Main Teachers Utegalieva Fazila

Utegalieva Fazila

The Department of «Biochemical engineering»


Professional experience

A mathematics teacher with 55 years of experience

Kazakh Pedagogical Institute named after ABAI 1967-1972 Assistant of the Department of Higher Mathematics

1972-1975 -postgraduate student of this department

The research topic is incorrect problems of mathematical physics. Scientific supervisor Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR Kim E.I.

1975-1985 - Lecturer, Senior lecturer at the Department of Higher Mathematics of the Alma-Ata Institute of National Economy

1985-2004 - Senior lecturer at the Department of Higher Mathematics of the Dzhambul Institute of Technology, then transformed into TARSU

2004-2014 - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Computer Science and Higher Mathematics of Zhambyl University of Humanities and Technology

Since 2014 - Senior lecturer at the Department of Natural Sciences of the Kazakhstan Engineering and Technology University

Since 2022 -Lecturer at the Department of Biochemical Engineering of the International University of Engineering and Technology


1962 - 1967 . .

1972 - 1975 Kazakh Pedagogical Institute named after. Abaya. postgraduate course in specialization: equations of mathematical physics.

Scientific interests

The sphere of scientific interests is the didactics of higher education. At the beginning of teaching mathematics to future technological engineers, a set of tasks with elements of professional content will serve to activate their cognitive activity and show professional interest in higher mathematics. This, firstly, shows the universality of mathematical science, and secondly, lays the foundation for subsequent successful learning. When studying the discipline "Mathematics", practical tasks are included in each module, if possible.Students prepare scientific reports in this field.


textbook "Guide to solving problems in higher mathematics" in collaboration with Keltenova R.K. 1989 MEKTEP Publishing House

Textbook "Algebra and geometry" Targu, 2011
Syzyktyk regression tendeuin excel dің komegimen kuru" - "Priority directions for the development of the agro-industrial complex; global challenges and scientific and technical potential" atty Respublika gylymi-praktikalyk zhas galymdar men student conferences Astana - EXPO 2017 -khalykaralyk kormege arnalgan, Almaty, April 06, 2017, .175-178 b.Nazerke Akimzhanovamen birlesken avtolyk
Professional orientation of teaching students of technical universities as a factor in enhancing their cognitive activity



Bіlim masmunyn zhanartu ayasynda okushylardyn mate tikalyk sauattylygyn damytudyn adistemelik ulgileri .

Oh, it's a disembodied material. Almaty, 2017 in collaboration with Temirbekov N.M.
Ekonomikalykˌ - öndírístík zhaġdaylarda  matematikalykˌ modelderdíň kˌoldanyluy.Sbornik nauchnykh trudov po materialam      mezhdunarodnoy nauchno -prakticheskoy konferentsii «Problemy iperspektivy razvitiya agrarnoy nauki: Vzglyad molodykh» - Almaty, 06 aprelya 2018 g.,  S.132-134. v soavtorstve s Tleules Yeldana
Economics esepterde tuyndynyn koldanulary.International scientific and practical conference "Integration of education, science and production" in collaboration with AmirkhanovaA
Mathematics education as a factor of success in scientific research in technical industries. International scientific and practical conference "Integration of education, science and production" Almaty, 2021
Article "Sources of grain damage during harvesting" in the collection Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference: "New Kazakhstan - changing the paradigm of the country's development: high culture and education." - Almaty: KazITU, 2022. 265-272s in co-authorship with Tursbekova G.Zh., Tastemirova B.E.
Article "A new type of threshing accelerator" in the collection Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference: "New Kazakhstan - changing the paradigm of the country's development: high culture and education." - Almaty: KazITU, 2022. 288-295 pp. in co-authorship with Tursbekova G.Zh., Tastemirova B.E.

Article "Onimderdi muzdatkyshtyk saktau adisteri" in the collection Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference: "New Kazakhstan - changing the paradigm of the country's development: high culture and education." – Almaty: KazITU, 2022. 272-279 pp., in co-authorship with Tursbekova G.Zh., Tastemirova B.E.
The article "Mal soyu orndarynd esengiretu boxyn zharaktau" in the collection Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference: "New Kazakhstan - changing the paradigm of the country's development: high culture and education." – Almaty: KazITU, 2022. 283-288 p. Tursbekova G.Zh., Tastemirova B.E.

The article "Irі kara maldy soyu technologyson zhetildiru adisteri" in the collection Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference: "New Kazakhstan - changing the paradigm of the country's development: high culture and education." – Almaty: KazITU, 2022. 288-295 pp. in collaboration with Tursbekova G.Zh., Tastemirova B.E.
Textbook "Higher Mathematics. Series", published, Almaty, 2022.


Disciplines taught


Mathematics has spatial forms as its object and gives quantitative relations of the surrounding world. The mathematical apparatus makes it possible to study variables that are functionally dependent on each other. Mathematics in modern conditions is the theoretical basis of technical and natural sciences. Knowledge of the methods of mathematics, the ability to practically apply them in real life, are necessary for technical specialists. The general course of mathematics is the foundation of the mathematical education of a specialist and within the framework of this course, orientation is carried out on the application of mathematical methods in professional activity. The theoretical course of the discipline "Mathematics" is designed to study the basic concepts of higher mathematics and their applications within this discipline. The course is aimed at studying fundamental concepts, laws and theory of classical mathematics in technical universities. Promotes the development of mathematical intuition, the education of mathematical culture, the ability to use the studied techniques and methods to solve specific problems, and ultimately - the formation of a scientific worldview and logical thinking.

Mathematical analysis

The discipline "Mathematical Analysis" is the foundation for the entire cycle of mathematical disciplines studied by students of engineering and technical specialties and serves as a tool for building a logically coherent system of theoretical knowledge. The discipline "Mathematical Analysis" contains sections that are basic for the mathematical education of a future process engineer. These are: introduction to analysis; differential calculus of a function of one variable; integral calculus of a function of one variable, differential calculus of functions of many variables; integral calculus of a function of one variable, multiple integrals

Mathematics I

The purpose of the discipline is to form students' knowledge about the mathematical apparatus that helps to model, analyze and solve practical problems with applications. The discipline forms students' understanding of modern mathematics and the skills of applying the basic laws of mathematics. As a result of the training, the student will master the basics of mathematical logic, the ability to expand the scope of application of the laws of mathematical logic in the social general scientific sphere.

Mathematics II

The purpose of the discipline is to form the student's basic concepts of laws and theories of higher mathematics sections, as well as practical skills to use the studied techniques and methods to solve specific practical problems of real processes.

Mathematics in economics

The purpose of mastering the discipline by students is to form knowledge about modern mathematical methods of analysis, forecasting the behavior of economic objects and subjects. As a result of mastering the discipline, the student will master the theoretical foundations of mathematical economics; classification and basic decision-making methods; basic mathematical models of decision-making and areas of application of decision-making methods.

Discrete Math

Математиканың өзінде де, оны жүзеге асыруда да пайда болатын дискретті құрылымдардың қасиеттерін зерттейтін математика саласы. Бұл жағдайда дискретті құрылымдар қажетті сипаттамалары мәндердің шекті санын қабылдайтын объектілер деп аталады. Мұндай құрылымдарға, мысалы, ақырлы топтар, ақырлы графиктер, ақпаратты түрлендіргіштердің кейбір математикалық модельдері, ақырлы автоматтар, Тьюринг машиналары жатады.

Numerical methods

The purpose of the discipline is to study theoretical methods and master practical skills in the use of numerical methods in solving various applied problems, preparing students for the development of computer-oriented computational algorithms for solving problems that arise in the mathematical modeling of the real world. After completing the course, students will be able to develop programs that implement numerical methods and conduct computational experiments.

Timetable of classes

Понедельник Вторник Среда Четверг Пятница Суббота
Математика I, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №3, Малый актовый зал (С))
Математика I, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №3, Малый актовый зал (С))
Математика I, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 301 (Б))
Математика I, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №3, Малый актовый зал (С))
Математика I, Практики
(Учебный корпус №1, 21 (С))
Математика I, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №3, Малый актовый зал (С))
Математика I, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №3, Малый актовый зал (С))
Математика I, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 301 (Б))
Математика I, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №3, Малый актовый зал (С))
Математика I, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №1, 21 (С))
Математика I, Практики
(Учебный корпус №1, 54 (С))
Математика I, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №1, 21 (С))
Математика I, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №3, Малый актовый зал (С))
Математика I, Практики
(Учебный корпус №1, 64 (И))
Математика I, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №3, Малый актовый зал (С))
Математика I, Практики
(Учебный корпус №1, 62 (Э))
Математика I, Практики
(Учебный корпус №1, 21 (С))
Математика I, Практики
(Учебный корпус №1, 62 (Э))
Opening lessons