Главная Студентам Студенческие новости An open-air film evening was held in KazETU
12 september 2022                  319116
An open-air film evening was held in KazETU

On September 12, students of the Kazakhstan University of Engineering and Technology had the opportunity to watch a movie in the open air. Before the screening, organized by the Youth Affairs Committee, a survey was conducted on the social network to determine the best film, according to students. So, in the green zone next to the Students' House, the film with the highest number of votes was shown. After watching the movie, events were held: quizzes, sports games, which aroused great interest among students. "We are grateful to the staff of the university, which organizes our leisure time so interestingly. The atmosphere of the screening in the fresh air was amazing, we got to know each other, found new friends," 1st year student Shyryn Rishatova shared her impressions.