Main Teachers Umiralieva Lyazzat

Umiralieva Lyazzat

Associate professor
The Department of «Technique and technology of food production»

Candidate of technical Sciences

Professional experience

Leading researcher of KazRIPFI LLP, twice Winner of the State Scholarship for Young talented Scientists of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. She was awarded the Jubilee Medal for the 25th anniversary of Constitution Day. The Hirsch index is 1.

Under a grant from the Foundation of the First President-Leader of the Nation, she completed a scientific internship on mastering modern methods of quality control and food safety, conducting biochemical research at the Agricultural Research Center (CIRAD), France, Montpellier, holder of the Erasmus Mundus International Scholarship, completed a Postdoctoral program at Mendel University, Czech Republic, Brno, holder presidential scholarship "Bolashak".

Author of 10 innovative patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan, more than 80 scientific publications, including 4 articles on the Scopus database, 3 textbooks, 5 methodological recommendations.


1993 - 1998 Almaty Technological Institute. Technology of canned food and food concentrates, process engineer.

1999 - 2002 Postgraduate studies Kazakh Research Institute of Food Industry. .

Scientific interests

1. Head of the project “Development of technology for frozen semi-finished products based on the use of highly effective strains of microorganisms for the production of rye, wheat bread, confectionery products” PTF of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015-2017.

2. Project manager “Study of the influence of sanitary conditions, refrigeration equipment on the shelf life of meat and meat products. Development of recommendations" for the project "Processing of cattle meat" within the framework of the scientific and technical program "Development of intensive technologies for livestock sectors" PTF of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2018–2020.
3. Project manager “Development of technology for the production and processing of royal jelly for the food industry” PCF of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021-2023.

4. Project manager “Development of a new technology for storing chilled poultry meat and poultry products using biological preservation methods in combination with cold” of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023-2025.


1. Lazat Umiralieva, Anna Chizhayeva, Akniyet Ibraikhan, Cholponkul Avylov, Masimzhan Velyamov Investigation of the sanitary state of air And refrigeration equipment of meat Processing enterprises in Kazakhstan Using the method of metagenomic analysis//Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis – Number 3, 2021 - Volume 69 - Р.403-416. (Q2, 41-й процентиль)

2. Умиралиева Л.Б., Чижаева А.В.,Ибраихан А.Т., Велямов М.Т. Влияние санитарного состояния холодильного оборудования на сроки хранения мяса.// Вестник ЮУрГУ, серия «Пищевые и биотехнологии», 2020. – Т.5, – № 5. – С. 75—86 0,69 п.л. DOI:10.14529/food200309           

3. Умиралиева Л.Б., Чижаева А.В., Велямов М.Т., Велямов Ш.М..Проведение микробиологических исследований санитарного состояния поверхностей и воздуха в камерах холодильного оборудования мясоперерабатывающих предприятий.// Новости науки Казахстана. № 1 (143). – 2020.  – С. 87-96.

4. Умиралиева Л.Б., Чижаева А.В., Велямов М.Т., Велямов Ш.М. Влияние санитарного состояния холодильного оборуования мясокомбинатов на поверхностную микрофлору мяса.//Пища.Экология.Качество. – 2019 – С. 286-290

5. К. Ж. Аманжолов, М.Т. Велямов, Л.Б. Умиралиева,  Ш.М. Велямов, Г.М. Ахметова Профилактика технологических стрессов при подготовке животных к убою: Книга / г. Алматы,-2018.-160 с., рис. 1, таблиц 30, прил. 6, библ. 536. ISBN 978-601-7942-20-5.

6. Ибраихан А.Т., Умиралиева Л.Б., Чижаева А.В., Велямов М.Т. Биолюминесцентті талдау әдісін қолдану арқылы ет және ет өнімдеріне санитарлық-микробиологиялық бақылау жүргізу.// «Агропромышленный комплекс и пищевая промышленность», 2020. –№2, . – С.28-35.

7. Чижаева А.В., Умиралиева Л.Б., Велямов М.Т. Ибраихан А.Т. Методические рекомендации по исследованию  влияния санитарного состояния холодильного оборудования на сроки хранения мяса и мясной продукции. Алматы, Изд-во ТОО «Жания- Полиграф», 2020, тираж 100 экз. 3,7 п.л.

8. Умиралиева Л.Б., Зарицкая Н.Е., КененбайГ.С., Чоманов У.Ч., Велямов М.Т. Современные подходы к контролю качества и безопасности пищевых продуктов, Учебное пособие, Алматы: КазИТУ, КазНИИППП, НПЦНАБПП,БГУ, 2018.-381 с.2018 год,

9. Умиралиева Л.Б., Зарицкая Н.Е., КененбайГ.С., Чоманов У.Ч., Велямов М.Т. Теоретические и практическиеосновы производства пищевых продуктов. Учебное пособие//: КазИТУ. – Алматы, 2019. – 119 с.

10. Чоманов У.Ч., Кененбай Г.С., Умиралиева Л.Б., Отыншиева А. Технология колбасных изделий.//Учебное пособие. КазИТУ. – Алматы, 2019. – 116

11. Умиралиева Л.Б, Чижаева А.В., Велямов М.Т., Ибраихан А.Т. Исследование санитарного состояния холодильного оборудования мясоперерабатывающих предприятий с использованием биолюминесцентного метода// Сборник научных трудов по материалам Международной научно-практической конференции, проведенной 23 декабря 2020 года на тему: «ЖИВОТНОВОДСТВО КАЗАХСТАНА: ОТ ОПЫТА ПРЕДКОВ ДО СОВРЕМЕННЫХ ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ», посвященной 90-летию Казахского национального аграрного исследовательского университета, ISBN 978-601-241-873-6. стр. 211-214

12. Umiralieva L.B., Isabekova M. S., Filatov I. D. Construction of a new consortium of lactic acid bacteria for the preparation of sourdough for bread and the study of its optimal cultivation regimes // Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design. - 2023 - vol.44, - pp.120-127

13. Umiralieva L., Amangeldin М., Ibraikhan A., Krupskiy T, Tulegenova A. Increasing the quantity and quality of royal jelly in apiaries using wax honeycomb cups // Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design. - 2023 - vol.44, - pp.34-38

14. Umiralieva L., Makeeva R., Amangeldyn M., Barmak S., Ibraikhan A. Study of microbiological, physical and chemical indicators of bovine colostrum // Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design. - 2023 - vol.44, - pp.116-119

Disciplines taught

Monitoring and evaluation of the quality of food products

General information necessary to the technologist for the rational use of raw materials, the introduction of waste-free and resource-saving technology for the preparation of high quality products. Teach to see the relationship between the technological properties of raw materials, its chemical composition and the formation of new properties of products in the process of cooking.

Technochemical control of food and agricultural products

The purpose of the discipline is to teach technochemical control of food and agricultural products. Study of methods for determining quality indicators (refractometry, chromatography, photocolorimeter, spectral analysis). Entrance, operational and acceptance control services. Determination of dry substances, humidity, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, alcohol, ash, mineral impurities and chlorides, acidity, volatile acids, alkalinity, vitamins. Determination of the correctness of the investment of raw materials, food control. Organization of the laboratory of technochemical control. As a result of the training, the student will be able to conduct an experimental analysis of products to determine the quality of finished products, conduct technochemical control of products, study the quality indicators of agricultural raw materials and finished food products.

Innovative technologies of processing industries

Methods for determining the density of raw materials, intermediates and food production in the technology of grain and bread, fermentation products, sugar and starch products, pasta and confectionery, fats and oils, fish products, canned fruits and vegetables and animal products.

Industrial Biotechnology

The discipline introduces students to a variety of biological objects used in biotechnology, a typical scheme of the biotechnological process, its individual stages and auxiliary operations.

Food safety in biotechnology production and risk management

The purpose of the discipline is the development by students of regulatory and legal documents in the field of food safety systems, familiarization with the hygienic characteristics, functional main components of food. As a result of the training, the student will be able to interpret the methodology of scientific research on the problems of theoretical and practical materials on standardization and certification of food products, apply it when writing scientific articles and dissertation work.

Food quality management in biotechnology production using the system of international standards

The discipline studies food quality management in biotechnological production using a system of international standards in the food industry.

Technology functional products

The subject studies the methodology of scientific research: technologies of functional pectin-containing food products, research of bakery and confectionery products for functional purposes, functional protein food products based on vegetable raw materials, phospholipid products for functional purposes, functional biologically active additives, obtaining functional food products enriched with minerals and vitamins by research.

Basics of scientific research, organization and optimization processes

General design principles of technological equipment. The choice of construction materials for the manufacture of food processing equipment. Fundamentals of production. Conveying equipment for production lines. Functioning and operation of production lines

Technical support of modern food production

New modern samples of technological equipment, classification of equipment for the production of food concentrates. Quality requirements for equipment.Repair, operation and basic safety requirements for the equipment.

Timetable of classes

Opening lessons