KazITU College - is a structural subdivision of the Kazakhstan Engineering and Technology University, conducts educational activities on the basis of state licences. General licences, their validity period is unlimited. Over the period of the existence of the KazITU college, training was carried out according to technical and vocational education programs in 19 specialties. Classes in the state and Russian languages. Form of study: full-time and part-time. There are no branches.

The organization of all types of educational and methodical work of the college is carried out through subject-cycle commissions (CCC). Teachers of the Central Control Center and college staff organize their work in accordance with the State generally binding education standards in the specialties of guiding the orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

College education in all specialties and forms of education is carried out by state order and contracts on a paid basis. Students are admitted to college in accordance with the requirements of the Model Rules for admission to secondary vocational schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Admission Rules, compiled on the basis of the Model Rules, and approved annually before the start of the admissions committee by the university rector.

An analysis of the qualitative composition shows that out of the total number of teachers, they have the highest and first categories, phD degrees have 3 teachers, 4 candidates of science, 22 teachers have a master's degree. Teachers with academic degrees and ranks, and a master's degree is 72% of the total. All teachers have a higher basic education. The average age of full-time teachers is 38.4 years

Classrooms, laboratories and auxiliary facilities are fully equipped and comply with all sanitary standards. Classes are held in one shift. Laboratories and classrooms have a thematic focus: stands and posters on disciplines are decorated. All computers are connected to a single local area network with Internet access.

The educational process is fully provided with modern educational and scientific-methodological literature, the library is located in the same educational building. The library annually increases the number of textbooks and teaching aids purchased and published by teachers. Close attention is paid to the library fund. Close contacts were established with the scientific library of the Institute of General Genetics and Cytology, KazNIIIPi and KazNII PSHP and other libraries of the city, annually subscribed to periodicals (newspapers, magazines, specialized scientific and specialized literature, etc.). Work is underway to acquire electronic textbooks and manuals on the most necessary disciplines, taking into account identification and training.

The laboratories have the necessary educational and scientific equipment to conduct classes at the proper level. Part of the classes, especially in the group of special disciplines, is conducted in the laboratories of technology for baking and grain processing of the AF of the Kazakh Research Institute LLP, the laboratory for storage and processing of agricultural crop products of the Kazakh Research Institute of Fruit Growing and Viticulture under the terms of a creative cooperation agreement.

The college has a system of internal control over the quality of students' knowledge. The task of intra-college control is to create an atmosphere of interest and trust, the joint creativity of teachers and students, ensuring the unity of classroom and extracurricular activities through additional and individual lessons, and group work.

The college has several types of intercollegiate control:

  • personal;
  • current;
  • intermediate;
  • final.

Much attention is paid to personal control in college. Throughout the school year, the sanitary condition of classrooms, safety magazines, and timely safety briefings are constantly checked. The administration, the training department and the curators of the training groups are constantly working on the implementation of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education” on attendance. Curators strictly monitor student attendance. Individual work is constantly carried out with them: mutual conversations, parents are invited, problem situations are considered at the disciplinary commission.
Teaching Staff