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21 april 2023                  1319
The international student Olympiad in accounting was held at a high level

On April 20, 2023, an International, interuniversity student Olympiad in Accounting was held on the basis of the International University of Engineering and Technology. Rector of MITU Sarsenbekova Gulnara Alibekovna made a welcoming speech.
This event allows you to expand the theoretical knowledge and skills acquired, promotes the development of professional competencies in the field of accounting and taxation, thereby increasing the competitiveness of graduates in the labor market. The tasks of the Olympiad allow us to develop not only the research activity of students, future economists, but also the creative thinking necessary in the future profession. 
The Olympiad was attended by 18 teams from 8 universities (54 students)


. The Olympiad was held in two stages:
Stage 1: passing the test on the subject "Accounting"
2. stage: defense of essays on topics on the subject of "Accounting"
According to the results of the Olympiad, the winning teams were determined by the decision of the jury and the results of the Olympiad were announced. Diplomas and certificates of participation in the international, interuniversity Olympiad were awarded to the winners by the chairman of the jury, Chief accountant of Consulting Service LLP Chalieva A.N., Doctor of Economics, Professor Toksanova A.N., Ph.D. Head of the Department Dildebayeva Zh.T., Ph.D. assoc. professor Gabdullin N.I. and awarded diplomas of the team the following universities:
The diploma of the I degree was awarded to the team of "Zhalyn" NAO "Atyrau University named after H.Dosmukhamedov (score-193.3)
   The II degree diploma was awarded to the "Fly" team of the International University of Engineering and Technology (score-192.5)
The II degree diploma was awarded to the "Balance.oshtu" team of the M.M.Adyshev Osh Technical University (Kyrgyzstan) (score-181.67)
The III degree diploma was awarded to the "Dayyn onim" team of the International University of Engineering and Technology (score-180.0)
The third degree diploma was awarded to the Tax Agents team of the International University of Engineering and Technology (score-179.5)
The diploma of the III degree was awarded to the team of "Kazyna" International University of Engineering and Technology (score-177.5)
Each student was awarded certificates of participation in the Olympiad.
For strengthening and developing cooperation between universities and preparing students for the Olympiad, scientific supervisors were awarded letters of thanks.