Main Teachers Aliaskar Magzhan Sundetuly

Aliaskar Magzhan Sundetuly

The Department of «Software Engineering»

Master of technical sciences


Professional experience

2017-2018 Office equipment manager - KazETU

2018-2020 Project Engineer - Institute of Information and Computing Technologies

2020-2021 teacher - KazETU College

2020-2023 teacher - KazNU named after Al-Farabi

2021-2022 teacher - KazETU

since 2023 teacher - IETU


2015 - 2018 Kazakhstan University of Engineering and Technology. Bachelor`s degree in "5B070400 - Computer Science and Software".

2018 - 2020 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Master of Technical Sciences, specialty "6M070200 - Automation and Control".

Scientific interests

AP05131027 Development of biometric methods and means of information security (2018-2020)

AP19678157 "Development of a software and hardware complex for monitoring the state of the reservoir occupancy level" (2023-2025)


The list of publications of the supervisor in domestic journals, including those recommended by the KKSON of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, published (with a full bibliographic description)

  1. Алиаскар М.С., Джомартова Ш.А., Зиятбекова Г.З., Исимов Н.Т., Мазакова А.Т., Автономная микропроцессорная система передачи климатических данных // Вестник КазНИТУ №1 (131), Алматы, Январь 2019 г. С. 370-377
  2. Т.С. Шорманов, Ш.А. Джомартова, Г.З. Зиятбекова, Б.С. Амирханов, М.С. Алиаскар, Алгоритмы машинного обучения для биометрической идентификации лиц // Вестник КБТУ №1 (48) Том 16, Алматы, Март 2019г., С. 93-102
  3. Әлиасқар М.С., Мазаков Т.Ж., Идентификация человека по лицу на основе 2D изображений // Материалы IV международной научно-практической конференции "Информатика и прикладная математика", посвященной 70-летнему юбилею профессоров Биярова Т.Н., Вальдемара Вуйцика и 60-летию профессора Амиргалиева Е.Н. 25-29 сентябрь 2019, Алматы, Казахстан, С.135-143
  4. Шорманов Т.С., Мазаков Т.Ж., Джомартова Ш.A., Зиятбекова Г.З., Әлиасқар M.С. Алгоритмы обработки изображении для биометрической идентификации личности по отпечаткам пальцев // Вестник КазУТБ. – Нур-Султан, 2019. № 2. - С. 2-12.
  5. Алиаскар М.С., Айпанов Ш.А., Тусупова1 С.А., Карымсакова Н.Т., Амирханов Б.С., Биометрическая идентификация человека по отпечаткам пальцев // Материалы научной конференции ИИВТ МОН РК «Современные проблемы информатики и вычислительных технологий» 1-4 июля 2019 года. – Алматы, 2019. – С.83-88.
  6. М.С. Әлиасқар, Т.С. Шорманов, О.Ж. Мамырбаев, Н.Т. Исимов, Применение биометрического сканера для идентификации человека по отпечаткам пальцев // Вестник КазУТБ. – Нур-Султан, 2019. - № 3. – С. 18-22.
  7. T. Mazakov, G. Ziyatbekova, and M. Aliaskar. Automated water level monitoring system in water bodies // Advanced technologies and computer science. Алматы, 2020 - №1, 39-44
  8. T. Mazakov, Erika Lorents (Matsak) M. Aliaskar, A. Abzhalilova, D. Montaeva, A. Turlybekova. Biometric identification of a person using a multi-parameter automated system // Advanced technologies and computer science. Алматы, 2020 - №3, 4-10
  9. Джомартова Ш.А., Байрбекова Г.С., Шорманов Т.С., Зиятбекова Г.З., Әлиасқар М.С., Мазакова А.Т. Многопараметрическая автоматизированная система биометрической идентификации личности // Вестник КазУТБ, №3, Нур-Султан 2020, - стр. 20-35
  10. Самрат С.М., Әлиасқар М.С. «AL01» Шифрлеу алгоритмінің қасиеттерін зерттеу // Материалы V международной научно-практической конференции «Информатика и прикладная математика», 29 сентября - 1 октября 2020, Алматы, Казахстан, - стр. 424-427
  11. Мазаков Т.Ж., Айпанов Ш.А, Kisala P., Зиятбекова Г.З., Әлиасқар М.С. Гидротехникалық құрылыстардағы су деңгейін климаттық мәліметтер арқылы бақылауды автоматтандыру және оның маңыздылығы // Материалы V международной научно-практической конференции «Информатика и прикладная математика», 29 сентября - 1 октября 2020, Алматы, Казахстан,- стр.7-12
  12. Ziyatbekova G.Z., Aliaskar M.S., Abzhalilova A.A., Montaeva D.N., Turlybekova A.N. Biometric identification of a person by several parameters / Herald of the KBTU. Volume 18, Issue 2, April-June 2021, 39-44
  13. Мухаев Д.К., Байрбекова Г.С., Мазакова А.Т., Әлиасқар М.С. Выявление угроз и уязвимостей нарушения информационной безопасности / Международная научная конференция в области информационных технологий, посвященной 75-летию профессора У.А. Тукеева, 8 октября 2021 года, Алматы, Казахстан, - стр. 29-33
  14. М.С. Әлиасқар, Т.Ж. Мазаков, Г.С. Байрбекова, Н.Т. Исимов, Т.С. Шорманов, Д.К. Мухаев. Обработка голосовой информации для биометрической идентификации личности / VI международной научно-практической конференции "Информатика и прикладная математика", 29 сентября - 2 октября 2021, Алматы, Казахстан, - стр. 205-209
  15. Г.З. Зиятбекова, М.С. Әлиасқар, Ә.Т. Мазақова, М.Ә. Шайхы, Характеристика работы биометрической технологии // Вестник КазУТБ, Алматы 2022 г., №2, Том 15, -С.6-14
  16. M.S. Aliaskar, A.T. Mazakova, Т.Ж. Мазаков, G.S. Bayrbekova, M.T. Orynbay, Multiparameter biometric personality identification // Advanced technologies and computer science. Алматы, 2022 - №3, -P.23-25
  17. Әлиасқар М.С., Мазақова Ә.Т., Бегалиева К.Б., Мазаков Т.Ж., Джомартова Ш.А., Сведение задачи исследования теплопроводности стержня к системе интегральных уравнений // Материалы VII международной научно-практической конференции "Информатика и прикладная математика", 20 октября - 21 октября 2022, Алматы, Казахстан, -С.26-32
  18. Akyltay Burgegulov, Gulzat Ziyatbekova, Тalgat Mazakov, Aigerim Sametova, Magzhan Aliaskar, Using IoT technologies to prevent fires / International Conference on Electrical Facilities and informational technologies 2023, August 22(TUE) - 25(FRI), Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications, Kazakhstan, -P.349-355
  19. Magzhan Aliaskar, Sholpan Jomartova, Aigerim Mazakova, Talgat Mazakov, Gulzat Ziyatbekova, Development of an analytical computation system and its application for automation of equations derivation in robotics systems / International Conference on Electrical Facilities and informational technologies 2023, August 22(TUE) - 25(FRI), Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications, Kazakhstan, -P.376-380
  20. Burgegulov A.D, Ziyatbekova G. Z., Mazakov T.Zh., Sametova A.A., Aliaskar M.S, Сценарные анализы применения iot в пожарной безопасности / VIII Международная научно – практическая конференция «Информатика и прикладная математика», посвященной памяти 85 д.т.н, профессора Бияшева Р.Г. 26-27 октября 2023 года, Алматы, Казахстан -С.50-61
  21. Шорманов Т.С., Мазакова А.Т., Джомартова Ш.А., Мазаков Т.Ж., Әлиасқар М.С., Применение нейронных сетей для идентификации человека по голосу / VIII Международная научно – практическая конференция «Информатика и прикладная математика», посвященной памяти 85 д.т.н, профессора Бияшева Р.Г. 26-27 октября 2023 года, Алматы, Казахстан -С.394-397

List of publications of the supervisor for the last 5 years (indicating quartiles for journals from the Web of Science database and CiteScore percentiles for journals from the Scopus database, the number of citations in these databases with and without self-citations; publications are marked separately as the author for correspondence or the first author)

  1. Mazakov, T., Jomartova, S., Ziyatbekova, G., Aliaskar, M., Automated system for monitoring the threat of Waterworks breakout / Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technologythis link is disabled, 2020, 98(15), страницы 3176–3189
  2. Aliaskar, M., Mazakov, T., Mazakova, A., Jomartova, S., Shormanov, T., Human voice identification based on the detection of fundamental harmonics // ENERGYCON - 2022 IEEE 7th International Energy Conference, Proceedings, DOI: 10.1109/ENERGYCON53164.2022.9830471

List of received security documents/patents of the supervisor (with a full bibliographic description)

  1. № 5290 Комплекс программ трехмерной графики «3D-МАТ», программа для ЭВМ, Зиятбекова Г.З., Мазақова Ə.Т., Шорманов Т.С., Амирханов Б.С., Жолмагамбетова Б.Р., Əлиасқар М.С. 17.06.2019
  2. № 7572 Библиотека математических функций и подпрограмм, программа для ЭВМ, Əлиасқар М.С., Мазаков Т.Ж., Джомартова Ш.А., Мазақова Ə.Т., Тұрсынбай А.Т., Шорманов Т.С., Саметова А.А. 06.01.2020
  3. № 12221 Система мониторинга риска прорыва плотины, программа для ЭВМ, Мазаков Т.Ж., Зиятбекова Г.З., Әлиасқар М.С., 21.09.2020
  4. № 21046 Зоологические научные коллекции Республики Казахстан, программа для ЭВМ, Мазаков Т.Ж., Мазақова Ә.Т., Калимолдаев М.Н., Ященко Р.В., Джомартова Ш.А., Федоренко В.А., Зиятбекова Г.З., Абдилдаева А.А., Әлиасқар М.С., 04.10.2021
  5. № 22212 Комплекс программ решения уравнения теплопроводности стержня с квадратным сечением разностным методом, программа для ЭВМ, Мазаков Т.Ж., Калимолдаев М.Н., Джомартова Ш.А., Бегалиева К.Б., Мазақова Ә.Т., Саметова А.А., Шорманов Т.С., Әлиасқар М.С., Мухаев Д.К., 02.12.2021
  6. № 23504 Программа решения уравнения теплопроводности стержня с квадратным сечением методом Рунге-Кутта, программа для ЭВМ, Мазаков Т.Ж., Бегалиева К.Б., Мазақова Ә.Т., Джомартова Ш.А., Әлиасқар М.С., Мухаев Д.К., Жақып Б.М., Бургегулов А.Д., 02.02.2022
  7. № 23490 Программа решения уравнения теплопроводности стержня с квадратным сечением сведением к решению интегральных уравнений, программа для ЭВМ, Мазаков Т.Ж., Бегалиева К.Б., Мазақова Ә.Т., Джомартова Ш.А., Зиятбекова Г.З., Исимов Н.Т., Амирханов Б.С., Әлиасқар М.С., 07.02.2022
  8. № 25982 Программа интерполяции матрицы высот рельефа местности, программа для ЭВМ, Мазаков Т.Ж., Мазақова Ә.Т., Джомартова Ш.А., Зиятбекова Г.З., Әлиасқар М.С., Шорманов Т.С., Саметова А.А., Бургегулов А.Д., 05.05.2022
  9. № 25983 Программа перевода объемных изображений из PLY- формата в регулярную матрицу высот, программа для ЭВМ, Мазаков Т.Ж., Байрбекова Ғ.С., Мазақова Ә.Т., Джомартова Ш.А., Зиятбекова Г.З., Әлиасқар М.С., Саметова А.А., Бургегулов А.Д., 05.05.2022
  10. № 26014 Ранжирование заемщиков по параметрам кредитоспособности методом анализа иерархии, программа для ЭВМ, Мазаков Т.Ж., Калимолдаев А.М., Мазақова Ә.Т., Джомартова Ш.А., Зиятбекова Г.З., Исимов Н.Т., Әлиасқар М.С., Саметова А.А., 03.05.2022
  11. № 33133 Программа нахождения семантических связей между объектами матричным методом, программа для ЭВМ, Мазаков Т.Ж., Мазақова Ә.Т., Джомартова Ш.А., Мухаев Д.К., Мергенғали Е.Қ., Баймиров К.М., Зиятбекова Г.З., Әлиасқар М.С., Досаналиева А.Т., 28.04.2023
  12. № 33243 Программа нахождения семантических связей между объектами методом Дейкстра, программа для ЭВМ, Мазаков Т.Ж., Мазақова Ә.Т., Джомартова Ш.А., Мухаев Д.К., Мергенғали Е.Қ., Зиятбекова Г.З.,Әлиасқар М.С., Есенбаева А.Л., 03.03.2023
  13. № 34772 Комплекс программ определения и визуализации динамики двухмашинной электроэнергетической системы, программа для ЭВМ, Мазаков Т.Ж., Калимолдаев М.Н., Шермантаева Ж.У., Джомартова Ш.А., Мазақова Ә.Т., Зиятбекова Г.З., Әлиасқар М.С., Досаналиева А.Т., 18.04.2023
  14. № 35407 Автоматизированная система решения прямой задачи теплопроводности, программа для ЭВМ, Мазаков Т.Ж., Калимолдаев М.Н., Джомартова Ш.А., Зиятбекова Г.З., Бегалиева К.Б., Мазақова Ә.Т., Әлиасқар М.С., 04.05.2023
  15. № 35562 Комплекс программ решения обратной задачи теплопроводности, программа для ЭВМ, Мазаков Т.Ж., Калимолдаев М.Н., Джомартова Ш.А., Зиятбекова Г.З., Бегалиева К.Б., Мазақова Ә.Т., Әлиасқар М.С., Исимов Н.Т., 11.05.2023
  16. № 38164 Программа построения проекции точки плоскости на заданное множество, программа для ЭВМ, Мазаков Т.Ж., Джомартова Ш.А., Зиятбекова Г.З., Мазақова Ә.Т., Әлиасқар М.С., Мирзахмедова Г.А., Байшолан Н., Кульжанова А.А., 28.07.2023
  17. № 38710 Программа построения проекции точки n-мерного пространства на заданное множество, программа для ЭВМ, Мазаков Т.Ж., Джомартова Ш.А., Мазакова Б.М., Жакыпов А.Т., Мазақова Ә.Т., Зиятбекова Г.З., Әлиасқар М.С., Байшолан Н., Кульжанова А.А., 25.08.2023
Disciplines taught

Computer graphics and animation

The purpose of the discipline is the creation of raster and vector images, the use of computer graphics and animation products in the user environment. After completing the course, the student will be able to work with graphic editors like Photoshop, CorelDRAW, AutoCAD and create short animations with interactive elements based on vector and raster graphics.

Computer Systems Interface

The purpose of the discipline is to master general knowledge of the architecture of microprocessor systems (MPS), the processes of information exchange on buses, processor functions, addressing methods, the main processor commands, the structure of the processor core, the organization of program memory, the organization of I/O ports, timers and auxiliary hardware. As a result of studying the discipline, the student will gain skills in using and designing modern process and production management software products; working with modern types of structural microprocessor devices. The student can use the acquired knowledge in the future in the research, design and operation of automation systems of industrial facilities.

Operating Systems

Basic concepts, terms and concepts. The discipline deals with the components of computer systems and computer processes. Functions of operating systems. System management tasks. Organization and management of processes. Control of the input / output system. Access method. Program levels of input output. Basic functions and components of the file system. Methods of file system implementations. Memory management. Virtual memory organization and memory allocation strategies. Management of telecommunication access.

Programming on the Java

acquaintance with modern technologies of object-oriented programming based on Java. Features of object-oriented programming in Java; objects and classes; inheritance, polymorphism and encapsulation. Representation in the form of a set of objects with similar properties and a set of actions that can be performed with them.

Computer information processing and mathematical modeling

The purpose of the discipline is for students to form an idea of the concept, types of computer graphics, raster graphics, vector graphics, fractal graphics, basic concepts of three-dimensional graphics, tools for working with raster graphics. The discipline is aimed at revealing the integrity of the perception of these data processing processes by working with vector graphics, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW, 3D max graphic editors, as well as teaching students how to use graphic methods to achieve visualization.

Linux operating system

The purpose of the discipline is to develop students' skills in building modern operating systems. As a result of the training, the student will be able to apply devices of Linux operating systems, apply fundamental concepts from the achieved technological level and specific requirements to a specific implementation, and implement their relationship with various innovations in this area.

Internet technologies

The purpose of the discipline is the formation of students' theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of Internet technology, the integration of local networks into the global telecommunications network Internet, data exchange protocols used on the Internet. The student acquires the skills of developing Internet resources using hypertext markup language, cascading style sheets, client and server scripting programming languages, organization of multimedia systems architecture, synchronization of processes and flows in Internet technologies. After completing the training, the student will be able to create software applications based on modern Internet technologies, determine the network section with the maximum delay in transmitting IP packets, form HTTP requests and analyze HTTP response fields, develop hypertext documents.

Information Systems and Networks

The purpose of the discipline is to study the basic concepts and trends in the development of information systems, to master the theoretical foundations of building information systems and networks, to develop practical skills to implement the tasks of this subject area. Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to demonstrate knowledge of information processes, computer software, the basics of building and functioning of information systems and networks, implement CIS, apply methods of designing information networks, calculate and design local area networks based on Ethernet technology to solve a wide range of tasks, own technologies for building and maintaining infocommunication systems and networks.

Three-dimensional technology

Introduction to computer graphics. Flash-animation. Video and sound processing programs. Graphic editor Adobe Photoshop. Drawing technique in Adobe photoshop. CorelDraw.3D STUDIO MAX. An overview of the elements of the interface of 3D STUDIO MAX. Working with units, bindings, and other 3D STUDIO MAX drawing AIDS. Object selection methods in 3D STUDIO MAX. Using the resource Manager and extension Module in 3D STUDIO MAX. Conceptual basis of object modeling in 3D STUDIO MAX.

Information theory

The purpose of the discipline is to train a specialist who has the tools to substantiate the theoretical foundations of information theory, methods and means of collecting, transmitting and processing information, determining the amount of information in the final object, using stochastic patterns for data compression: Shannon-Fano code, Huffman code, arithmetic code, combinatorial approach to the concept of information, probabilistic approach to the concept of information, has practical skills in modern technologies of information transmission and transformation. After completing the training, the student demonstrates skills in the types and forms of information presentation, the principles of encoding and decoding information, current trends in OS development, the basics of information theory, methods of effective and noise-resistant coding of information, methods of analog-to-digital signal conversion, methods of digital data compression; count the amount of information in messages, encode digital data, apply in research and applied activities, methods of encoding and decoding information.

Information Security

The purpose of the discipline is to form students' fundamental knowledge about the main threats and channels of information leakage, as well as methods and means of ensuring the protection and security of information at the legal, organizational, software, hardware levels. As a result of studying the discipline, students will receive systematic knowledge about threats and channels of information leakage, principles, methods and means of ensuring the protection and security of information at various levels.

Methods of optimization and operations research

The purpose of the discipline is to train students in the field of optimization theory for solving engineering problems; to give an idea of the principles and methods of mathematical modeling of operations; to introduce the main types of problems of operations research and methods of their solution for practical application. As a result of studying the discipline, students will receive theoretical and practical skills in the application of alternative analysis in solving single-criteria and multi-criteria optimization problems; methods of constructing mathematical models in solving professional problems.

Object oriented programming

The purpose of the discipline is the formation of the student's practical skills in modern object-oriented programming technology. Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to program and debug object-oriented programs, as well as evaluate the effectiveness and choose the most appropriate technological approaches to development and analyze software development management processes.

Introduction to Specialty

The purpose of the discipline is to form students' basic understanding of the development of engineering and technology, scientific achievements in accordance with the chosen educational program. The discipline gives students a systematic understanding of the current state and trends in the development of the food, processing, industry, agricultural and industrial complex, including the possibilities of new information and communication technologies. The study of the basic concept in the field of standardization and certification, the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan on technical regulation, standardization, management systems, new methods and practices of the QMS. As a result of studying the discipline, the student will receive theoretical and practical skills in the organization of the task, as well as the formulation and solution of highly motivated non-standard professional tasks, problems and compliance with the ethics of professional activity.

Three-dimensional technology

Introduction to computer graphics. Flash-animation. Video and sound processing programs. Graphic editor Adobe Photoshop. Drawing technique in Adobe photoshop. CorelDraw.3D STUDIO MAX. An overview of the elements of the interface of 3D STUDIO MAX. Working with units, bindings, and other 3D STUDIO MAX drawing AIDS. Object selection methods in 3D STUDIO MAX. Using the resource Manager and extension Module in 3D STUDIO MAX. Conceptual basis of object modeling in 3D STUDIO MAX.

Automation of technological processes

Creation and application of algorithmic, hardware and software systems for automation, management and control of technological processes and production, ensuring the production of high-quality, safe, competitive products freeing a person completely or partially from direct participation in the processes of obtaining, transforming, transmitting, using and managing production.

Information and communication technology

This discipline provides for the study of the basic concepts of parallel computing, necessary for the subsequent study of models, methods and technologies of parallel programming. In a simple and understandable form, the course provides examples of modern high-performance computing systems, discusses ways to analyze the complexity of calculations and assess the possibility of their parallel execution, provides the basics of developing parallel methods. The purpose of the discipline is to familiarize students with the totality of information processing tools and personnel combined to achieve certain goals.

Automation of techological processes and production

The purpose of mastering the discipline is to form the basics of knowledge and skills of students in the automation of technological processes and production, mastering the methods of building functional devices and control systems, regulation and management of technological objects and systems, acquisition by students of skills in engineering methods of object research, control algorithms and programs, checking their operability on a computer. As a result of studying the discipline, students will gain skills in the practical application of a complex of technical means of integrated and distributed systems by technological processes.

Operating systems based on the Linux kernel

The purpose of the discipline is to form students' knowledge on the principles of building modern operating systems, including those based on the Linux kernel. The discipline contains sections on the fundamental principles of Linux operating system devices, the possibilities of applying fundamental concepts from the achieved technological level and specific requirements for a specific implementation, their relationship with various innovations in this field.

Information systems and networks

The goal and objectives of the discipline are to study the basic concepts and trends in the development of information systems, mastering the theoretical foundations of building information systems and networks, developing practical skills for the implementation of tasks in this subject area. Learning outcomes: after completing the course, the student should know: information processes, computer software, the basics of building and functioning of information systems and networks, stages of development of information systems, processes that ensure the operation of an information system, a basic seven-level reference model of interaction of open OSI systems, corporate information systems ... features of the implementation of corporate information systems. be able to work effectively in a local network; to work effectively on the global Internet, to implement the main stages of building networks, technology for managing information exchange in networks; apply methods of designing information networks; calculate and design local area networks based on Ethernet technology to solve a wide range of tasks, own technologies for building and maintaining infocommunication systems and networks.

Python Programming

The goal and objectives of the discipline are to study the basics of programming in the high-level programming language Python, the formation of algorithmic thinking, basic concepts of structured programming, the development of students'' logic, to develop skills and abilities to use Python libraries. Learning outcomes: after completing the course, the student should know: the basics of Python programming, basic programming techniques in the Python language, some standard algorithms and regular expressions, as well as additional theoretical questions related to the operation of computing systems and the processing of text data, numbers and strings in Python , data types in Python, graphics in Python, functions and files in Python; be able to: solve problems using branching commands, loop; to design and develop relatively complex applications related to receiving, processing and visualization of various information (stored locally or on the Internet) using an object-oriented approach.

Operating systems and computer networks

The course of this discipline is aimed at forming a system of knowledge among students about the theoretical foundations of operating systems and obtaining practical skills in network administration, studying and practical knowledge of Windows and Linux operating systems, including the organization and configuration of a local computer network, mastering basic network security tools. After completing the course, the student will be able to design and administer computer networks. The purpose of studying the discipline is to form a set of students' knowledge and ideas about operating systems, their types and features; about the possibility and principles of functioning of computer networks; about the organization of access to distributed data; about the organization of heterogeneous information presented in various formats into a single whole; about ensuring active human influence on these data in real time time

Timetable of classes

Понедельник Вторник Среда Четверг Пятница Суббота
Трехмерные технологии, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 307 (И))
Интернет технологии, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 302 (И))
Трехмерные технологии, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 307 (И))
Интернет технологии, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 302 (И))
Трехмерные технологии, Практики
(Учебный корпус №2, 307 (И))
Трехмерные технологии, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 309 (И))
Интернет технологии, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 306 (И))
Трехмерные технологии, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 309 (И))
Интернет технологии, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 306 (И))
Трехмерные технологии, Практики
(Учебный корпус №2, 309 (И))
Интернет технологии, Практики
(Учебный корпус №2, 306 (И))
Операционные системы и компьютерные сети, Практики
(Учебный корпус №2, 309 (И))
Интернет технологии, Практики
(Учебный корпус №2, 306 (И))
Операционные системы и компьютерные сети, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 301 (Б))
Компьютерная обработка информации и математическое моделирование, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 307 (И))
Операционные системы и компьютерные сети, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 301 (Б))
Компьютерная обработка информации и математическое моделирование, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 307 (И))
Компьютерная обработка информации и математическое моделирование, Практики
(онлайн занятие)
Opening lessons