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22 september 2022                  319142
Prevention of offenses among KazETU students

Prevention of offenses among KazITU students
On September 22, KazITU hosted a lecture on the topic "Prevention of administrative and criminal offenses" with the participation of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines.
The event was attended by the Senior prosecutor of the Public Security Protection Department for the Bostandyk district of the Almaty Prosecutor's Office B.B.Birimkul, financier Z.Salimbayev, head of the social project "Isker isi" of the welfare institution of Almaty B.K. Sheralieva, financial specialist of the company "Freedom" U.K.Dosniazova.
One of the most urgent and socially significant tasks facing society today is, of course, the search for ways to reduce the growth of crimes and offenses among minors and increase the effectiveness of their prevention.
The urgency of this problem is due to the fact that at present more and more teenagers of the "risk group" are exposed to negative external influences from society and its criminal elements due to certain conditions of their own lives.
Experts told the students present about the prevention of administrative and criminal offenses, about violations in student life.
The event was also moderated by Assoc. professor, Colonel of Justice. D. Karimova. She said that drugs are a bad danger for young people.
The event was held at its own level, the students received maximum information.