Main Teachers Bektemessov Amanzhol

Bektemessov Amanzhol

Associate professor
The Department of «Software Engineering»



Professional experience

Main professional experience

  • 01/09/2004 - 01/03/2008, Research Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, junior and researcher
  • 03/06/2007 - 08/08/2010, Alatau-Soft LLP, programmer-developer
  • 01/09/2008 - 01/08/2010, Research Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, senior and leading researcher
  • 01/09/2010 - 01/07/2017, Research Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi, Head of Laboratory Department, Leading Researcher
  • 01/09/2010 - 06.30.2011, "Informatics" KazNU named after. al-Farabi, teaching assistant
  • 01/09/2012 - 12/26/2014, to the present time, senior lecturer at the Department of Informatics of KazNU named after al-Farabi,
  • 08/01/2017 - 06/01/2019 Head of the Department of Information Technology, Turan University.
  • 08/01/2021 - present Head of the Department of Computer Science, Automation and Telecommunications, Kazakhstan Engineering and Technology University.

Training and qualifications

  • Austria, Vienna: 02.2012-07.2012 Study 1 semester (Technical University of Vienna, Model Checking, Computer Aided Verification, Hybrid Systems) Certificate
  • Austria, Vienna: 13.08.2012-25.08.2012 "Transferable Skills Training Session for TEMPUS-CANDI Project Members" (Technical University of Vienna, Project Tempus) Certificate (36 hours)
  • Russia, Pskov: 26-28.04.2013 "PERCo Systems and Equipment" (PERCo Training Center) Certificate
  • Germany, Munich: 10/22/2013-11/12/2013 "Teaching competency and Infrastructure for e-Learning and Retraining" (according to the CANDI project) Certificate
  • Kazakhstan, Almaty: 07.12.2015-27.04.2016 "English language course" Intermediate level (Al-Farabi KazNU) Certificate (72 hours)
  • Turkey, Ankara: 15.09.2018-28.09.2018 Can Chaos be Eliminated from the Quantum Computers (Gazi University) Certificate (72 hours)
  • Kazakhstan, Almaty: 10/14/2019-11/11/2019 Software verification (Al-Farabi KazNU) Certificate (72 hours)
  • Kazakhstan, Almaty: 06.01.2020-31.01.2020 Modern software development technologies (KazRENA, IIAT) Certificate (72 hours)

Experience in IT development and programming

  • Mobile Application Development, Kotlin (Cross Platform Application), Automation and Systems Management, C++, Python, Java, etc.
  • An online learning platform has been developed for schools and colleges in Almaty
  • An information system has been developed for tracking buses of the Turan University (Arduino, Android, GPS).
  • He has experience in the development of robots and drones.

Experience in IT development and programming

  • Mobile Application Development, Kotlin (Crossplatform App), Automation and Systems Management, C++, Python, Java, etc. 
  • An online learning platform has been developed for schools and colleges in Almaty
  • An information system for tracking buses of the University "Turan" (Arduino, Android, GPS) has been developed.
  • 03/01/2020 - 03/25/2020, during the pandemic and quarantine, together with the Department of Education of the city of Almaty, organized and participated in the creation of a series of video lectures and video lessons for the Almaty, Balapan and Yelarna channels.
  • Has experience in the development of robots and drones.

2000 - 2004 Republican Specialized Physics and Mathematics Boarding School named after O.A. Zhautykova. Mathematical analysis, programming.

2004 - 2008 Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi. Bachelor`s degree in "050602 - Computer Science".

2008 - 2010 Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi. Master of Natural Sciences, specialty "6N0602 - Informatics".

2010 - 2014 Vienna Technical University (Austria) and al-Farabi Kazakh National University. PhD of "6D060200 - Computer Science".

2015 - Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi. Defense of a doctoral (PhD) dissertation on the topic "Verification of parallel software systems of numerical simulation based on model verification".

Scientific interests

Goverment projects:



Student and master's projects:

  1. Development of an information system for tracking buses of enterprises (Arduino, Android, GPS).
  2. Development of a system for recognizing automobile state numbers for a barrier - 2nd place in the republican competition "Research work of a master student" (NIRM).


Commercial projects:

  1. - ROBOTICS AND PROGRAMMING for schoolchildren and college students in Almaty
  2. GooglePlay - development of iOS, Android mobile applications "Mugalim Sani"
  3. - ROBOTICS AND PROGRAMMING online education platform for school and college students



In periodical publications:

  1. Жумагулов Б.Т., Данаев Н.Т., Ахмед-Заки Д.Ж., Маткерим Б., Бектемесов А.Т. Модернизация информационной системы анализа разработки нефтегазовых месторождений ИСАР-II. // Вестник НИА РК. Алматы – 2013. – С. 14-20.
  2. Ахмед-Заки Д.Ж., Бектемесов А.Т. Модели параллельных программ и их верификация при использовании транзакционной памяти. // Вестник НИА РК. Алматы – 2014.  – С. 30-35.
  3. Ахмед-Заки Д.Ж., Бектемесов А.Т. Симмуляция распределенных программ при использовании транзакционной памяти // Вестник КазНУ. Алматы – 2014.  – С. 26-33.
  4. Бектемесов А.Т. Ақпараттарды үлкен көлемді құжаттардан BDD әдісімен іздеу // Вестник КазНПУ. Алматы, 3(51), 2015, С. 201-205
  5. Бектемесов А.Т., Бурлибаев А.Ж., Илялетдинов Ф.А.  Распределенные алгоритмы и их верификация с помощью Byzantine model checker // Вестник КазНУ. Алматы, 4(92), 2016, С. 70-80.
  6. Бектемесов А.Т. Имитационные моделирование и анализ современных алгоритмов балансировки нагрузки/ 2017, С. 276-283
  7. Бектемесов А.Т., ЗубайраевТ.Н., Тусупов К.А. Разработка мобильного приложения для получения доступа к базе данных. Вестинк “КазНПУ” 2019, и т.д.

In conference materials:

  1. Данаев Н.Т., Ахмед-Заки Д.Ж., Бектемесов А.Т. О верификации протокола передачи данных W.C. Lynch. // Актуальные проблемы современной математики, информатики и механики – II. - международная конференция.  Алматы – 2011.
  2. Akhmed-Zaki D., Danaev N., Matkerim B. Design of Distributed Parallel Computing Using by MapReduce/MPI Technology. // Parallel Computing Technologies 12th International Conference, PaCT 2013. St. Petersburg, Russia. – 2013 (Scopus).
  3. Бектемесов А.Т., Ахмед-Заки Д.Ж. Распределение и верификация моделей параллельных программ на базе mpi // XIV Международная конференция «Высокопроизводительные параллельные вычисления на кластерных системах», ПНИПУ, г. Пермь, Россия – 2014.
  4. Бектемесов А.Т. Компьютерлік программаларды spin верификаторында симуляциялау және верификациялау // Халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференция (международная научно-практическая конференция) «Мектепте және жоғары оқу орындарында математиканы, физиканы және информатиканы оқытуды жетілдіру мәселелері», Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ, Алматы – 2014.
  5. Ахмед-Заки Д.Ж., Бектемесов А.Т. Распределение параллельных программ и их верификация при использовании транзакционной памяти // III-я Международная научно-практическая конференция «Состояние, проблемы и задачи информатизации в Казахстане», КазНТУ, Алматы – 2014.
  6. Бектемесов А.Т., Аубакиров С. Метод BDD для сложных поисковых систем // Международная конференция «Актуальные проблемы вычислительной и прикладной математики», г. Новосибирск, 2015, С. 77-78
  7. Бектемесов А.Т., Куатбаева А.А. Using of model checking for combining tasks // International Conference "Inverse Problems in Finance, Economics and Life Sciences", Almaty, Kazakhstan, al-Farabi KazNU, December 26-28, 2017.
  8. Айдаров К.А., Бектемесов А.Т., Балакаева Г.Т. Имитационное моделирование и анализ современных алгоритмов балансировки нагрузки // Международная конференция «Активные методы обучения», 23-24 ноября 2017 г., Алматы, КазНУ им. аль-Фараби совместно с университетом Нью-Касла (Великобритания).
  9. Bektemessov A.T., Kuatbayeva A.A., Kossynbay Y.B., Abdiyev K.S., Dosanalieva A. Project training method as graduate research activity development tool // II Международная научная конференция «Информатика и прикладная математика» ИИВТ КН МОН РК и КазНУ им. аль-Фараби, 2018. и т.д.
  10. Бектемесов Аманжол ТохтямовичУсманова А.М. Нысанды нақты уақыт жүйесінде автоматты түрде бақылаудың ендірілген жүйесі 2020 г. 5 - стр. 
Disciplines taught

Software development tools

The purpose of the discipline is to study the theoretical foundations of the construction of instrumental software, to determine the direction of application, composition, methods and means of instrumental software. Students will acquire skills in the application of modern CASE technologies in the development of information systems. As a result of the training, the student will be able to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the basic principles of the software development process, the principles of construction, structure and techniques of working with tools that support the creation of software and Windows technology; use software tools; develop software tools; conduct a comparative analysis when choosing software development tools.

Three-dimensional technology

Introduction to computer graphics. Flash-animation. Video and sound processing programs. Graphic editor Adobe Photoshop. Drawing technique in Adobe photoshop. CorelDraw.3D STUDIO MAX. An overview of the elements of the interface of 3D STUDIO MAX. Working with units, bindings, and other 3D STUDIO MAX drawing AIDS. Object selection methods in 3D STUDIO MAX. Using the resource Manager and extension Module in 3D STUDIO MAX. Conceptual basis of object modeling in 3D STUDIO MAX.

Robotics and robotic systems

The purpose of the discipline is to design robotic systems using artificial intelligence and neural networks. As a result of the training, the student will be able to design models of mobile mechanisms for robotic systems using artificial intelligence and neural networks, to carry out their assembly and operation.

System Programming

The purpose of the discipline is the formation of the student's competencies in the field of programming at the system level and the principles of implementing programs in high-level languages, familiarization with the principles of translation of source programs prepared in C++, and the application of the knowledge gained for the development of effective system software. As a result of the training, the student, using the knowledge gained on the basics of computer construction and architecture, will be able to configure specific configurations of operating systems, develop programs in the UNIX operating system using system calls, debug and test the program at the module level.

Software Testing

The purpose of the discipline is to familiarize students with the main types and methods of software testing with a structural and object-oriented approach in programming, mastering modern testing tools, gaining experience in testing computer programs. As a result of the training, the student will be able to demonstrate skills according to the criteria and types of testing, perform modular, integration and system testing, apply general principles of test automation, use tools and methods of unit testing, evaluate the complexity of testing a software product using a mathematical model, conduct all types of testing.

Timetable of classes

Понедельник Вторник Среда Четверг Пятница Суббота
Тестирование программного обеспечения, Лекции
(онлайн занятие)
Алгоритмизация и программирование, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №1, 64 (И))
Тестирование программного обеспечения, Лекции
(онлайн занятие)
Алгоритмизация и программирование, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №1, 64 (И))
Тестирование программного обеспечения, Практики
(онлайн занятие)
Алгоритмизация и программирование, Практики
(Учебный корпус №1, 64 (И))
Opening lessons