Главная Новости Career guidance work was carried out
16 november 2021                  318991
Career guidance work was carried out

Career guidance is purposeful work on the formation of interest in the profession and the conscious choice of a future profession, taking into accounts the abilities and inclinations of each student, depending on the needs of society. Career guidance work allows the younger generation to consciously choose a future profession without mistakes. Career guidance work cannot be limited to just a few meters or explanatory work of students upon graduation.

 According to the plan, the teachers of KazETU are assigned to the schools of the district; groups have been created to conduct professional advertising. This time the teachers visited secondary school № 76 and held a presentation of the college. In order to effectively conduct career guidance work in the specialties, promotional videos and slides, leaflets, campaign groups have been prepared. Career guidance specialists from among the teachers met with graduates of grades 9 and 11, showed presentations about the specialties of the college, conducted explanatory work with students.

 Finally, choosing a profession is the right laying of the bricks of your life. And career guidance plays an important role in the proper laying of this brick. The purpose and significance of professional education is the need to develop a modern system of professional education and training of qualified specialists. Therefore, when we are able to consistently, purposefully perform career guidance work, we achieve great success.