Главная Новости Modern KazETU dormitory will please every student
21 july 2022                  320845
Modern KazETU dormitory will please every student

The most important thing for the student is the hostel. The comfort of the hostel will help you get a carefree education and increase your passion for life. In this context, it should be noted that the hostel of Kazitu is in the front line.
The 5-storey hostel, which was put into operation on a modern basis, was put into operation in 2018. The House of students is designed for 188 students.
There is a security service at the entrance. No outsiders can enter. It is known that this is absolutely necessary for the safety of the student.
On the ground floor there is a student council, a small meeting room where various meetings are held. In the hall, designed for 25-30 people, students often gather and exchange experience.


One of the most noticeable features of dormitories of other educational institutions is the presence of a wardrobe on the ground floor. A guest from outside passes his outer clothing here without bringing it to the room. It is also very effective for outsiders who participate in various events.
It is noteworthy that there is a special room for people with disabilities. The car has a comfortable bed, toilet, etc.all the conditions are created so that the soul can feel comfortable without being distracted.
As a person, as a young person, different questions may arise and different situations may arise. In such a situation, a psychologist will come to your aid. The hostel also has a psychological office to support students. "I don't know," he said.
In addition, the large conference hall, where large-scale conferences, seminars and debates will be held, is open for you. The conference room with fifty seats is equipped with all modern equipment. A small library with a bookshelf on one wall. The student can read any book at any time. Young people of the hostel spend most of their evening leisure time here. They often gather together, preparing for various events.


Each floor of the five-story hostel has its own headman. He is responsible for the order, cleanliness, and absenteeism of students living on the same floor.
On each floor there is a co-working Center. You can play the dombra, play the guitar, watch educational programs on TV, read books, and enjoy your soul.
By the way, the dining room on the ground floor is also served for the student. Students will be able to earn additional income by bringing products prepared in the laboratory of a university or college to this dining room. You can also come from your room to the dining room and eat. In addition, there is a kitchen, that is, a kitchen. There you can cook in a cauldron, Cook dumplings, and eat manta rays. In short, it is equipped with everything necessary, not to mention a table, a chair, a gas stove, a refrigerator, a freezer, and even a kettle. And in the entrance washroom there are several washing machines, a laundry dryer, etc. everything is done. All this is free for the student.
"Each student has his own card, which records the time when the student went in and out. If the student leaves and does not return, we will immediately look for him. And if you go to your parents or relatives, write a preliminary explanation, sign it by the adviser, the curator of the hostel, and get permission from the commandant. Be sure to leave the contact phone number of the destination, whether it is a parent or relative. We have everything monitored and checked by the security service, which reports in the evening. Until now, there was no such thing as jumping out of the window. Because there are cameras inside and outside the hostel, the security service is in charge," says Asem Sabyrzhanova, a specialist and head of the press service of the Department of youth policy of Kazitu.
For many young people who are interested in foreign campuses, the kazitu hostel, surrounded by alleys, is an indispensable place.
Come and see, come and see, young friend!
Kazitu is waiting for you!