройство, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 308 (И))
Радиотехнические цепи, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 308 (И))
Радиотехнические цепи, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 308 (И))
Контрольно-измерительные приборы, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 308 (И))
Радиотехнические цепи, Лабораторные работы
(Учебный корпус №2, 308 (И))
Радиотехнические цепи, Лабораторные работы
(Учебный корпус №2, 308 (И))
Контрольно-измерительные приборы, Практики
(Учебный корпус №2, 308 (И))
Opening lessons