Main About METU Department of distance education technologies
Department of distance education technologies

Dinislamov Edigen

Director of the Department of Distance Education Technologies
Master of science in engineering

Main tasks and functions

  • Develops goals, objectives, content and main areas of activity for the introduction of distance educational technologies in the educational process of IETU and its branches and also provides the implementation of interaction with the structural subdivision of the university.
  • Develops draft long-term and annual work plans of Distance learning technologies and presents them to vice-rector. Generate the necessary reporting documentation.
  • Controls the implementation of the tasks stipulated by the plan, contractual obligations, as well as the quality of the work performed by the teachers of DOT, as well as the co-executors.
  • Takes measures for the rational use of allocated resources.
  • Manages all the external and internal projects in the field of distance education technologies
  • Carries out the organizational, methodological, scientific and methodological, advisory work in the field of distance learning.
  • Endorses the documents within its competence.


Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On education"
Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On science"
On approval of state compulsory educational standards for all levels of education
Qualification requirements for educational activities of organizations providing higher and (or) postgraduate education, and a list of documents confirming compliance with them
On the approval of the anti-corruption standard to ensure openness and transparency in organizations of higher and (or) postgraduate education
On the approval of the Rules for the organization of the educational process on credit technology of education
On the approval of the Model rules for admission to training in educational organizations that implement educational programs of higher and postgraduate education
Typical curricula of a cycle of general education disciplines for organizations of higher and (or) postgraduate education
Development Program of the International engineering technological university for 2023-2029
Quality policy and objectives
Academic policy of IETU
Regulation on the development of educational programs
Antiplagiat Regulations
Regulation of the Department of Educational Technologies
Regulations on the use of the e-learning system Moodle in the educational activities of the International engineering technological university
Regulations on the organization of the educational process in distance educational technologies
Information and communication technologies in the educational process IETU
