Главная Кафедры Technique and technology of food production Образовательные программы кафедры 8D07201 - Technologies and engineering of food production
8D07201 - Technologies and engineering of food production

The purpose of the educational program is to train highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel capable of innovative activities in the field of science, education and industry.


Objectives of the educational program:

  • to form competence in the choice and application of various methodological approaches in the study of the problem posed on the basis of modern research methods;
  • familiarity with a wide range of issues related to the production of a variety of food products prepared using biological agents;
  • to form the ability to introduce innovative technologies that are essential for the improvement and development of the food industry in the country;
  • training of specialists with a high level of professional culture, with an active citizenship, able to successfully carry out managerial and research activities in various research organizations and industries.


Key competencies of the graduate of the educational program:

  • acquisition of practical skills in creating technologies for obtaining new types of products, including products obtained using nanobiotechnologies; in the preparation of documents; the use of food and biologically active additives and substances in food production technology;
  • opportunity to form your own opinion, critically evaluate views on the application of the results of research activities on modern methods of separation and purification of target products;
  • be able to apply the literature in the field of creating technologies for obtaining new types of products, including products obtained using nanobiotechnology for teaching. Analyze, find problems, design the optimal sequence of actions to achieve the intended goal, plan scientific activities, evaluate and control them, independently make decisions in the field of managing the organization of scientific research;
  • ability to persuasively present one's point of view on food engineering issues.


Objects of professional activity of the graduate of the educational program:

  • creation of technologies for obtaining new types of products, including products obtained using nanobiotechnologies;
  • development of methods for handling industrial and household waste and secondary raw materials;
  • implementation of sustainable development and environmental quality management, including environmental management methods;
  • research activities in research institutes, research and production, medical, pharmaceutical, agricultural, environmental, design, expert, administrative institutions, food, processing, medical and microbiological industries, breeding and variety testing stations, plant protection and livestock stations farms;
  • teaching activities in institutions of higher and secondary vocational education;
  • A graduate of this educational program can carry out professional activities in educational institutions of higher education and scientific organizations, commercial and non-profit organizations of various organizational and legal forms.


The main results of the training:

  • еvaluate the results of scientific research and trends in the development of the food and processing industries within the framework of research activities;
  • apply theoretical and methodological provisions of scientific knowledge, psychology to improve the effectiveness of research and teaching activities;
  • аpply modern research methods and tools based on the integration of knowledge and original ideas into the research process in the field of food and processing industry;
  • to introduce modern methods of teaching core disciplines in the conditions of practical activity for the formation of a doctoral student's professional competence;
  • use modern information technologies in the educational process and demonstrate the skills of professional communication and intercultural communication, public speaking, correct and logical design of their thoughts in oral and written form, necessary for everyday professional activities;
  • carry out research experiments and correctly analyze scientific results.



Regulations on the research work of a doctoral student

Program on the passage of pedagogical practice for doctoral students

Field of education
8D07 - Engineering, manufacturing and construction branches
Field of study
8D072 - Industrial and manufacturing branches
Group of educational programs
D111 - Food production
Educational program
8D07201 - Technologies and engineering of food production

Degree: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on on educational program «8D07201 Technologies and engineering of food production»

Educational program developers

Tattibaeva Damira Bakhtiyarovna

Department of «Technique and technology of food production»
Head of Department, PhD

Abuova Altynai Burkhatovna

Department of «Technique and technology of food production»
Professor, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences

Chomanov Urishbay Chomanovich

Department of «Technique and technology of food production»
Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences

Tokanova Zhuldyz Kanatovna

Department of «Technique and technology of food production»
Lecturer, Master of Technical Sciences

Umiraliyeva Lyazzat Bekenovna

Deputy Chairman of the Board, LLP "Kazakh Research Institute of Food and Processing Industry"

Ibraikhan Akniyet Tolegenkyzy

Department of «Technique and technology of food production»
2nd year Doctoral Student

Modular educational program
2023-2024 - academic year
2024-2025 - academic year

Expert opinion, feedback from employers
Expert opinion
Feedback from employers

Practice bases
JSC IP "Efes Kazakhstan"
State Institution "Kazselezashchita" of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan
"Kazakhstan Association of Sugar, Food and Processing Industry"
Talgar Polytechnic College
LLP "Magnum Cash & Carry"

Catalogs of compulsory | university | elective disciplines
2023-2024 a
2024-2025 a