Advantages of the Department


Bachelor`s degree programs


The degree

of the teaching staff



of our graduates

Tolegenova Akmaral Alibekovna
Department head, PhD
About the Department

The Department of «Smart technologies in engineering» is one of the leading departments of the University of Engineering and Technology.

The teachers of the department consist of highly qualified specialists, including: doctors of sciences, professors, corresponding members and academicians.

The goals of the Department

The main goal of the Department of Smart technologies in engineering is to train highly qualified specialists that meet the requirements of consumers, based on the introduction of modern educational technologies and the continuous improvement of the teaching and methodological activities of the faculty of the department.

Objectives of the Department

• the organization of training in the disciplines assigned to the department and the passage of undergraduate students in accordance with the main educational programs;
• monitoring the quality of the content and teaching of disciplines and their educational and methodological support for all educational programs;
• study, generalization and dissemination of experience of the best teachers, helping young teachers to master pedagogical skills;
• advanced training of scientific and pedagogical staff of the department;
• organization and implementation of scientific research by the Department staff on an initiative basis, as well as in accordance with grant support, budget and extra-budgetary agreements;
• organization of research work of students, teachers, research on current problems of the economy and the introduction of new teaching technologies;
• implementation of educational work with students based on the educational potential of IETU.

Educational Programs of the Department

Bachelor's program

Траектория обучение:
  • Очное 4 года
  • Сокращенная образовательная программа 3 года
  • Сокращенная образовательная программа 2 года

Academic staff