Главная Студентам Студенческие новости The Committee of Youth Organizations of KazETU has summed up the year 2018
26 December, 2018.                  1908
The Committee of Youth Organizations of KazETU has summed up the year 2018
On 24 th of December in 2018, the Committee of Youth Organizations of the Kazakhstan Engineering and Technology University held a meeting of the Committee's activists to sum up the year 2018. The meeting was attended by university administration, faculties and members of the University. At the meeting, the Rector of the University G.Sarsenbekova evaluated the work of the Youth Committee till now and congratulated members for their achievements. Following the results of 2018, the Youth Organization Committee has organized more than 100 events at the University and has become a member of municipal organizations. The annual plan is based on the Law on State Youth Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the goals and objectives defined in the University Development Strategy. The Key priorities are: education, science, creativity, student self-government, healthy lifestyle, etc. The Club of KazETU Travel, Club of Charity "Kamkor", creative team "Young Kalamger", dance Club "Shabyt", chorus, vocal studios and sports have worked effectively and organized many events. This year, the scientific and practical conference of young scientists and students was organized at the republican level, festive and concert events were held at the highest level. Meetings of students with mass media, well-known newspapers and magazines have been organized at the highest level

KazETU activists were awarded in nomination "For honest work" on the eve of the 20th anniversary of Astana city in order to implement the "Spiritual Renovation" program.

Active young people are in unity, they are convinced that their high altitudes are still ahead!

KazEU Student Press Committee