Advantages of the Department


Bachelor`s degree programs


Master`s degree educational programs


Educational programs for PhD


The degree

of the teaching staff



of our graduates

Solodova Elena
Сandidate of Biology Sciences, Head of the Department
About the Department

Major «Biochemical engineering» is one of the leading departments of IETU.

The department conducts educational-methodological and scientific-research activities, extracurricular activities among students, the training of specialists.

The department brings together all the teaching staff providing instruction assigned to the Department of disciplines. The aim of the department is to meet the cultural and educational needs of the individual and society in the implementation of educational and professional programs of higher education.

The goals of the Department

  • high-quality training in demand in the labor market;
  • create a favorable and competitive image of the department and produced specialties;
  • to achieve public recognition in the preparation of highly professional, socially responsible expert in demand and competitive in the labor market;
  • create a sense of belonging, pride and esprit de corps staff and students of the department;
  • ensuring constant innovation in educational practice;
  • the use of traditional and non-traditional forms of organization of educational work;
  • development of measures to motivate and encourage students to actively participate in the research;
  • development of the scientific - research work.

Objectives of the Department

  • Формирование индивидуальной образовательной траектории студента;
  • совершенствование учебно-методической деятельности профессорско-преподавательского состава кафедры;
  • совершенствование технологий обучения с целью развития творческого потенциала студента;
  • ознакомление студентов с последними достижениями в теории и практике будущей профессии;
  • привитие студентам чувства патриотизма и ответственности за настоящее состояние и будущее страны;
  • воспитание у студентов высокой культуры поведения в обществе.

Scientific projects of the department

Educational Programs of the Department

Bachelor's program

Траектория обучение:
  • Очное 4 года
  • Сокращенная образовательная программа 3 года
  • Сокращенная образовательная программа 2 года

Master's program

Doctoral Studies