Main About METU Additional educational program (Minor)
Additional educational program (Minor)

Дополнительная образовательная программа (Minor) – совокупность дисциплин и (или) модулей и других видов учебной работы, определенная обучающимся для изучения с целью формирования дополнительных компетенций (Правила организации учебного процесса по кредитной технологии обучения Приказ МОН РК от 12.10.2018 г. №563).

Minor – это блок из четырех взаимосвязанных дисциплин непрофильного для студента направления подготовки. Обучающиеся со 2 курса при определении индивидуальной траектории обучения могут заменить дисциплины от основной образовательной программы, на дополнительную образовательную программу в общем объеме -20 кредитов.

Каждый обучающийся может выбрать для изучения один Minor.

Catalog of additional educational programs (Minor)
Digital technologies
Additional Educational Program Digital technologies
The goal of the educational program Training of information technology specialists who are competitive in the labor market with the aim of applying in all areas of work, capable of managing application programs in various fields of industry.
The goal of the educational program
  • formation of theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of software creation
  • provision of highly qualified specialists in the field of software development and support
  • acquisition of skills in organizing and conducting scientific research in the field of information and communication technology
  • mastering new innovative methods of data analysis in various industries
Expected learning outcomes

As a result of studying the discipline, the student will be able to:

  • LO1 - Describe the algorithm for executing software products
  • LO2 - Demonstrate the calculations of the operation of the processes
  • LO3 - Solve actual programming problems
  • LO4 - Distinguish between low-level and high-level programming languages
  • LO5 - integrate interdisciplinary skills and IT knowledge
  • LO6 - assess the level of applicability of software tools in different areas
  • LO7 - justify and insist on their point of view in the applicability of information technology in the design and research process
Information about course

Python Programming         

The course is designed for programming in the high-level Python programming language, the formation of algorithmic thinking, basic concepts of structural programming, the development of students' logic, to develop skills and abilities to use Python libraries in many industries.


Eshbaev Bektursun Nurgalievich

Master of technical sciences, lecturer-practitioner

JSC Kazpost, chief specialist



Information theory.

Shannon-Fano code, Huffman code, arithmetic code, combinatorial approach to the concept of information, probabilistic approach to the concept of information, obtaining knowledge about modern technologies of information transmission and transformation. Encode digital data, apply methods of encoding and decoding information in research and applied activities.


Imangaliev Ernar Imangalievich

Candidate of physical and mathematical

Associated Professor

Software development tools

This discipline has the theoretical foundations of building instrumental software, determining the direction of application, composition, methods and tools of instrumental software. And also, the acquisition of skills in the application of modern CASE technologies in the development of information systems. After completing the course, the student should know: the basic principles of the software development process; principles of construction, structure.


Abizov Nuralem Ismailuly

Master of technical sciences (Hangzhou Dianzi University)

ТОО Quant Robotics, senior software engineer


Innovation Marketing

In this course you learn the composition and principles of database construction, methods, development of practical skills in developing and implementing a logical database structure in accordance with a formalized task for a specific subject area, characteristics of modern DBMS, database design.


Takabaev Takhir Maratovich

Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, Associated professor

Founder the LLC Academset

Business Management and Administration
Additional Educational Program Business Management and Administration
The goal of the educational program Training of a highly qualified specialist with the necessary competencies in the field of economics, management and business administration, who is able to analyze and draw conclusions in order to apply them in practice
The goal of the educational program
  • mastering the skills to manage the process of business development of projects that ensure the sustainable development and success of the company in the long term;
  • study and application of modern methods of management and business development;
  • formation of an effective strategy for the growth of competitiveness; technology;
  • study of principles and methods of outsourcing and delegation of authority;
  • mastering the skills of conducting marketing research and using their results for planning and organizing the production of goods and services, etc.
Expected learning outcomes

As a result of studying the discipline, the student will be able to:

  • LO1 - to master the skills of managing the process of business development of projects that ensure the sustainable development and success of the company in the long term.
  • LO2 - apply modern management methods in business development.
  • LO3 - use an effective strategy to increase competitiveness.
  • LO4 - apply the basic principles and methods of outsourcing and delegation of authority.\
  • LO5 - master the skills of conducting marketing research and using their results for planning and organizing the production of goods and services, etc.
  • LO6 - analyze, control and regulate financial and economic situations developing at business enterprises.
  • LO7 - use modern information technologies to implement management functions.
  • LO8 - effectively use management tools in practice as a result of project implementation in large enterprises
Information about course
Innovative business

The course "Innovative business" is designed to form students' knowledge in the field of innovative entrepreneurship both at the macro level (the theory of the innovation process, the concept of innovative development, the general characteristics of innovation) and at the micro level (the key factors of innovation, the creation and development of an innovative company, the choice of innovation strategy, attracting investment).


Abdrazakov Nurzhan Mukhtarovich

Graduate of the international program "Bolashak": University of Surrey (Great Britain). Master of Science in the specialty "International Tourism Management".

Lecturer of the Department "Economics and finance"



Taxes and taxation

The course "Taxes and taxation" reflects the doctrine of finance and the state - the theoretical basis for understanding the essence of taxes and the mechanism of taxation. The significance of the historical and logical approaches of the taxation system of economic entities and the population, the legal aspects of the functioning of taxes and mandatory payments in Kazakhstan are studied.


Mendybayeva Alina Serikovna

Deputy Chairman of the Management Board for Finance, member of the Management Board, JSC "Kazakh Institute of Oil and Gas"  

Lecturer of the Department "Economics and finance"


This course reveals the content of management, forms a complex of knowledge about management, develops specific skills for various types of management activities, analysis of management systems and design. In the course of this course, the historical prerequisites for the development of management theory are consistently considered; theoretical aspects of management, its technology; methods and functions of management, personnel management.


Utegulova Bakytgul Seisembekovna


Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Finance


Innovation Marketing

The course is aimed at obtaining applied knowledge and skills in the field of marketing research, which will be in demand both in business and in the academic environment. All topics are considered both from a theoretical point of view and are worked out in practice by solving cases from companies and implementing their own projects.


Khalitova Madina Muratovna

Professor of economics sciences

Professor of the department  «Economics and Finance»

Emergency situations and fire safety at work
Additional Educational Program Emergency situations and fire safety at work
The goal of the educational program Training of in-demand specialists in the labor market who possess relevant professional knowledge, practical skills capable of making timely decisions to prevent emergencies, eliminate adverse events at enterprises and organizations, as well as ensuring the safety of life and environmental protection.
The goal of the educational program
  • development of legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of life safety;
  • acquisition of practical skills to prevent emergencies at national economy facilities;
  • тhe ability to use in practice methods/methods of processing, analysis and synthesis of field and laboratory environmental information based on theoretical knowledge;
  • formation of an environmentally literate, able to analyze, predict and solve environmental and related social problems;
Expected learning outcomes

As a result of studying the discipline, the student will be able to:

  • LO1 – Describe the problems in all sectors of the economy related to human health, protection of the population from tectonic and man-made impacts, including protection in case of emergency sanitary-epidemiological and terrorist act;
  • LO2 - Demonstrate knowledge on environmental conservation based on ecological and analytical control;
  • LO3 - Use methods to study the stability of the functioning of production facilities and technical systems in emergency situations;
  • LO4 - To assess the situation on the scale of the spread of emergencies;
  • LO5 – To develop measures to prevent emergencies at the facilities of the national economy, in case of an emergency to minimize the consequences of an emergency;
  • LO6 - To promote compliance with rules and regulations for fire protection at work;
  • LO7 – To justify the improvement, in necessary situations, the introduction of new methods to improve the safety and stability of technical means in production processes to prevent a fire situation;
  • LO8 – Identify possible dangerous and harmful factors to prevent and maintain safety at work.
Information about course
Natural and man-made emergencies and their predicted consequences

Studies the main theoretical provisions of forecasting the consequences of natural and man-made emergencies. The article considers the occurrence (appearance) of sources of man-made, natural, ecological and biological-social emergencies in a certain territory. Assessment of the situation in emergency situations, identification and assessment of the situation according to the forecast: determining the size of emergency zones and putting them on the map (plan). The main factors affecting the consequences of an emergency are: the intensity of the impact of damaging factors; the location of the settlement relative to the focus of the impact; soil characteristics; structural solutions and strength properties of buildings and structures; – the density of development and settlement of people within the settlement; the mode of finding people in buildings during the day and in the risk zone during the year.


Karimzhan Rahman Karimzhanovich

Department of the Enbekshikazakh district of Almaty region

Major of Civil Protection



Fire safety

Fire safety systems in the Republic of Kazakhstan are considered; fire-technical classification of building materials, buildings, building structures; premises for explosion and fire hazards, methods of fire protection of building structures; fire protection requirements for building planning; fire prevention in the design of industrial enterprises and settlements; evacuation of people from buildings and structures in case of fire; Almost all are disclosed basic concepts of fire safety.  Dangerous causes of fires, factors whose impact leads to injury, poisoning or death of a person, as well as material/environmental damage are described. Fire prevention system and fire protection system.


Abdibattayeva Maral Maulenovna

Professor of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Doctor of Technical Sciences.

Ecological and analytical control of the environment

Studies the theoretical foundations of environmental protection, familiarization with modern methods of analysis necessary for conducting eco-analytical control and monitoring of the biosphere (hydrosphere, lithosphere, atmosphere). Maximum permissible concentrations (MPC), maximum permissible discharges (MPC), maximum permissible emissions (MPC) and their values, properties of the main chemical pollutants, their behavior in the environment and methods of analysis of chemical, physico-chemical and biological control of them in industrial emissions, environmental objects, food products.


Muzdybaeva Sharbanu Akkazinovna

Head of the Department, The Department of «Natural Science Disciplines»

Associate Professor, candidate of chemistry sciences, Academic building


Safety of machinery and technology

The article considers the provision of labor safety on production equipment, in the management of technological processes. Fundamentals of safety and fire fighting equipment in the chemical industry. Classification and features of the category "Approximate list of possible security violations". Industrial emergencies. Analysis of the state regulatory requirements of labor protection established by the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.The system of Occupational Safety Standards (ОSSВ). Building codes and regulations.. The main directions of work to improve the state of occupational safety and vital activity.


Tastemirova Baktygul Eldenovna

Master of Technical Sciences

Lecturer of the Department of "Natural Science Disciplines"

Examination of the quality of processing of hydrocarbon raw materials
Additional Educational Program Examination of the quality of processing of hydrocarbon raw materials
The goal of the educational program Оbtaining knowledge on the theoretical foundations of determining commodity and technical indicators in oil and petroleum products, using a set of standard methods of analysis, as well as acquiring practical skills in standard methods of analysis, interpretation of the data obtained, which would expand the scope of graduate employment and increase the horizons of environmental protection measures to protect the environment in general.
The goal of the educational program
  • study of the theoretical foundations of the technology of primary preparation and processing of hydrocarbon raw materials and processing of combustible materials;
  • proficiency in chemical experiment skills, synthetic and analytical methods for obtaining and studying chemicals and reactions;
  • knowledge of the methods of isolation and analysis of petroleum components and refined products of oil and petroleum products;
  • ability to analyze and compare the results of instrumental and physico-chemical methods of isolation and analysis of petroleum components;
  • acquisition of basic skills in the examination of input control of raw materials, substances and auxiliary materials to ensure existing technological lines and processes.
Expected learning outcomes

As a result of studying the discipline, the student will be able to:

  • LO1 - Classify harmful industrial emissions according to the Regulations
  • LO2 -- Demonstrate knowledge on environmental conservation based on the data obtained on the processing of hydrocarbon raw materials;
  • LO3 - Monitor the quality of the composition of the environment on production sites
  • LO4 -To evaluate the quality of manufactured commodity products of oil and petroleum products processing facilities;
  • LO5 - Promote compliance with the rules and regulations of occupational health, safety, fire protection and environmental safety
  • LO6 - Regulate and control the technological regime of oil and petroleum products processing facilities
  • LO7 - Analyze the reasons for the deviation of the quality of manufactured products;
  • LO8- Identify possible industrial hazards and harmful factors.
Information about course
Physico-chemical methods of oil and petroleum products research

Studies the basic instrumental and physico-chemical methods of isolation and analysis of petroleum components and refined petroleum products (elemental analysis, chromatography, chromato-mass spectrometry, spectral, chemical research methods), familiarization with the skills of chemical experiment, familiarization with the methods of obtaining and studying chemicals, work in laboratory conditions with synthetic and analytical reactions, perform standard operations on analysis of the quality of hydrocarbon raw materials and products of its processing, as well as the basic standard operations for analyzing the quality of hydrocarbon raw materials and products of its processing.


Zhenisova Akbota Zhenisovna

Associate professor

The Department of «Natural Science Disciplines», candidate of chemistry sciences, Academic building



Technology of primary preparation and processing of hydrocarbon raw materials

The fundamental foundations of modern processes of processing hydrocarbon raw materials, the features of the relationship between possible chemical sciences and technologies, modern ways to increase economic production due to the efficiency of assessing oil production, deep oil refining and petrochemistry, as well as carrying out theoretical and experimental work on the study of new catalysts for deep processing are considered. processing of hydrocarbon raw materials.


Melnikov Evgeny Aleksandrovich

PhD, Academic building

Associate professor, The Department of «Natural Science Disciplines»

Ecological and analytical control of the environment

Studies the theoretical foundations of environmental protection, familiarization with modern methods of analysis necessary for conducting eco-analytical control and monitoring of the biosphere (hydrosphere, lithosphere, atmosphere). Maximum permissible concentrations (MPC), maximum permissible discharges (MPC), maximum permissible emissions (MPC) and their values, properties of the main chemical pollutants, their behavior in the environment and methods of analysis of chemical, physico-chemical and biological control of them in industrial emissions, environmental objects, food products.


Muzdybaeva Sharbanu Akkazinovna

Head of the Department, The Department of «Natural Science Disciplines»

Associate Professor, candidate of chemistry sciences, Academic building


Processing of combustible materials

Studies solid combustible materials of both natural and artificial origin and organic compounds in more depth. The types (types), groups of flammability, requirements of norms, storage of combustible materials (flammable solvents – various esters, white spirit, benzene, kerosene, dichloroethane, toluene, acetone, dioxane, ethyl acetate) are considered. Explosive mixtures (safety in the technological scheme, labor protection, etc.). Fuel and lubricants are considered separately – from aviation kerosene to naval fuel oil, various types of oils for the lubrication of machinery mechanisms, aggregates, production and use of paint and varnish products based on organic solvents, flammable liquids, description, fire classes, extinguishing and storage rules, compliance with fire protection and environmental safety.


Melnikov Evgeny Aleksandrovich

PhD, Academic building

associate professor, The Department of «Natural Science Disciplines»