Main Teachers Demeubaeva Laura Kurmangazievna

Demeubaeva Laura Kurmangazievna

The Department of «Software Engineering»

Master of science


Professional experience

  • From 2012-2023 to the present, lecturer of the Department "Software Engineering, IETU
  • 2013. author of electronic textbooks "Java technologyalar", "Computerlik geliler", which are embedded in the AES library.


  • 2011y. Cisco Network Academy CCNA, KazNU Information Technologies Academy courses.
  • 2018y. Certificate of seminars on Clarivate Analytics resources for scientific research.
  • 2020y. Courses in Web programming, CODEGURU, Almaty.
  • 2022y. Graduated from the Fundamentals of Management courses.
  • 2022y. A course on the topic "Modern information and educational technologies in the teaching of technical disciplines at the university: interactive learning".
    2023y. Web programming course (node.js REST-API), Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.


  • Since 2020 coordinator of the educational program "Software Engineering"
  • In 2022, she was an expert in test tasks on the discipline "Databases in information systems", the National Testing Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of the order of the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science, Nur-Sultan.

2006 - 2010 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Bachelor in Technics and Technology on speciality "050703 - Information systems".

2010 - 2012 Almaty academy of economics and statistics. Master of Science on specialty "6M060200 - Informatics".

Scientific interests

Research directions:

  • Modern WEB programming technologies,
  • Client programming technologies,  
  • Research and development of modular educational programs in IT specialties, 
  • Development of interactive multimedia electronic textbooks and online platforms.


  • Т. Т. Велямов, А. А. Айжанова, Л. К. Демеубаева. Интеллектуальная информационная система обеспечения устойчивости функционирования технологического оборудования при случайных отказах с минимальными издержками, Вестник Национальной инженерной академии Республики Казахстан. 2023. № 1 (87).
  • T.T.Velyamov, L.K.Demeubayeva. FORMATION OF THE PRINCIPLES OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION ON THE BASIS OF MATHEMATICAL METHODS AND MODELS, AS A METHOD OF TRANSITION OF AN EFFECTIVE ECONOMIC POLICY TO THE INDUSTRIAL - INNOVATIVE MU DEVELOPMENT, Международная научно-практическая конференция «Образование XXI века: инновации, состояние и перспективы развития» [Текст]: материалы междунар. науч.-прак. конф., 27-28 октября 2022 г. / под науч. ред. Ш. А. Курманбаевой. Alikhan Bokeykhan University. Область Абай. г. Семей. Семей: республиканская издательская компания «Zhardem», - 2022. – I том – 131 с.
  • Демеубаева Л.К., Хамилов А.А. «SMART технологии в образовании», Международная научно-практическая конференция  «Интеграция образования, науки и производства: актуальные вопросы, достижения и инновации» Алматы, апрель,  2021.
  • Демеубаева Л.К. Электрондық оқулық білім беру сапасын арттырудың тиімді құралы  ретінде// Әлемдік ақпараттық білім беру кеңістігі бәсекеге қабілетті ұстаз қолында: Жас ғалымдар және студенттердің Республикалық ғылыми-практикалық конференция материалдарының жинағы. –Алматы: ҚазМемҚызПУ, 2012. –147-149б.
  • Демеубаева Л.К., Бөрібаев Б. Оқытудың жаңа инновациялық технологияларын енгізу – білім беру үрдісін ақпараттандыру негізі // Материалы XI междунар.научн.прак.конференции студентов, магистрантов и молодых ученых «Индустриально-инновационное развитие и интеграция в экономике и образовании». –Алматы: АЭСА, 18-19 апрель, 2012г.
  • Демеубаева Л.К., Курмет У., Укубасов Б., Сеитова Г.Р. К вопросу о стиле программирования// Экономика ғылымдарының докторы, мемлекет және қоғам қайраткері Атамұрат Мөрәліұлы Шаменовтың 60 жылдығына арналған жас ғалымдардың, магистранттар мен студенттердің «Қазақстандағы экономика және қаржы: стратегиясы, инновациясы және интеграциясы» атты Х Халықараық ғылыми-практикалық конференциясы материалдарының жинағы.-Алматы: АЭСА, 5 қаңтар 2011ж. –58-60б.
Disciplines taught

Internet technologies

The purpose of the discipline is the formation of students' theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of Internet technology, the integration of local networks into the global telecommunications network Internet, data exchange protocols used on the Internet. The student acquires the skills of developing Internet resources using hypertext markup language, cascading style sheets, client and server scripting programming languages, organization of multimedia systems architecture, synchronization of processes and flows in Internet technologies. After completing the training, the student will be able to create software applications based on modern Internet technologies, determine the network section with the maximum delay in transmitting IP packets, form HTTP requests and analyze HTTP response fields, develop hypertext documents.

Information Systems and Networks

The purpose of the discipline is to study the basic concepts and trends in the development of information systems, to master the theoretical foundations of building information systems and networks, to develop practical skills to implement the tasks of this subject area. Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to demonstrate knowledge of information processes, computer software, the basics of building and functioning of information systems and networks, implement CIS, apply methods of designing information networks, calculate and design local area networks based on Ethernet technology to solve a wide range of tasks, own technologies for building and maintaining infocommunication systems and networks.

Computer graphics and animation

The purpose of the discipline is the creation of raster and vector images, the use of computer graphics and animation products in the user environment. After completing the course, the student will be able to work with graphic editors like Photoshop, CorelDRAW, AutoCAD and create short animations with interactive elements based on vector and raster graphics.

Information and communication technologies

Modern methods and means of communication in ordinary and professional activities with the help of information technologies for the search, collection, storage, processing and dissemination of information are considered. The methods of practical implementation of training focused on the use of multimedia technologies, artificial intelligence systems, information systems operating on the basis of computer technology, providing automation of input, accumulation, processing, transmission, operational management of information are studied.

Information Technology

The purpose of the discipline is to form students' knowledge on the creation of components of software complexes and databases, automation of technological processes using modern tools and programming technologies; the main directions in the field of design, development of software products and a set of tools that ensure their life cycle; theoretical foundations of the construction of instrumental software; international and domestic standards used when developing software products; classical and modern approaches to the construction of the interface and information structure of the toolkit; the choice of a tool that provides the stages of the life cycle of programs, with practical use – the development and implementation of software products.

Design and administration of computer networks

The goal and objectives of the discipline are to study the basics of theory and gain practical skills in network administration, organize and configure a local computer network, master the basic means of ensuring network security, practical skills in designing and maintaining computer networks, creating and administering a network in small and medium-sized companies. Learning outcomes: after completing the course, the student should know: the basics of building computer networks; the main types of network architectures, topologies and hardware components of computer networks, standards and technologies of computer networks, basic technologies of applied programming for the Internet, information processing technologies used in the Internet, the main tasks of network administration; be able to: install and configure network hardware in modern operating systems; ensure the assignment of access rights, password protection and copying of the contents of the file system folders, share hardware and software resources of the network for shared use, administer the operation of mixed networks with the joint use of information network technologies.

Web programming

The purpose of this discipline is to teach client and server programming, including analysis methods, the study of modern web technologies and web development languages. After completing the course, the student will be able to apply the methodology of project management for the development of Web-oriented information systems, program in HTML, CSS, Java Script, PHP, CMS, program algorithms for solving problems in the field of programming for the Internet, debug programs for working on the Internet, create and publish their own websites on the Internet.

Timetable of classes

Понедельник Вторник Среда Четверг Пятница Суббота
Компьютерная графика и анимации, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 303 (И))
Компьютерная графика и анимации, Практики
(Учебный корпус №2, 307 (И))
Компьютерная графика и анимации, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 303 (И))
Компьютерная графика и анимации, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 307 (И))
Компьютерная графика и анимации, Практики
(Учебный корпус №2, 303 (И))
Информационно-коммуникационные технологий, Практики
(Учебный корпус №2, 303 (И))
Компьютерная графика и анимации, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 307 (И))
Информационно-коммуникационные технологий, Практики
(Учебный корпус №2, 303 (И))
Информационно-коммуникационные технологий, Лабораторные работы
(Учебный корпус №2, 303 (И))
Информационно-коммуникационные технологий, Практики
(Учебный корпус №1, 64 (И))
Информационно-коммуникационные технологий, Практики
(Учебный корпус №2, 303 (И))
Информационно-коммуникационные технологий, Лабораторные работы
(Учебный корпус №1, 64 (И))
Информационно-коммуникационные технологий, Лабораторные работы
(Учебный корпус №2, 303 (И))
Проектирование и администрирование компьютерных сетей, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 307 (И))
Информационно-коммуникационные технологий, Лабораторные работы
(Учебный корпус №2, 303 (И))
Проектирование и администрирование компьютерных сетей, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 307 (И))
Информационно-коммуникационные технологии, Лабораторные работы
(Учебный корпус №2, 303 (И))
Проектирование и администрирование компьютерных сетей, Практики
(Учебный корпус №2, 307 (И))
Информационно-коммуникационные технологии, Практики
(Учебный корпус №2, 303 (И))
Opening lessons